After breaking the water domain, Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu joined hands to kill the high-level monsters that appeared in the river, and the natives on the other side were successfully scared away.

"Their speed is so fast." Lou Muyan frowned as he looked at the native who disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

Ming Xiu squinted his phoenix eyes and said, "What acceleration techniques should they use, plus they are familiar with the terrain here, it is not easy for us to intercept and kill them."

"Then let them go back and report the letter." Lou Muyan hooked her lips: "I believe we will meet again soon."

These indigenous people are very strong in comprehending the laws of Yuanli attributes, but judging from the weapons they hold, they are inferior, which proves that their civilization is not developed, but their strength is very strong. There should be some hidden reasons for this.

Especially the monsters in the Heavenly Origin Realm with very low intelligence that they killed in the river just now, she felt that there were some secrets hidden in the Canglan Secret Realm.

This may be another test question for them by the powerhouses of the Human Domain Continent.

"Well, we were attacked by the beast tide before, and it should have come from the indigenous hands of these half-human half-beasts." Ming Xiu nodded: "There should be messengers behind them."

"I guessed like this too." Lou Muyan said.

The two solved everyone's problems. Although many people were very interested in the materials on the corpses of the monsters that Lou Muyan had put away, no one dared to ask for it.

They really can't afford to provoke these two killing gods, so they can only hide, otherwise no one will come forward when they are beaten to death.

"Ninth Prince, Miss Lou, thank you for your help this time, we still have one step ahead." The leader of a big family hugged his hands and said to the two with gratitude, "Let's take my leave."

"Yeah." Ming Xiu replied lightly.

After that, the people here came one after another to say goodbye to the two, including the Lan family and the second prince.

When they were almost gone, the disciples of the five major forces stayed behind.

"Mu Yan, we discussed it just now, and it seems that doing the task together is too much time-consuming, so the disciples of the five major forces should be separated temporarily, and wait until the depths of Canglan Secret Realm to be together." An Yuqian came over and smiled and looked at Lou Mu Yan said.

Lou Muyan nodded, there were too many people and the goal was too big, and it was not conducive to finding the baby to do the task, "Well, good!"

So the disciples of the other four major forces said goodbye to them one after another. In the end, the royal family of the Underworld Palace brought by Ming Xiu and Lou Muyan and the team of the mercenary union went across the river to the next mission point.

In Tandi Cave Mansion, the top powerhouses in the Human Domain sat together to watch the movements in the Canglan Secret Realm.

"The strength of the stinky boy and the little girl is actually so strong." The ancestor of the Ming family couldn't help but marvel.

The ancestor of the Feng family looked relieved, "Yeah! They can set up the prototype of the realm in the realm of heaven and man, and there is a 90% hope of advancing to the fusion realm in the future."

The other powerhouses were slightly surprised when they saw the strength displayed by the two. After all, the two of them were too young to develop with such a powerful and abnormal talent, and it is possible to overdo them in the future.

"They did a good job." The expressionless young man sitting on the head said lightly.

His words made the people present startled, and if he could praise him well, he must have performed very well.

"Domain Lord, the natives of the Canglan Secret Realm seem to be restless." The ancestor of the Mercenary Union thought for a while and said.

The young man glanced at the water curtain indifferently and said, "It should be their king who broke through. They want to take this opportunity to eradicate the human swordsman, or they want to make some trouble and escape from the Canglan secret realm."

The natives in the Canglan Mystery Realm can grow to such a degree that there are also the indulgences of the powerhouses in the human realm.

First, they can train the disciples of the genius generation in the human realm. Second, they can train these natives to advanced levels and study them to see why they have such an incomprehensible comprehension.

"Aren't the disciples who entered the Canglan Secret Realm dangerous?" One of the strong men frowned unconsciously.

Most of their family's elite disciples were sent to the Canglan Secret Realm this time, and they would suffer heavy losses if there was an accident.

"Yeah! In the past, it was difficult to deal with the water domain and the group of high-level and low-intelligence monsters. The deeper you go, the more dangerous it is. Where is the territory of the indigenous people." Another said.

"Those natives secretly cultivated such high-level and low-intelligence monsters behind their backs. We need to pay attention to this." Some people are more interested in the origin of those monsters.

"..." A group of powerhouses were talking at length, all of which wanted to express one thing, it was too unsafe in the Canglan Secret Realm.

The young man in the first seat is also the strongest swordsman in the human domain, and he is called the domain master.

"If you can't deal with this danger, there is only one way to go to the battlefield outside the domain." The domain owner has lived for so many years and has already seen through life and death. "This time there is a crisis, but it is also an opportunity."

"Domain Lord, please make it clear?" Old Ancestor Ming couldn't help asking because it involved the disciples of the Imperial Family of the Underworld.

"If those indigenous people have any conspiracy to attack in a series, they will naturally attract the attention of those little guys. Maybe any little guy can discover the secrets of the indigenous people in the Canglan Secret Realm."

The domain owner said indifferently: "Those natives have slowly appeared since the birth of the Canglan Secret Realm. It has been tens of thousands of years so far. If any little guy can find their nest, there must be countless treasures."

"..." The other powerhouses present couldn't help but twitched the corners of their mouths. When they found their old nest, they went to die, right? And the natives' lair is not so easy to find.

But the domain owner is not a person who likes to joke, and he must have his reasons for saying such things.

Is there really a little guy who is going to explode his luck this time?

The powerhouses of the Canglan Secret Realm Fusion Realm cannot enter, so they can only suppress the natives of the Canglan Secret Realm and cannot come out, but they cannot completely control their counterattack.

"That kid and girl might be able to seize this opportunity." After a while, the domain master spoke.

Old Ancestor Ming and Old Ancestor Feng were not so objective. How could the secrets of the natives be so easy to discover. It would be too arrogant to go to other people's nests to find treasures.

"Although the stinky boy and the little girl have some talents, they still have many shortcomings. The domain master praised them." Emperor Ming turned his mind and said with a light smile.

"I'm more optimistic about them." The domain owner looked up at Hades and said, "How about adding a mission to the two of them?"

"Benefits." The color in Emperor Ming's eyes gradually deepened, and he said bluntly.

Although the domain lord is the number one powerhouse in the human domain, his hidden deity cultivation base can also confront the opponent head-on, so he respects the domain lord but will not deliberately cater to it.

Of course, only the Emperor Hades here would dare to bargain with the Domain Master so recklessly and arrogantly.

"If they complete the task, I will accept the two of them as direct disciples." The domain master said after hesitating.

Hearing his words, everyone present showed a shocked look.

This person has never been a direct disciple for tens of thousands of years. It seems that Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu really caught his eye this time, otherwise they would not want to make an exception.

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