Lou Muyan agreed with Ming Xiu's words. They would not deliberately kill people, nor would they like to kill people, but if the other party had to step on the bottom line, they would not be merciful.

"Let's hide for now and see what they're going to do." She thought about the proposal.

Nine times out of ten, those people also came for the mine, but as we all know, it takes a lot of people to dig a hundred years to complete the mine, unless Mo Yan has the ability to transform into hundreds of thousands of clones.

Therefore, Lou Muyan really wanted to see what kind of medicine they were selling in the gourd.

"Okay, then let's set up an invisible formation." Ming Xiu guessed what she was thinking as soon as he heard her words, this was a tacit understanding.

Lou Muyan had already told Ming Xiu the method of refining the invisibility talisman. Later, they also used this refining method to develop an eighth-grade advanced invisibility formation.

Lou Muyan nodded, the two of them tacitly took out the life formation plate and the formation equipment for the stealth formation and began to arrange them, and by the way, they also concealed Mo Yan and the others' movements under the mountain range.

Several people were sitting cross-legged in the formation near the mountains.

After half an hour, a group of people walked to this mountain range, and they did not notice anyone sitting cross-legged nearby.

"Young Master, according to the map given by the family, this is the location of the spiritual ore vein." A young man said with a map.

The man at the head was dressed in a blue brocade robe and a jade crown. He was handsome and personable.

But from Lou Muyan's point of view, this man is a smiling tiger, wearing a mask of a gentle smile.

"Looking at the terrain, it's here." He nodded with a faint smile.

"Our mission should be able to be completed before Su Jin, and I don't know if he has infiltrated the indigenous tribe now." Another ordinary-looking man said.

Their task difficulty is actually much easier than Su Jin.

Hearing Su Jin's name, the leading man had a strange light in his eyes, and he smiled lightly and said, "The eighth brother is so capable, maybe he has already obtained the spiritual spring water guide now."

He said this, but he didn't take it seriously. The task that Su Jin received from the disciples who entered the Canglan Secret Realm in the past dynasties has also been taken over, but none of them have completed it.

"Although Su Jin's strength is not bad, it is impossible to hide the indigenous tribe. Maybe he is dead now." Another young man muttered.

They have always been on good terms with Su Chen, and they have long recognized him as the next generation of the patriarch, but they did not expect that a biological son of the patriarch would emerge from the lower realm, which completely broke their plan.

The most important thing is that Su Jin not only has the strongest cultivation talent and bloodline among the younger generation of the Su family, but also has a very good talent for spirit wine. Now he is a seventh-grade spirit sommelier like Su Chen, and he is highly valued by the family. .

The owner and his wife have a very good attitude towards Su Jin, and even have a gesture of wanting to make up for it, which is very unfavorable to them.

But fortunately, Su Jin's own brain is twitching, and the strong background of the Su family is not needed.

But there are exceptions to everything, and they don't want any accidents, so Su Jin's death is the safest for them.

"Su Jin, who doesn't know what to do, will die if he dies." Another woman in yellow said indifferently: "Abandoned son who wants to leave the family is nothing to be regretted."

Back then, he was an abandoned son, but now with Su Chen, the young master who has long been decided, Su Jin can still only be an abandoned son. Even if he is sensible, he took the initiative to ask to leave the family.

She believed that even if Su Jin died, the family would only regret it.

The other three people in the team with Su Jin didn't have much reaction, and Su Jin's life and death had little impact on them.

And between Su Chen and Su Jin, they would choose the former in terms of closeness.

"That's what you can say?" The leading man with Su Jin's team frowned and scolded: "No matter what, Su Jin has the blood of the Su family, and is the son of the family master, he is the one you can do. Indiscriminately criticizing?"

He knew a little bit about the hidden feelings of the year, and had more sympathy for Su Jin, and Su Chen was kind and gentle on the face, but he knew that this person was impure and sinister, and he didn't like it very much.

He didn't want to get involved in the grievances between Su Chen and Su Jin, but as the eldest among the brothers and sisters, he naturally couldn't let them curse Su Jin in secret.

And judging from the recent attitude of the owner and his wife, it is obvious that they want to make up for Su Jin, who has been wronged for a long time. Not only because of Su Jin's excellent talent, but also because guilt has the upper hand. After all, Su Jin is their only biological blood vessels.

It's just that Su Jin no longer needs such compensation and love.

Several people were stunned when they heard his words. Although they didn't say much, they didn't take it seriously.

They all thought that the Patriarch valued Su Chen more, and since they were part of Su Chen's party, it was best for them that Su Jin died in the mission of Canglan Secret Realm.

"Brother said yes." Su Chen chuckled lightly, "They were just joking. I believe that the eighth brother will live well."

His smile was as gentle as a spring breeze, and many people didn't notice the wickedness that flashed in his eyes.

He was bullied and raised in the Li family since he was a child, and finally entered the Su family and was regarded as a son by the family owner and established as the young master. It is impossible for him to give up everything now.

His life experience was a knot in his heart. If Su Jin didn't show up, he could calmly be the young master of the Su family.

But the person who should have been born, sick and died in the lower realm has come back, and the pimple in his heart is even bigger.

Moreover, after he asked Su Jin to hear the conversation between the owner and his wife, the two of them were actually a little more wary of him. They didn't blame him on the face, but he knew they were blaming him in their hearts.

He has been coaxing the two of them over the years, but not for them to kick him away after recognizing their own son.

He had a vicious mind active in his heart, even if Su Jin wisely wanted to leave the family, he didn't want to let him go. As soon as he saw Su Jin, he would feel that his position as a young master seemed to be picked up.

Although the younger generation has been attracted by him over the years, if the head of the family changes his mind, it will be a lot more troublesome for him to succeed as the head of the family in the future.

As for the cousin who speaks for Su Jin, he will only clean up after he takes office in the future.

Besides, he hates to look at Su Jin's face that is always light and cloudless, and feels the elegant and noble temperament that naturally exudes without imitating it.

Only when Su Jin completely disappears from this world can he keep everything he has in the Su family, and he can feel at ease in his heart.

In the formation, Lou Muyan's eyes were full of cold killing intent. If it wasn't for the ultimate goal of the people in the Su family, she would have taken action long ago.

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