Everyone was stunned when they heard Lou Muyan's words. They had never imagined that there was actually a vein of spiritual ore underneath.

"Mu Yan, here is the spiritual ore vein, how do you dig it?" An Yuqian hesitated and asked.

He is a disciple from a first-class family, and the family also controls several ore veins. To mine spiritual ore veins, it generally requires a large number of miners to work for hundreds of years to complete.

The question asked by An Yuqian is also what Lou Muyan is considering.

"I think about it." She rubbed her chin and thought.

"Mo Yan, do you have a way to mine this spiritual ore vein?" Lou Muyan knew that since Mo Yan asked her to come over, there should be some way to do it.

There was a little smile in Mo Yan's eyes, "Of course there is a way."

Lou Muyan's eyes lit up, and he reached out and poked his furry ears, "You are really my lucky star."

Mo Yan's body froze, and his dark eyes were full of helplessness, "You are a money fan."

"What's wrong with Cai Fan, I can't say against my heart that I don't like Lingshi." Lou Muyan pouted.

Mo Yan let out a low laugh. Just as he was about to speak, his eyes suddenly turned to not far away, "Someone who is approaching here must have come for the spiritual ore vein."

Lou Muyan released his mental power and quickly discovered the whereabouts of the group, "There are eleven people in total, and the highest cultivation base is in the late Tianyuan realm. On the surface, it does not seem to be a concern."

"Give me a few space rings, and I'll collect the spiritual stones in the ore vein." Mo Yan paused and said, "In case something happens, I'll dig the ore vein now."

"You know how to dig a ore vein? How did you collect the spirit stone from such a large ore vein?" Lou Muyan asked curiously.

Mo Yan hooked his lips and said, "The mountain man has his own plan."

Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him amusingly, "You're still cheating."

"I'm going." Mo Yan smiled and jumped off Lou Muyan's shoulder, then transformed into hundreds of thousands of figures and all drilled into the mines at the foot of the mountain.

Lou Muyan was stunned for a moment when she saw Mo Yan's disappearing figure, "This fellow Mo Yan is actually hiding so deeply, his strength is really strong!"

She swept her mental power to the depths of the mineral vein, and saw hundreds of thousands of white little hands and four claws glowing with cold light constantly digging.

The blue-black stone was cut open by sharp claws, and spirit stones of different colors were separated from the stone one by one, and Mo Yan received it into the space ring in an instant.

Mo Yan didn't hide it when he did such a thing, and Ming Xiu and others also discovered it.

"Mo Yan will soon be able to step into the first realm of fusion." Ming Xiu found that Mo Yan's cultivation was improving too fast, even he couldn't compare it.

"Yeah! Everyone makes a fortune in silence, and Mo Yan breaks through every time in silence." Lou Muyan thought that every time Mo Yan came back after going out for a while, he broke through the promotion. She was speechless.

"His behavior is relatively low-key." The corners of Ming Xiu's lips twitched. With a contract beast like Mo Yan who guards his life, his family's Yan'er's safety is more guaranteed.

And for Mo Yan, he still appreciates the opponent's temperament and strength.

The other people were completely stunned. They never imagined that the pet-like little beast that was always lying lazily on Lou Muyan's shoulder would have such strength, too strong!

"Boss Mo is so mighty!" Miaomiao adored her face.

Xue Xue excitedly looked at the hundreds of thousands of figures flashing under the mountain range, "Boss Mo is worthy of being our boss, it's so cool!"

"Boss Mo's strength has thrown me a few streets again." Bing Ji pouted and wanted to cry.

He originally thought that the gap between him and Mo Yan had narrowed a lot after he reached the Tianyuan realm, but he didn't expect that he would not be able to see the strength of Boss Mo at all, and the gap was even bigger.

Long Yao's cold face was full of tangle, "Why does Mo Yan practice so fast!"

He had been thinking about the day when his cultivation base surpassed Mo Yan's strength, and he would hug him and touch him. Now it seems that this idea will not come true.

"It seems that we want to catch up with the former him, and we have to practice hard again." Lei Huang hugged his hands, and in his heart he always regarded Mo Yan as the target of chasing.

Bing Ji gave him a contemptuous look, "You won't even think about catching up with Boss Mo for the rest of your life."

"Hmph, at least I still have the goal of catching up with him. Who is such a fool like you who has no self-motivation." Lei Huang snorted coldly.

Bingji rolled up his sleeves, "Smelly Thunder Beast, do you want to fight again?"

"Come on! You want to be abused, I will accompany you." Lei Huang replied not to be outdone.

Long Yao blinked, and looked at Lou Muyan with a thief, what if he really wanted to fight?

Lou Muyan looked at the three spirit pets with a funny look and said angrily, "What are you fighting, if you have this skill, you might as well help Mo Yan to mine."

"For such a difficult job as mining, only Boss Mo can do it, and the small hands are too stupid to be a disservice." Bing Ji's small eyes turned and smiled contemptuously.

Lei Huang's face was arrogant, "Mining is not suitable for me."

Long Yao pursed his lips, "Help with mining without touching."

Lou Muyan glared at the three spirit pets, "Go and help, or else your daily medicine pills will stop in the future."

"What?" The three spirit pets said in unison, it's okay, that's their ration.

"Master, my claws are not as sharp as Boss Mo's." Bingji stretched out his hand and shook it pitifully in front of Lou Muyan.

Boss Mo is a spirit-devouring beast with four sharp claws. He is a bird. Although he is a divine beast, he is not out of the category of bird-shaped!

"It doesn't matter, pills with unsharp claws must be unsteady to grasp." Lou Muyan looked at him yinfully and smiled.

Bingji was clever, and immediately smiled flatteringly and said, "Although my claws are not sharp, I have a heart to fight for my master. For my master, I must dig more top-quality spirit stones."

Immediately it turned into a blue light and headed towards the depths of the mine, with tears in my heart, all to blame for that stinking thunder beast.

Seeing Bingji leave, Lou Muyan moved his eyes to Long Yao and Lei Huang with a smile that was not a smile, the meaning was obvious.

Lei Huang snorted and disappeared into a streak of blue light. After digging the mine, he must beat the stink bird.

Long Yao pouted and turned into a purple light and drilled into the depths of the ground.

"Go and help, too." Lou Muyan said to the other spirit pets after thinking for a while.

The bloody vines and the red bee colony controlled by the Red Emperor are good helpers for swarm digging, and Miaomiao's corrosion skills can also help.

"it is good."

Everyone sighed when they saw Lou Muyan's spiritual pets disappearing one by one. It was really enviable!

"Some people are coming here. I don't know if they are coming for the mine." Lou Muyan found that the speed of those people had sped up a lot.

Ming Xiu had discovered the pair of men and horses long ago, and said with a nonchalant smile: "It should be for the spiritual veins, let's do it first, if they want to forcibly share a piece of the pie after a step too late, they will come here. There's no answer."

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