Lou Muyan was thoughtful when she heard Ming Xiu's words, and she also had a vague hunch that she might encounter a lot of things when she came to the Canglan Secret Realm this time.

She looked sideways at the two family members who were besieged with the Nether Palace royal family, and quickly withdrew her eyes.

The twelve people were startled when they saw her gaze suddenly shifted to them, but this group of monsters really had nothing to do with them, and they were also victims.

"Ninth brother, a few of us want to go to a place to find something, so we won't be with you for the time being." The second prince thought about it for a while and walked to Ming Xiu with a smile that looked like a good brother.

He hadn't thought of removing Ming Xiu in the Canglan Secret Realm. Although they were brothers, although the conflict of interests was relatively large, they had not yet reached the point where he wanted to kill them.

But after seeing the strength that Lou Muyan showed just now, he wanted to leave with his team, otherwise, with the strength of the two, they would not be able to share much when they encountered good things.

"Okay, second brother take care." Ming Xiu replied with a nonchalant smile.

The Imperial Family of the Underworld took a total of two tokens this time. They were led by the Second Prince and Ming Xiu. Each team was close to each other.

The second prince came to the Canglan Secret Realm to have his own secrets, and Ming Xiu was not interested in knowing it at all.

The other two families were not familiar with Ming Xiu or the second prince, so they politely left after saying goodbye.

In the end, Ming Xiu and five teammates were left. Lou Muyan knew three people, the seventh prince whom he met in the private room, the fifth prince who had been silent, the eighth princess who looked gentle and graceful, and two others. never seen it.

"Ninth younger brother and sister, I haven't seen you for more than a year and you are beautiful again." The seventh prince walked up to Lou Muyan and said with a proud smile.

Ming Xiu knew that his seventh brother had beaten Lou Muyan before, so he hugged Lou Muyan even tighter and threw a cold knife at him.

"The seventh prince is very polite." Lou Muyan replied calmly, her man was really jealous.

The Seventh Prince couldn't stand the cold knife that Ming Xiu lost, and took two steps back with a shy smile, and asked, "What should we do now?"

Ming Xiu looked down at Lou Muyan, "What does Yan'er think?"

"We have all taken over the task of the union, and now we need to go to several locations, and it is relatively dangerous." Lou Muyan said truthfully.

"Together." Ming Xiu said decisively without any hesitation: "We also have a mission."

Others know the relationship between the two, and know Ming Xiu's strength and determination. The important task of the five of them entering the Canglan Secret Realm this time is to assist Ming Xiu to obtain a spiritual item ordered by the royal family, so it doesn't matter how they plan.

Seeing that Ming Xiu's teammates had no objection, Lou Muyan nodded: "Okay!"

Immediately, she turned her head to look at An Yuqian and asked, "Yuqian, should we summarize our respective tasks, the union does not require us to complete them individually, as long as we obtain the task items."

"it is good!"

So the mercenary union, Danta's disciples, and Ming Xiu got together and put together the tasks to discuss the next route.

When they were summarizing their tasks, there was a hidden cave in the bottom of a clear lake in Guanglingjie.

At this time, there are many strong people who have integrated the realm of heaven and man.

They are watching the situation in Canglan Secret Realm through a water curtain projection in the cave.

They watched Lou Muyan and Lan Yanhuan join hands to break the ban, and watched Lou Muyan release the red bee colony and a group of spiritual pets to easily kill the high-level beast tide, and many people showed interest in their eyes.

"Lao Feng, is this Lou Muyan the daughter of your Feng family Feng Yuexin?" An old man sitting beside the Feng family ancestor asked with a smile.

The ancestor of the Feng family smiled and stroked his beard, "Haha, Xiao Muyan is the treasure of our Feng family."

The ancestor of the Ming family next to Emperor Ming smiled and said: "She is now a member of the Feng family, and she will enter the Ming family's door in the future."

Old Ancestor Feng glared at Old Ancestor Ming Family, "The eight characters haven't been written yet, don't even think of your Ming Palace Royal Family to snatch the Yan girl from our Feng Family."

"The little girl hugged and hugged our ninth prince in public and didn't say a word, Lao Feng, you are too modest." Old Ancestor Ming said with a cheerful smile.

He is very satisfied with Lou Muyan now, and only such a woman is worthy of his great-grandson.

There was also a smile on Emperor Ming's lips, "My old ninth daughter-in-law is always pleasantly surprised."

"..." Old Ancestor Feng gained a new understanding of the thick skin of the Ming family.

People from other families all looked thoughtful when they heard the words of several people.

"You don't have to fight anymore. The little girl is a good seed of our mercenary union. Even if you get married in the future, you will still belong to our union." The ancestor of the mercenary union said shyly.

"..." Old Ancestor Feng and Old Ancestor Ming were speechless.

Emperor Ming raised his eyebrows: "Anyway, the little girl is my ninth daughter."

"..." The other powerhouses present couldn't help twitching the corners of their mouths.

This is how they are observing the potential genius, how it has become a robbing conference.

"Okay, Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu are both very talented. If they can get one of the treasures in the Canglan Secret Realm, they can be added to the list of candidates." Only a handsome man in Tsing Yi in his twenties spoke lightly.

His face is young, but his whole person exudes a daunting and fierce temperament. The powerhouses who have integrated the realm of heaven and man, including the Underworld Emperor, have a faint sense of awe towards him.

He is the No. 1 powerhouse in the Human Domain, and has been famous for thousands of years. The exercises he has cultivated have the effect of keeping his face. Therefore, he has maintained his appearance in his twenties for thousands of years, but few people dare to provoke him.


Hearing the words of the man in Tsing Yi, the ancestors of the Feng family, Emperor Ming, and ancestor Ming all had smiles in their eyes.

If they can join the candidate list, it is not difficult to break through to the upper realm of fusion with the talents of Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan.

In the secret realm of Canglan, Lou Muyan and others researched their respective tasks comprehensively and found that a route could be formed, so they rushed towards the first task point.

And the news that Lou Muyan had a huge high-level red bee colony in her hands quickly spread in the secret realm of Canglan, and many people were very afraid of her.

There are not only high-level monsters living in the Canglan Secret Realm, but also a kind of aboriginal creature, half-human and half-demon.

Some of them are very strong, and some are proficient in various spells, such as fireball, which will become very powerful in their hands.

The king's coercion released by Mo Yan can suppress the monsters and not attack, but it is useless to this half-human half-demon creature.

Lou Muyan and others encountered this kind of half-human half-demon when they got the first quest item for a disciple of Danta, and it took a lot of effort to kill them successfully.

Three days later, when they arrived at a big river, they saw that most of the family disciples who entered the Canglan Secret Realm were trapped on this side of the river, including the Lan family and the other three major forces.

Looking around, the opposite side of the river is full of creatures holding all kinds of simple and simple magic tools and human demon tails.

The most important thing is that some of them can use the elemental law of water to set up a field like a ban, and all the swordsmen who cross the river without authorization are killed by it.

There were many corpses of human swordsmen floating on the river, and the blood dyed a large area of ​​the clear river water red.

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