Among the eleven people in the Su family, only the one who was called eldest brother by Su Jin was forced to act helplessly.

Su Jin lightly jumped in front of Su Chen and looked at him lightly.

"Su Jin, if you change your mind and kill these people with us today, I can no longer hold you accountable for your betrayal of the Su family." Su Chen's tone was tolerant, as if he really cared about his younger brother. generally.

Su Jin smiled indifferently: "Young Master Su, I really can't bear your big hat covered."

On the surface, Su Chen was kind, but in reality, his words were extremely vicious. No matter how he chose, he would definitely offend one party, and he would not end well.

If he stood on the side of the Su family and dealt with Lou Muyan and the others, it would indirectly confirm that Su Chen had repeatedly emphasized that he had betrayed the Su family before, and that he would be made a fuss when he returned.

If he still chooses to stand on the opposite side of the Su family and join forces with Lou Muyan and others, Su Chen and others can use this as an excuse to make a fuss when they return to the Su family.

"Su Jin, if you're obsessed with it again, don't blame me for not thinking about brotherhood." Su Chen's face showed a look of sadness and regret.

"Young Master, what is this traitor talking about with him, it's the right way to kill the family directly." The woman in yellow looked at Su Chen's expression and felt extremely unhappy.

She has liked Su Chen for a long time. Whether it is his status or his strength, she is very satisfied, so she doesn't want Su Jin to be Su Chen's footstone. It would be best to kill him at this time.

"I always thought that the Su family was just indifferent. I didn't expect that the kung fu of falsely accusing people and being shameless was also first-rate."

Su Jin's indifferent eyes were replaced by a cold look, and continued: "I never disdain your rare background and position. Since you want to be so shameless, don't blame me for being rude."

He didn't want to kill the Su family, but these people were too compelling.

"Su Jin, do you have to be on their side?" Su Chen asked as if he was heartbroken.

"Of course I want to stand on the side of Junior Sister, she is my relative." Su Jin held a silver sword in his hand, and pointed at Su Chen with awe, "Don't be so pretentious, I look annoying. , let's fight."

"You forced me to." Su Chen didn't forget to say a high-sounding remark before the battle.

"Bah, this is the first time I have seen such a shameless little white face." Bingji kicked a disciple of the Su family, and looked at Su Chen with contempt, "Hypocritical and pretentious, even I can see you You want to use a knife to kill people, and you think everyone else is a fool?"

"What nonsense are you talking about." Su Chen's mind was broken by Bingji's words, but his expression instantly froze and immediately returned to normal. He then looked at Su Jin and said, "You put down the sword in your hand now, we are still brothers."

Lou Muyan and others couldn't help but twitched the corners of their mouths when they heard his words. I've never seen such a shameless person before. Acting seems to have become a part of this person's life.

Su Jin obviously couldn't stand Su Chen's disgusting appearance with a hypocritical mask. He didn't say a word, poured his ice energy into the long sword and swung it down at Su Chen.

Su Chen had been waiting for his sword for a long time. With this, he would be able to explain to the master even after he went back. Anyway, it was Su Jin who made the first move. Method.

He has always pursued impeccable work, even if he wanted to kill Su Jin immediately, but he must do his best on the surface, at least not let anyone catch him.

However, Su Chen's scruples didn't matter to Su Jin. He had no feelings for the Su family, and he left after completing the task.

Su Jin's ice sword fell, and Su Chen also had an extra long sword in his hand to meet him.

Lou Muyan didn't step forward to help, she knew that her senior brother wanted to solve Su Chen by herself.

The people on both sides quickly fought together, Lou Muyan did not release the red bee colony, and their side suppressed each other in a one-sided manner.

Everyone in the Su family, including Su Chen, was at a disadvantage, and there was even a faint feeling that they could be solved at any time.

"Young Master, use that thing." The hot-tempered man was severely injured by Ming Xiu, and he could not help shouting hurriedly when he saw that he was about to be beheaded by the opponent.

Su Chen didn't immediately use the power of the mysterious old man in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, so he was always pressed and beaten by Su Jin.

In his eyes, he was extremely sullen, and he never imagined that a bumpkin who had soared back from the lower realm would be so strong.

"Young Master, we can't hold it any longer." Another man shouted immediately after An Yuqian's sword pierced his breastplate.

Seeing that everyone else was injured and achieved the effect he wanted, Su Chen's heart moved, and two dark purple beads suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Lou Muyan sensed a danger from the beads, and she immediately threw out several defensive eight-rank array magic balls to cover all the people on her side.

"Su Jin, die." Su Chen had a lot of scars all over his body and the embarrassment of being cornered by Su Jin. For the first time, he spoke his heart out in a vicious tone in a voice that only two people could hear.

Then he crushed the two dark purple balls with a special method and smashed them towards Lou Muyan and others.

"Fast back." He flew backwards far away with a single stride, transmitting voice to others at the same time.

Seeing this, Ming Xiu squinted his eyes, and immediately took out the life formation plate and blessed Lou Muyan's eighth-rank formation.

"Boom!!" Suddenly there were a few loud noises, and the dark purple beads exploded immediately, with an energy that seemed to destroy the sky and the earth.

"Pfft!!" Although the people of the Su family flew backwards and fled under Su Chen's prompt, they were still seriously injured by the power brought by the purple beads because they were one step behind.

Su Chen left the battle circle for the first time, so he only suffered some minor injuries.

After the power gradually dissipated, Su Chen's eyes widened, revealing a look of disbelief.

I saw Lou Muyan and the others were shrouded in seven layers of light circles of different colors, and the light circles collapsed layer by layer under the explosion of the annihilation ball.

However, it stopped when the last layer was left, and it was obvious that the annihilation ball was blocked by the formation method.

At this time, he had the urge to vomit blood.

The reason why he shouted slowly was to hurt the rest of the Su family. At that time, he also pretended to be injured. After killing Su Jin, he would not be blamed when he returned to the Su family, but could arouse sympathy.

But he never expected that the other party would be able to set up a formation to resist the deterrent ball that the ancestors specially gave them life-saving and deterrent.

Su Jin's eyes showed a rare killing coldness. If it wasn't for Ming Xiu's blessing of a ninth-grade defensive formation on the formation ball thrown by Lou Muyan, they would have been seriously injured if they didn't die. .

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