After a night of rest in the cave, Lou Muyan and the others set off for the depths of the secret realm early the next morning.

"Senior brother, what is your last secret realm mission?" Lou Muyan asked Su Jin, looking sideways.

Su Jin trusted Lou Muyan, "There is a kind of spiritual spring water that can brew a ninth-grade spirit wine in the indigenous tribe of Canglan Secret Realm. My task is to take a pot back."

"Spiritual spring water lead? Just take a pot to produce more spiritual spring water?" Lou Muyan asked, blinking her eyes, with a bit of interest on her face.

"Well, I heard that the kind of spiritual spring water is very precious. As long as you get a pot, it will continuously produce spiritual spring water that can brew nine-grade spirit wine, and it can last for a hundred years."

Su Jin added cautiously: "However, this kind of spiritual spring water is also a precious thing for the indigenous people, and it is difficult to obtain."

Lou Muyan lowered her eyes coldly, "The Su family actually asks you to do such a dangerous task of lurking into the native tribe's lair to get spiritual spring water, it's too much."

If it wasn't for the blood spell that was cast when the Su family was born on her brother, she would have wanted to directly overturn the Su family.

"Hey! They didn't ask me to get it at all costs. Just let me do my best. If the mission fails, I can take other missions." Su Jin sighed.

He wasn't partial to the Su family, but he just didn't want Lou Muyan to worry too much about him. He knew that the responsibilities and burdens on her were not light.

"Does that Su Chen have a mission?" Lou Muyan asked.

Su Jin shook his head: "I'm not too sure, there should be. He is the young master established by the Su family, and he won't come to the secret realm for nothing."

"Is he still plotting against you now?" Lou Muyan's eyes revealed undisguised killing intent.

Su Jin's indifferent eyes gradually turned cold, "Since I returned to Su's house, he has been attracting his direct disciples to reject me, but he did it very secretly and created a situation where he seemed to be embarrassed because of my presence. "

"He may be afraid that I will grab his position, so there are indeed endless means to target me secretly."

Seeing the murderous intent and distress in Lou Muyan's eyes, he smiled and patted her head, "When I was not six years old, he secretly made me a cripple and I basically repaid it."

Lou Muyan hooked her lips and smiled: "There is no need to keep such a scourge. If it happens, let him go back and forth."

His senior brother's temperament is relatively indifferent, but he is not a soft-hearted person. It is definitely a scourge to keep someone like Su Chen. If he kills him, he will kill him. After going out, she is not afraid of the Su family's revenge.

"Okay!" Su Jin nodded.

Su Chen secretly made the cramps light, and this time he secretly planned to keep him from going back in the secret realm, so why didn't he repay the other party one or two.

As for how the couple will get angry at that time, it has nothing to do with him, he doesn't care.

"Let's sneak into the natives' lair and act alone." Lou Muyan whispered to Ming Xiu, "If they follow along, it will be difficult for them to complete the task."

There are too many people and the target is too large, and it is easy to reveal even if you use an invisibility charm, and the tasks of her and Mingxiu cannot be revealed.

"Well, I think so too." Ming Xiu nodded: "Let's finish your mission in the mercenary union first, and escort them safely to the depths of the secret realm to find an opportunity before leaving."

"it is good!"

Lou Muyan's mission in the mercenary union was to find a rare heaven-level spirit and go back, and the map had been handed over to her along with the mission.

"Mu Yan, you are about to arrive at your mission, let's be careful." An Yuqian stepped forward and reminded.

"Well, I found that there is a very strong aura ahead." Lou Muyan's eyes showed an enthusiastic fighting intent.

Seeing this, An Yuqian and others knew what she was thinking, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth. Women like Lou Muyan are really rare.

When the group arrived at the mission location, there was a Flood Dragon hovering at the peak of the Tianyuan Realm, and the breath exuding from the whole body was very strong, which was comparable to a powerhouse who stepped into the initial fusion realm with half a foot.

"The trespasser is dead." Before waiting for the group to make any move, the golden-yellow Jiaolong stared at the crowd with icy cold eyes.

Lou Muyan geared up and said to the others, "It's given to me."

"Okay!" Everyone nodded helplessly.

Several people in the mercenary union were still a little worried about whether Lou Muyan could deal with this Jiaolong. After all, the cultivation level of this monster has surpassed the Tianyuan realm.

Before Lou Muyan started, Jin Jiaolong took the lead to attack, and the prototype of the metallic domain enveloped the group.

She raised her eyebrows, her mind moved, and the prototype of a fire-attribute domain was instantly formed, suppressing the opponent's metallic domain.

The five elements are inseparable from change, and fire can overcome gold.

She flew up and quickly fought with Jin Jiaolong.

Jin Jiaolong didn't expect to meet a human monk woman with such a strong body. After a while, he began to be at a disadvantage, so he gave up melee combat and turned into a humanoid, and began to use spell attacks.

She is also very good at attacking Lou Muyan, especially after she has practiced several secret skills, she is looking for someone to practice her hands.

Therefore, Jin Jiaolong's end was very miserable. No matter what attack method he used, he was restrained by Lou Muyan. In the end, the blood essence was donated to the blood, and the demon pill and crystal nucleus were contributed to Miaomiao.

The group was shocked when they saw Lou Muyan quickly defeating the monster who had stepped into the fusion realm. No wonder she was trained by the top management of the mercenary union. It turned out that she was so strong.

After successfully obtaining the spirit item that the mercenary trade union was looking for, Lou Muyan heard Mo Yan's voice transmission when he was about to leave with everyone.

"I found a large spiritual mineral vein." Mo Yan's dull eyes overflowed with a smile.

As expected, Lou Muyan's star-like eyes instantly lit up.

"Mo Yan, you are really kind." Lou Muyan asked through voice transmission, "In which direction, let's go now."

The spiritual ore veins in the Guangling World are monopolized by major forces, and it is difficult to find unowned ore veins. For her, who is very short of spiritual stones, Mo Yan's discovery is good news.

In this way, she can cultivate a larger swarm of red bees, and she can better protect others when she goes to the battlefield outside the territory.

"It's about an hour's journey to the east." Mo Yan replied.

Since he touched the threshold of the fusion realm, his sense of smell and sensing ability have also improved a lot, and this distance is better within the coverage of his demon consciousness.

"Let's head east." Lou Muyan said to the crowd.

Others have long been vaguely focusing on her and Ming Xiu, and naturally they will not oppose her words. This is a world where strength is respected.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu's strength and combat power were shocking, so they won everyone's respect and conviction.

An hour later, Lou Muyan and the others arrived at a mountain that looked relatively desolate.

"What is this place?" An Yuqian looked forward in surprise.

Although this is a seemingly desolate mountain range, after getting closer, you will find that there are strong spiritual power fluctuations coming from the soles of your feet.

"There is a mineral vein below." Lou Muyan didn't hide it, she was not going to swallow this vein.

"What?" the others exclaimed.

When several people were talking, more than a dozen people came to this location, including the five members of the Su family who had separated from Su Jin not long ago.

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