As soon as he entered the secret realm of Canglan, Lou Muyan asked Long Yao to investigate the aura of Ming Xiu.

They are a contract of life, so even if Long Yao is far away, he can find the location of Ming Xiu.

"Mistress, Ming Xiu is about two hours away from you in the south."

Long Yao's voice came from not far away, and Lou Muyan said to An Yuqian and the others, "Let's go to the south, and they will be there."

"it is good!"

People from the Mercenary Union and Danta all know about Lou Muyan's relationship with Ming Xiu. Although she is curious about her position, she feels it is right.

When the group was on their way, Mo Yan on Lou Muyan's shoulder exuded a kind of royal pressure that only monsters could feel, so they were not ambushed by monsters.

When they were about to approach the destination, everyone found that the fighting was fierce in front of them, so they quickened their pace.

In front of it is an open flat field, and more than 20 human sword masters form a circle to fight against the waves of beasts that are desperately rushing up.

The strength of each monster is not bad, the Dan Yuanjing and the Earth Yuanjing are the main ones, and there are several Tian Yuanjing demon cultivators who have transformed into humanoids not far away.

"How could they provoke such a big beast tide." One of Danta's disciples looked at the front with numbness in shock.

This wave of high-level monsters consists of about a thousand beasts, and there are more than 20 talents for the siege. Even if the cultivation base is strong, it is impossible to deal with so many monsters.

If such a situation cannot break through the encirclement, there will only be a dead end.

This is the same reason that ants kill elephants.

The most dazzling among the more than 20 people was the man in red, who was handsome and unparalleled in temperament.

However, due to the fact that other people's combat power could not be compared with him, and the monsters appeared to be inexhaustible, the more than 20 people fighting with the exception of the cultivators became more and more difficult.

If Ming Xiu wanted to escape, it would be very easy, but he couldn't do it. His handsome face still had a kind of arrogant arrogance, calmly and calmly beheading the endless stream of monsters.

Lou Muyan frowned as he watched the surging tide of monsters, and when his mind moved, a ring of spirit beasts flew into the air.


Suddenly, groups of fog tides of different colors drilled out of the space ring and flew towards the group of monsters.

After careful observation, you can find that this is actually a swarm of red bees with different attributes.

Hundreds of thousands of red wasps the size of a bucket spewed out of the space ring with their sharp fangs, heading straight for the sky and covering the ground.

"What is that?" The more than 20 people who were struggling to resist the monster tide were all stunned except for Ming Xiu.

"My God! It's a swarm of red bees."

"How come there is a swarm of red bees here?"

"It's done, we're done."

"Are you going to die here?"

Those more than 20 people didn't know that the red bees were released by Lou Muyan, they thought it was a new wave of beasts, and they all felt desperate.

Ming Xiu saw the red bees appear, and his lips curled into an arc, and when he looked across the red bees, he saw the woman he loved.

The speed of the red bee swarm was very fast, and it was all around in an instant. When the monster beasts were eaten to the extent that only bones were left, the people present and the monster cultivators were shocked.

"What's going on? The red bees are not besieging us?" one person exclaimed.

"Could this be a swarm of red bees with owners?"

Soon everyone saw a stunning woman in red walking over, followed by more than a dozen people.

The few demon cultivators standing not far away shrank their eyes. They obviously didn't expect a red bee queen from the Tianyuan realm to appear here.

"Retreat." The few demon cultivators turned around without hesitation and wanted to flee into the distance.

However, after only a few steps out, he was surrounded by a few spirit pets of Long Yao and Lou Muyan.

Now, under the intensive training of medicinal pills, spirit stones and Mo Yan provided by Lou Muyan, several spiritual pets have successively reached the Tianyuan Realm before entering the Canglan Secret Realm.

"You, as demon cultivators, were actually subdued by human swordsmen, it's really a shame for the demon cultivators." A big man who was intercepted snorted coldly.

"It doesn't matter whether we lose face or not." Long Yaojun said coldly, "but I know you are about to die."


Soon the spirit pets and the demon cultivator who launched the beast swarm battled together.

The beast horde that besieged Ming Xiu and the others turned into food under the rapid assault of the red wasps, and many red bees also underwent changes in their bodies.

"Yan'er, you're here." Ming Xiu's eyes were dyed with warm colors, and his voice was clear and magnetic.

Lou Muyan smiled like a flower, walked up to Ming Xiu and put her lips close to his ear and said, "You are hiding your clumsiness."

Ming Xiu laughed softly, grabbed Lou Muyan's waist and whispered in her ear, "Because I knew you would come to save my husband."

His voice was sexy and restrained, magnetic and pleasant, and his breath fell gently on Lou Muyan's ear, passing round and round, like a feather tickling her heart.


Several fist-sized red bees flew to Lou Muyan's side and rubbed against her, and the other people watching couldn't help but twitched their mouths wildly.

Is this still the ferocious and murderous red wasp just now? Why does it look as obedient as a little bee.

Lou Muyan stretched out his finger and poked the foreheads of a few red bees who came over, with a gentle expression.

After that, many red bees also wanted to rub over to get close to Lou Muyan, and they were crowding around one by one.

Everyone saw this scene.

The handsome and incomparable man in red hugged the stunning red-clothed woman with tenderness and tenderness, and then the two were surrounded by many red bees with sharp fangs rubbing against the woman attentively and intimately. This style of painting is too strange. .

"The level of red bees cultivated by the Red Emperor is getting higher and higher." Ming Xiu smiled as he looked around at the dense circle of red bees.

"Well, now the Red Emperor has cultivated red bees from the Dan Yuan and Earth Origin levels. Recently, there have been mutations that have spawned many leaders of the Heaven Origin level. Even the powerhouses of the fusion level are enough to drink a pot. ." Lou Muyan replied with a smile.

Listening to the conversation between the two, and looking at the head of the Heavenly Origin Realm red bees rubbing against Lou Muyan, the people present only had a feeling of numbness in their scalps.

Soon, the demon pets also turned the arrogant demon cultivators of the Tianyuan realm into bloody food.

Lou Muyan easily killed a high-level small beast horde without taking action. This kind of record made many people jealous.

If they meet Lou Muyan, they won't be eaten to the bone? horrible.

Ming Xiu had dealt with the beast tide very easily before, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that he didn't do his best at all. When these two people got together, it was really what they wanted, and whoever encountered it would be unlucky.

"How did you encounter this kind of beast tide?" Lou Muyan felt a little strange. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to encounter such a high-level beast tide outside the secret realm.

The bottom of Ming Xiu's eyes turned cold, "Someone should have deliberately attracted it."

When they came here by accident, they met people from two other families, and then they were surrounded by beasts together inexplicably. He felt that there could be such a coincidence.

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