Su Jin has suffered from illness since childhood, listened to a lot of gossip, and has a mature mind, and can see through Su Chen's purpose at a glance.

"For the position of the young master, you are really uncompromising." Su Jin said lightly sarcastically: "But you made them all seriously injured, and now you only have a dead end."

People like Su Chen are too selfish, and they would do things that deliberately cause their companions to be seriously injured for their own benefit, which is extremely shameless.

Hearing Su Jin's words, the eyes of everyone in the Su family showed indignation.

They are not fools. When Su Chen released the Destroyer Ball, he didn't have the right time to call them. It seems that he did it on purpose.

"Su Jin, do you think you can provoke our relationship with just a few words?" Su Chen pretended to cover his chest and coughed a few times, as if he was seriously injured.

In the sea of ​​​​knowledge, he urgently called the mysterious old man, "Senior, senior, what should we do?"

"Of course he ran away." The old voice sounded faintly, as if he didn't take it to heart.

"It all depends on the seniors." Su Chen felt relieved.

"You will release the initiative of your body for a while, and I will control your body to escape from here." The mysterious old man said.

Su Chen thought for a while and asked, "Senior, can you kill them all?"

"The man in red among them is very strong, and with his combination of formations, I can't kill him with the strength that I can exert in my current state of soul." The mysterious old man said calmly: "I can only guarantee you escape."

"Okay, then it's troublesome for the seniors." Su Chen said respectfully with a slight disappointment.

Now everyone in the Su family has been seriously injured, and the people on Su Jin's side are not only powerful but also very strong.

Su Jin was too lazy to argue with people like Su Chen. He waved his silver long sword and unleashed a killing sword skill, and the surroundings seemed to be frozen.

Layers of frost fell, and everyone in the Su family was shrouded in a layer of silver cold air, unable to move.

"The field of ice." Su Chen said with wide eyes in disbelief, "Su Jin, you actually realized the field of ice."

Su Jin's eyes were light and did not reply, his mind moved, and the elements of ice quickly gathered. In his field, he was the leader of everything.

The people of the Su family who were shrouded in the domain, except the eldest brother, were quickly frozen into ice sculptures, and their expressions were all shocked or stunned.

Su Chen was also frozen into an ice sculpture, his body could not move, and he felt that the meridians and blood were gradually frozen.

"Senior, senior help!"

The mysterious old man in the sea of ​​his knowledge snorted coldly, "Let go of the initiative, and I will control the body."

"Yes." Su Chen gritted his teeth and shrank his soul into a ball into the sea of ​​consciousness space.

The mysterious old man immediately controlled Su Chen's body, a black Yuan force drilled out from his fingertips, and the frozen body gradually melted away.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu looked at each other and immediately discovered the clue. The two of them shot together, trying to trap Su Chen.

The mysterious old man immediately hit a few magic tricks, and Su Chen's body immediately turned into countless black mists and flew in all directions.

After Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu shot, they only killed a few afterimages, and the black mist quickly disappeared in Su Jin's field of ice.

Lou Muyan sighed: "I didn't expect him to run away."

"There is a strong soul in his body controlling him." The look in Ming Xiu's eyes was uncertain.

"No wonder he was so fearless before." Lou Muyan sneered: "It doesn't matter, just run away."

"Mu Yan, this is not your style." Xia Yexuan asked curiously.

He has been with Lou Muyan for so long, and he knows her temperament. She doesn't seem like a person who will suffer from future troubles. She likes to cut grass and roots.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Then what style do I have?"

"You can't easily let Su Chen go with your temper." Xia Yexuan squeezed his eyes and asked, "Tell me, what kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd?"

Others also turned their attention to Lou Muyan curiously, and they were also puzzled. According to Lou Muyan's temperament, it was impossible to let it go so easily.

Lou Muyan gave them an angry look, "There is a powerful mysterious soul hidden in his body, what can I do with him?"

"Come on, you are really afraid of that mysterious soul." Xia Xuanye didn't believe it.

Ming Xiu hooked his lips and said, "Yan'er wants the Su family to suffer the consequences."

"You still know me." Lou Muyan gave Ming Xiu a tacit look.

There is a mysterious soul in Su Chen's body, coupled with his treacherous and sinister nature, and ambitious, he will suffer if they don't clean up the Su family.

She wanted to see how the Su family ended in the end.

At that time, her senior brother can also be promoted to the eighth-grade spirit wine master, and watching the liveliness of the Su family is the best way to give them a blow.

"With Su Chen's temperament, he may indeed want to seize the position of the head of the family and dominate the power of the Su family." Su Jin smiled lightly: "Being attacked by the young master who has been focusing on training, the senior management of the Su family will definitely be angry. vomiting blood."

His shallow eyes overflowed with a smile of anticipation, but Yan'er was still thoughtful.

"Yes, we beat him seriously today. After returning to the Su family, he will definitely hate his senior brother for speeding up his seizure of power. We must go to see a good show at that time."

Lou Muyan added sarcastically: "The mysterious soul in his body is not a good thing, he can kill himself by himself."

"But what if that mysterious soul has been really helping him?" Xia Xuanye asked.

Lou Muyan hooked her lips and said, "Then I have a way to make his life worse than death."

"What can I do?" Xia Xuanye was tickled by her, and he knew that she must have left behind.

Lou Muyan looked puzzled when she saw the group, and said, "When my brother released the ice field just now, I added some ingredients to the ice fog. As long as I want, I can kill him at any time."

"Are you poisoned?" Xia Xuanye's handsome face showed surprise, "You are really quick."

He said how could this woman let Su Chen leave so unhurriedly, feelings are waiting here.

"I always like to take precautions against the future." Lou Muyan smiled arrogantly.

At this time, everyone was thinking that they must not provoke women in the future, especially Lou Muyan, who looked harmless, but was actually violent and black.

Then she turned to Su Jin and asked, "Brother, what about these people?"

She found that although Su Jin froze these people, she did not kill them.

"I'll unlock the realm and let them leave." Su Jin is not a murderer, and he and these people have not yet reached a life-and-death feud.

"Well, it's not bad to let them go back." Lou Muyan nodded.

Putting these people back would definitely add to Su Chen's blockage. It was impossible for these people to be seriously injured. They buried this pit for him.

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