Everyone in the mercenary union had different tasks. Lou Muyan’s task was located in the depths of the Li Canglan Secret Realm, and it was the most difficult one.

I searched for the mission location of several people along the way, and encountered a lot of high-level spirit grass and spirit objects, and everyone shared a share.

There were shadows of indigenous people at the mission location. Among them, they also encountered two groups of monsters with high-level and low-intelligence similar to those that appeared in the middle of the river, but they soon died in the hands of Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu.

A month later, they completed a mission in the swamp, leaving only Lou Muyan and An Yuqian unfinished.

"Why do I feel that the further we go deeper into the secret realm, the fewer monsters or natives will attack us. Now that we are doing a mission, there are basically no natives except to protect the monsters." Xia Yexuan said suspiciously.

An Yuqian chuckled lightly: "Those natives are not fools, every time they send a trained Tianyuan realm monster to appear, not only will they not be able to hurt us at all, but they will all be killed, so the idea of ​​hitting us should also fade away because of this. ."

Others also agreed with An Yuqian's words. If they had to face the two killing gods, Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu, they would also choose to retreat.

"I always think this is the tranquility before the storm." Lou Muyan shrugged, but her eyes were a little complicated.

Her sixth sense is very strong, they can't be so smooth in the Canglan Secret Realm this time, there must be a bigger storm waiting for them.

"No matter what, we should be careful." Ming Xiu said to the two teams.


The group rested for a while and continued on their way, during which two secret communication talismans fell into the hands of Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu.

The two looked at each other in astonishment, and after checking that there was nothing wrong, they opened it and looked at it again.

After the two read it, the communication talisman was automatically turned into ashes.

"Yan'er, did you also receive a mission from the headquarters of the Human Domain Alliance?" Ming Xiu sent a voice transmission to Lou Muyan after reading the communication.

Lou Muyan asked suspiciously, "Well, I got it. What kind of organization will the Human Domain Alliance be?"

"The Human Territory Alliance is an organization established by the powerhouses who integrate the human domain and the human realm. It belongs to the highest decision-making organization of the human race. As long as any major events related to the Human Territory occur, the Alliance will arrange it uniformly."

"They seldom issue orders or tasks to the outside world. Generally, such a situation is a major event." Ming Xiu added.

Lou Muyan frowned slightly, "Then why did you give us a mission?"

"This task is difficult to complete. Maybe the powerhouses of the Human Domain Alliance think that the two of us have a better chance of accomplishing it." Ming Xiu said helplessly: "The powerhouses in the fusion realm cannot enter the secret realm of Canglan."

"Is your mission also to find the nests of the natives of the Canglan Secret Realm, and to investigate their comprehension and the secrets of cultivating high-level and low-intelligence monsters?" Lou Muyan's tone was relatively certain.

"Yes, we both have the same mission."

Meditation thought for a while and said: "The task is attached, only two people know to assist in completing this task in the human domain, and they cannot be disclosed to others. They must be watching the movements in the secret realm of Canglan, and they will announce it when they know that we are together. such a task.”

"They really see us." Lou Muyan smiled.

She didn't reject this task much, but she also felt that it was difficult to complete, but the greater the difficulty, the higher the challenge, and she liked to challenge extreme abilities.

"I don't know what they said in the end that there will be a big surprise reward for completing the task. What kind of thing." Lou Muyan was still more interested in the task reward.

The two said it through sound transmission, and if they had a direct conversation with the senior leaders of the Domain Alliance, they would definitely die of laughter.

In Lou Muyan's eyes, since their noble and powerful domain master has become a thing, it is conceivable that domain chief will definitely turn black when he hears it.

"The Human Domain Alliance will be composed of the most powerful people in the Human Domain. Their big surprise reward will definitely not be bad." Ming Xiu smiled and shook Lou Muyan's hand.

The look of her little money fan can always sway his heart. If it weren't for the wrong occasion, he would want to hold her in his arms and kiss her fiercely.

"Then if we break through to the fusion of Heaven and Human, will we join the Human Domain Alliance?" Lou Muyan asked.

Ming Xiu nodded: "This is natural, as long as the strong people who reach the fusion of heaven and human are required to join the Human Domain Alliance, even if it is just a name, if they encounter matters related to the life and death of the human race, they must lead by example. Bow down."

Lou Muyan was still deeply touched when she heard Ming Xiu's words. Perhaps it was because of the alliance of such top powerhouses that Human Domain would be so stable for so many years.

"Do the other three domains have similar organizations?" Lou Muyan asked after thinking for a while.

If the demon domain also has such an organization, then it would be a bit troublesome for her and Mo Yan to take revenge, and the same is true for the demon domain.

"No, the human realm is the most united of the four realms. The demon realm is governed by the nine demon kings; the sea area is governed by the four sea kings; the demon realm is ruled by the devil temple, and the five devil kings are in charge. The unity and cohesion are not as strong as the human race." Repair explanation.

Lou Muyan put a smile on his lips, "That's good."

"Does Yan'er want to avenge Mo Yan and regain his position as the Demon King?" Ming Xiu asked with a heartbeat.

"Well, after taking revenge for Mo Yan, go to Moyu to help Jun Luochen regain the position of Demon Lord." Lou Muyan's eyes turned cold, "to save those saints and saints from staring at me all the time."

Since she came to the Guangling Realm, she has been assassinated by more than ten waves, all of which are masterpieces of the Demon Race.

She is a person who will be punished, and she will not forget about those assassinations.

"I'll accompany you when the time comes." Ming Xiu held Lou Muyan's hand and said slightly wronged, "Don't let me go."

Lou Muyan looked at Ming Xiu, who sounded like a resentful woman, and teased, "Don't worry, you are a must-have choice for home travel."

Ming Xiu chuckled softly, reached out and pinched Lou Muyan's nose, "Good!"

The people from the Nether Palace Royal Family and the Mercenary Union were walking behind the two of them, and they felt like they wanted to poke their own eyes. Do they want to show their affection anytime and anywhere, and specifically abuse them as lonely people?

In particular, the seventh prince had itchy teeth. He thought that he was also loved by everyone outside, and there were beauties to accompany him wherever he went.

Now that his ninth younger brother has no interest in him, he has returned to the big beauty. Why does he have to accompany a group of men on constant missions to fight? It's really boring.

There are many people who enter the secret realm, but there are no people as relaxed as Lou Muyan's group.

They don't have endless talismans and formation balls, let alone stealth talismans. Every time they go to a mission point, they will be besieged by the natives and monsters of the Canglan Secret Realm, and many geniuses will perish.

On this day, as soon as several people arrived at An Yuqian's mission site, they found that there was a fierce fighting atmosphere in front of them.

Lou Muyan looked into the distance, her expression suddenly condensed, and she said to Ming Xiu, "There is a brother's aura there, let's go and see."

She said the whole person disappeared in place.

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