In the middle of the river, I saw two red-clothed killing gods constantly harvesting ferocious and brutal monsters, and the river was dyed red with the blood of monsters.

At this time, both the sword masters on the human side and the half-human half-demon creatures on the other side of the river were stunned.

This is the first time I have seen such a scene in my life. The most important thing is that these two people are not usually so violent and fierce.

Lou Muyan killed the last monster. Seeing the corpses of countless monsters that had been drained of blood and blood on the river, she moved into the space ring.

The worst of these monsters are the peaks of the Earth Origin Realm. They only know how to kill with low value and intelligence. They cannot cultivate and transform into human forms. Therefore, those indigenous people are trained towards the hardness of their bodies. They are excellent refining tools and talisman materials. .

The indigenous people saw that all the monsters that the king had cultivated were killed, and under the organization of the leader, they quickly escaped and disappeared on the other side of the river.

"We made another big profit this time," she said, looking at Mo Yan with sparkling eyes, "Who won, Ming Xiu and I?"

Mo Yan's eyes overflowed with a smile, "You killed six more than him."

Lou Muyan's eyes showed a slight look of surprise. She thought that there would be at least one or twenty more cultivators, but she did not expect that there would be six more.

You must know that the reason why her killing speed is fast is not only the combination of the long sword and the witch god art, but also the credit of the red bee colony and a group of monsters, and there is only one spirit, Long Yao, beside Mingxiu. pet.

Moreover, he knew that Ming Xiu had already refined the natal magic weapon with eight attributes, and the sword array that had only stimulated the five attributes just now was clumsy.

Although she didn't do her best, she was still far behind Ming Xiu in terms of strength. He really deserved to be the first among the younger generation in Zhongzhou, very strong.

"Yan'er, you won." Ming Xiu's body was clean and fresh, not only did he not have a drop of blood, there was not even a trace of wrinkles on his clothes.

There was a thin layer of sweat on Lou Muyan's head, which was the energy she had consumed after her hand-to-hand combat.

"Then you owe me something." Lou Muyan frowned and smiled.

Ming Xiu put his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear, "I'm waiting for you to eat me."

Lou Muyan's heart was itching, and ripples burst forth.

She grabbed Ming Xiu's waist with her hand and said viciously, "Then just wait."

"Haha... I'm looking forward to that day." Ming Xiu's happy voice poured out from his thin sexy lips, and his smile was like a snow plum that suddenly bloomed in winter.

The standing human sword masters had not recovered from their shock, and they were stunned when they heard the pleasant and pleasant voice of Ming Xiu's clear magnetic force.

Especially the members of the royal family of the Underworld Palace felt that their eyes were going to be blinded. It was the first time they had seen Ming Xiu smiling so happily.

His smile used to be arrogant, but always carried a kind of alienation and arrogance, but now it can be seen that he is happy from the heart.

"The ninth brother's eyes are really vicious, and he can find a woman like Lou Muyan." The seventh prince saw Lou Muyan's violent and powerful attitude just now, and he couldn't help but regret in his heart that he was missed.

Lou Muyan couldn't do that kind of shyness of a gentle woman. She likes to be clear and public, but not obsessed and annoying. This kind of temperament is very special.

"Actually, Miss Lou is not lucky. It's not easy to find a man like Ninth Brother who doesn't care. It's rare to find a man who is tempted and dedicated." The eighth princess smiled enviously.

She still has a good impression of Lou Muyan, but thinks that she is more fortunate, but she doesn't have much jealousy.

The faces of the Lan family were very complicated. On the one hand, they hoped that Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan could solve the realm in the river and the slaughtered monsters, but on the other hand, they did not want to see the strength of the two.

Lan Yanhuan still wore an elegant smile, but his heart was filled with a haze.

Seeing that his old rival could be so lucky to find such a special woman to accompany him for the rest of his life, for the first time in his heart, he was a little more jealous of Ming Xiu in addition to being competitive.

Although there are many powerful women in the world where strength is the most important, most of them are still vassal men. Finding a powerful man with a strong background to marry is the goal of many women.

But the more powerful, tough, and emotionally indifferent most men are, the more they want to find a woman who can stand by their side. After all, the higher the cultivation base, the longer the lifespan, and it is also a pleasure to have someone to accompany you to climb to a high place to watch the scenery.

"Are you willing to let him be robbed?" Lan Yanhuan's slightly sarcastic voice sounded in Lan Ruoshui's mind.

Lan Ruoshui's face was indifferent as she had never changed. She replied lightly, "Why not? No one can control Ming Xiu."

"Don't forget our agreement." Lan Yanhuan squinted his eyes and continued to transmit.

Lan Ruoshui sneered: "You guys played tricks on Ming Xiu's clone and used my position in the Underworld Alliance Chamber of Commerce to control the Mingmeng Chamber of Commerce, do you think he doesn't know?"

"So what if you know?" Lan Yanhuan said indifferently, "The Underworld Alliance Chamber of Commerce was established by my aunt, and the Lan family's credit is indispensable. Why can't I participate?"

"You can do what you like. He must have known that our previous cooperative relationship is very protective of me now." Lan Ruoshui replied.

She just thought it was funny. The Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce was established by Auntie and Underworld Emperor back then, and it had nothing to do with the Lan family.

Those immortals always exaggerate the thought that the Lan family should get a share of the efforts among the disciples that the family focuses on training, which is too shameless.

"You want to break the contract?" Lan Yanhuan threatened.

Lan Ruoshui's eyes were cold, and her voice was sarcastic: "Do you still want to threaten my brother? Whatever you do, I won't cooperate with you again."

She really hated the Lan family. Lan Yanhuan, Tianjiao, who had been sent to various small secret realms for many years, had been brainwashed by the hypocritical ancestors of the Lan family. She was powerless to change his thoughts, but she would no longer suffer They threaten.

Ming Xiu had already promised to help her protect her younger brother. Naturally, she would no longer have to worry about it. She would definitely destroy the Lan family.

Fortunately, she was threatened to cooperate and did not leak the top-secret information of the Mingmeng Chamber of Commerce, otherwise she would be really ashamed of her aunt's protection and love for her.

Her so-called love for Ming Xiu was also an illusion created by the Lan family. His good father and stepmother always wanted to use her as a concubine to consolidate their status in the Lan family, which was ridiculous and sad.

In the past, she had to use this cover to do some things so she didn't refute, but now seeing Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan in love with each other intimately, she couldn't feel any sadness or sourness in her heart.

"Lan Ruoshui, don't regret it." Lan Yanhuan said lightly.

He still admires this cousin, but she is so ignorant, when the ancestors blame him, he will not be able to intercede.

Anyone born in the Lan family has difficulties that cannot be explained, so why not he?

But so what?

"I never regret anything I do." Lan Ruoshui replied.

Lan Yan sighed with joy, "I hope you don't follow aunt's old ways."

Hearing Lan Yanhuan's words, Lan Ruoshui's body froze, her hands in her sleeves were tightly clasped together, and she stopped talking. She wanted to destroy the Lan family even more.

But she still needs to work hard. Her strength alone is really too small. The Lan family is not as simple as it appears from the outside.

She cast her eyes on Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan, and fell into deep thought.

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