Lou Muyan's eyes were a bit calculated and cunning, but he didn't hide it, and everyone else saw it.

"I can't help but feel sympathy for Su Chen now." Xia Xuanye said with a smile.

Su Chen was unlucky enough to offend Lou Muyan, a woman.

"I'm looking forward to the expression on his face when he gets the title of the Su family's patriarch in the future, but is finally smashed into the dust." The seventh prince raised his eyebrows and smiled.

He really looked down on a sinister and shameless person like Su Chen, and he didn't know if the old people in the Su family were all blind.

The last time he went to Xizhaolou to ask a seven-grade spirit sommelier to brew a kind of spirit wine, those people were dragged like something, and he was so angry that he left.

Such a family is too sharp, and many people are waiting to get down.

However, the wicked have their own grind, and if the Su family had declined because of Su Chen, it would have deserved it.

"Let's rest for a while, and we'll leave when Mo Yan and the others have dug out the mines." Lou Muyan said, staring at the ground not far away.

"it is good!"

Su Jin removed the field of ice, the ice on those people gradually melted, and people regained their ability to move.

Although they were frozen before, Su Jin did not want to kill. They were just unconscious, but they could see that Su Chen finally turned into countless black mists and escaped.

"Let's go." Su Jin looked at a few people indifferently and said.

Several people's faces showed complicated expressions, and they never thought that Su Jin would let them go like this.

"Eighth brother, thank you very much!" Boss Su, who was not frozen before but was only bound by the domain, said with clasped fists.

Su Jin nodded casually, turned around and sat down beside Lou Muyan and the others.

The people of the Su family took out the medicinal pills to heal the wounds, and left here as soon as the injuries were under control.

They must find a safe and quiet place to recuperate, otherwise they will be completely useless in the future.

The two annihilation balls that Su Chen sacrificed were given by the ancestors of the Su family to deal with powerful enemies. After they were affected, their hearts and roots were damaged, and it would take at least a year to fully recover.

He also completely hated Su Chen in his heart.

After the people from the Su family left, Lou Muyan sent a voice transmission to Jun Luochen, who was cultivating in the pendant, "The mysterious soul in Su Chen's body just now was a demon?"

"Well, I feel that his soul power is relatively weak, but his strength is not weak. When his physical body is still there, he should be a cultivation base that integrates with the upper realm." Jun Luochen replied.

"Is he going to seize Su Chen?" Lou Muyan thought for a while and continued to ask.

Jun Luochen said: "The demons have a lot of physical disadvantages when they take over the human cultivator. The most important thing is that the inability to demonize will hinder the breakthrough of strength. He should use Su Chen to restore his soul power."

"En." Lou Muyan whispered softly.

It would be best if the demons didn't take Su Chen, and she still had to watch him fight with Su's nest.

Half a day later, Mo Yan and a few pets drilled out of the underground mine.

"Is it all dug?" Lou Muyan blinked and asked when she saw that there was no dust on Mo Yan's snow-white fluff.

Mo Yan lazily jumped onto her shoulders, "Naturally."

Lou Muyan reached out and rubbed Mo Yan's furry ears and praised, "You are really amazing."

Mo Yan raised his eyelids lazily and glanced at her, "Who made you so obsessed with money?"

If it wasn't for Lou Muyan's need for spirit stones, he wouldn't be too lazy to do this kind of work.

If the other demon cultivators in the demon realm knew that he had been reduced to working as a miner, they would not know how they would die of laughter.

"With the spirit stone, I can get more spirit grass to refine high-grade medicinal pills. You contribute first and then enjoy it. This is a double benefit." Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him.

"Master, master, my claws are worn out." Bingji stretched out both hands and looked at Lou Muyan pitifully asking for credit.

Lou Muyan looked down at Bingji's white hands and twitched the corners of her mouth, "Your claws are really fragile."

"It's worth it no matter how hard or tired it is for the master." Bing Ji's eyes were full of adoring stars.


"The flatterer is really invincible." Lei Huang pouted in disdain, this stinky bird is too shameless.

Long Yao did not taunt the ice halberd, but walked up to Lou Muyan's cold and handsome face, showing grievance, and stretched out a pair of hands that were all gray: "Mistress, the dragon claws I dug have been damaged a lot, yes There's no reward!"

Immediately, thief peeked at Mo Yan on Lou Muyan's shoulder. His heart was itching just now when he saw the hostess rubbing Mo Yan's fluffy ears, could he give him a reward?

Mo Yan couldn't ignore Long Yao's thief's bright eyes, he raised his eyes slightly, and his tone was threatening, "Stupid dragon, where are your thief's eyes looking?"

In this world, he can only tolerate Lou Muyan rubbing his ears and head, unless other people or demon cultivators are tired of living.

Long Yao immediately retracted his gaze and looked at Lou Muyan pitifully.

Mingxiu couldn't help caressing his forehead when he looked at his stupid appearance. Can he say that this stupid dragon is not his spiritual pet?

Lou Muyan burst out laughing, took out a few bottles of medicinal pills and gave a bottle to a spiritual pet, "I know you've worked hard, this is a reward."

So the pets cheered and each took a bottle. Impatient people like Bingji and Long Yao were naturally impossible to wait. After opening the porcelain bottle, they poured out one pill and took it.

"Mistress, you've made a new pill again!" Long Yao licked his lips and said with a face full of aftertaste: "This time the taste is better than last time."

The other people couldn't help but twitched the corners of their mouths when they heard his words.

Can they also taste it, Lou Muyan's spiritual pet treatment is also very good...

Lou Muyan swept through the space ring Mo Yan had given, and took out the middle-grade spirit stone and the top-grade spirit stone to share it with the mercenary union and the royal family of the Underworld.

"This was dug by your spiritual pet, and we deserve it." Xia Xuanye and others immediately declined, and they were very happy that she had this heart.

Although the members of the royal family in the Nether Palace were excited, they also declined.

"We are companions, and naturally we have a share in seeing it, so please accept it." Lou Muyan waved his hand generously.

Ming Xiu also smiled and said, "Yan'er likes to share good things when they have them, so please accept them all."

After hearing the words of the two, everyone embarrassed to accept it, and they felt even more favorable towards Lou Muyan.

She can swallow so many spirit stones alone, and they will have no opinion if they don't contribute.

Seeing that Lou Muyan's expression was more friendly in the eyes of the crowd, Lei Huang couldn't help sneering in his heart, this woman's skill in buying people's hearts is really amazing.

Soon, the group left here and headed for the depths.

In the depths of Canglan Secret Realm, although there are hidden dangers in many places, they also represent great opportunities.

It's a little inconvenient for everyone to act together. After all, if they find a very precious spirit together, how will they be divided?

Therefore, at the suggestion of An Yuqian, the teams of two or three people each acted separately for the time being.

Lou Muyan was naturally in the group with Ming Xiu and Su Jin.

All three of them have tasks, and even if An Yuqian doesn't mention them, they must act alone.

Of course, before the mission, they had to collect all the other ore veins in the Canglan Mystery Realm, and the distribution map was made by Lou Muyan when he poisoned Su Chen.

Not to mention, Su Chen, a shameless person, still has some merits.

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