Giant beasts constantly floated up on the river, with scarlet faces in their eyes, and the aura they exuded was icy and ferocious, which made many human swordsmen startled.

"What, what kind of monster is this?"

"These monsters are too bloody and hostile, and I don't know how they grow?"

"Have you noticed that these monsters don't seem to have much wisdom?"

"I found out that they should be raised by the indigenous people with special methods, and they cannot become demon cultivators without their own consciousness."

"..." The crowd looked nervously at the monster floating on the river.

Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan looked at each other and saw the strong fighting intent and interest in each other's eyes. Both of them are belligerents and like to be stimulated. Such Tianyuan realm monsters are most suitable for attacking and training their fighting ability. Exercise helps.

"How about we compare?" Lou Muyan looked at Ming Xiu with a smile.

Ming Xiu raised his eyebrows and smiled: "How to compare?"

"Let's see who kills the most monsters, how about that?" Lou Muyan is gearing up.

Ming Xiu laughed a few times, leaned into Lou Muyan's ear and said, "If I win, is there any reward?"

"If you win, I'll let you kiss enough." Lou Muyan blinked her eyes and said with a sly smile.

Ming Xiu's eyes were as deep as ink, and a smile spread across his brows, "Okay!"

"What if you lose?" Lou Muyan asked back.

"Whatever you do." Ming Xiu whispered ambiguous: "You can eat me."

"..." Lou Muyan rolled her eyes at Ming Xiu, why didn't she know that this fellow would have such shameless face, and the tip of her ear couldn't help but turn pink.

"By the way, I want to bring help." Lou Muyan said proudly.

"Okay, Long Yao will give it to you." Ming Xiu said indifferently.

Lou Muyan shook his head and jokingly said, "Long Yao will give it to you, in case you lose too much."

"Yan'er is really considerate to her husband." Ming Xiu couldn't help but grabbed the back of Lou Muyan's hand and kissed it.

"..." The people behind twitched the corners of their mouths fiercely. Is it really okay for these two to be flirting here at this time?

Although they couldn't hear what the two of them said, they were so ambiguous and reminiscent of them when they looked at them, and they properly ignored them and showed their affection.

Several people in the mercenary union have always thought that Lou Muyan is calm and wise, and they have never seen her showing such a cute and coquettish look. It turns out that a strong woman can be in front of a beloved man. Soft as water!

"Mu Yan and the Ninth Prince are a perfect match in terms of temperament, ability and tacit understanding!" Lu Li said with a somewhat envious smile in his eyes.

Xia Xuanye smiled bitterly: "Yes! The ninth prince is indeed worthy of Mu Yan."

After he learned about the relationship between Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan, he also suppressed his thoughts of breaking up with Lou Muyan, but as he got along more and more, he felt that he actually fell in love with her, even more and more. I can't help myself, but I just haven't shown it.

But this is just a love that never ends, he won't let it develop, just be friends.

The disciples of the royal family in the Nether Palace looked unbelievable. The ninth younger brother, who had a strange temperament and was uncertain, actually had such sweet words.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu didn't pay attention to the eyes of others behind them, they looked at each other and flew towards the river.

"What are they two going to do?"

"Don't they want to kill these monsters with the power of two people?"

"How is that possible? The lowest realm of these monsters is the peak of the Earth Origin Realm. There are still many auras lurking under the river that only give me a feeling of being at the peak of the Heaven Origin Realm. Even if they are against the top two, they can deal with them."

In exchange for them, they have to do their best to kill one, and they may not even be able to kill.

"Yeah! The scales of these monster beasts are extremely sharp with a icy cold light, and their bodies must be very strong, and they unnaturally exude a sinister murderous aura. Just under the shroud of that range, it is difficult to move an inch. feeling."

"But what are they going to do when they rush over here not to kill monsters?"

"have a look."

Immediately, everyone saw Lou Muyan throwing out a ring of spirit beasts, and a dense swarm of red bees with different color and elemental energy attributes drilled out of it. A few spirit pets, except Mo Yan, also turned into their bodies and flew out.

Long Yao returned to Mingxiu to fight side by side with him, and soon the two and the pets were thrown into the battle and fought heartily.

"..." Seeing that the two sides quickly got to grips with each other, the people from the five major forces and the Nether Palace royal family were not able to stand still, and they all stepped forward to prepare to help the two of them.

Who knows, but was blocked by a cold purple-clothed man, he said coldly, "My host and the hostess are in a competition for who has the most kills, so don't join in the fun."

"..." Everyone felt dumbfounded when they heard his words.

Come on, they are very nervous here, but if it was replaced by Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan, it would become a game like a game.

The disciples of the five major forces and the people of the Imperial Family of the Underworld could only stop silently and look at the two people who were having fun.

If something happens to the two of them, they can't bear it, they can only stare closely, and if something goes wrong, they should take action immediately, although their strength may not matter.

But apparently their nervousness was superfluous.

I saw the two red images in the middle of the river were like harvesters. Wherever they passed, a ferocious monster with belly was dragged into the water by the golden vines to digest.

The rest of the swarms of red bees were bloody skeletons, and the other monsters were also very powerful. Although they were not as good as the other in terms of cultivation level, it was effortless to challenge them.

There are five types of long swords around Mingxiu, which are divided into thousands of sword formations, which are constantly slaughtered. As long as the body of the besieged vicious beast hits the key point in an instant, it will die immediately.

In front of Lou Muyan, there are also long swords with four attributes. into the water.

Not only did she use the long sword to kill the monsters, but she also used her fists to fight back against the besieging monsters, sending one flying away with two or three punches.

As for the extremely fierce and sneak attacking monsters, she directly beat her to death with her fists after turning around.

"..." Watching Lou Muyan's action of killing the monster, many of the men present couldn't help swallowing.

"This woman is too strong." Someone sighed.

"It was the first time I saw such a violent woman, it was an eye-opener."

"Only His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince can afford such a beauty."

"It would be very interesting to conquer a wild and violent beauty, but unfortunately we don't have the ability to control it."

"The Ninth Prince is a real man!"


In the hearts of many people, they think that a beautiful woman like Lou Muyan must fight with swords, and her moves are beautiful and varied, which is pleasing to the eye.

But no one thought that she actually likes hand-to-hand combat, and the bigger the smile on her face, the more beautiful it is. Although the violent look is also pleasing to the eye, it still makes the heart hurt and the scalp numb.

Many people thought in their hearts that Lou Muyan's strength is higher than that of many men here. If she gets married and offends her, will she be beaten to death?

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