Lou Muyan took out Su Chen's map of the spirit mine branch and looked at it.

"How can the Su family have a map of the large-scale spiritual mines in the Canglan Secret Realm?" Although she didn't like the Su family, she could not deny that the Su family's heritage was very strong in the maps that could get so many veins.

Su Jin thought for a while and replied, "I heard before that a senior in the clan who came out of the Canglan Secret Realm thousands of years ago brought out a treasure that will benefit the Su family's prosperity in the future. It might be this map of mines."

If all the spiritual marrow in these spiritual veins were taken away, or if they were directly refined for high-level powerhouses, or if they were used to nourish spiritual wine, the Su family would definitely cultivate many powerhouses in the fusion realm within a thousand years. .

"Then it's cheaper for us now." Lou Muyan smiled.

As long as the Su family can get the spiritual marrow of the ore vein, it will be a fortune, and she can also dig the spiritual ore in all the ore veins. If people find out, the top forces will drool.

She hadn't said that she was going to continue digging spiritual veins before because she was afraid that the mercenary union and the rest of the royal family of the Underworld would accidentally leak it out.

People are unpredictable, except for An Yuqian three people, she has no fatal friendship with others, who knows that she will not be jealous and want to betray her.

After all, digging a ore vein won't attract much coveted power, but if she digs all the ore veins on the map, and the wealth is moving, she believes that even with the Feng family and the mercenary union behind her, someone will definitely attack her.

The three of them searched for the locations on the map one by one. There was no accident. There were indeed all ore veins below.

So Mo Yan brought a few spirit pets and started to work as miners again, but they also knew that with the spirit stones, they would live a more enjoyable life in the future, so they could only work hard and enjoy themselves first.

Three months later, they dug up all the ore veins on the map. During this period, Mo Yan also discovered a few small ore veins alone, but they did not dig them out.

Lou Muyan is not a greedy person. After eating meat, she always wants to drink some soup for those who enter the secret realm of Canglan in the future.

In the past three months, they not only dug more than 20 large-scale ore veins, but also discovered a lot of high-level spirit grass and spirit objects, and they gained a lot.

Of course, the powerhouses in the fusion of heaven and man outside did not see the matter of their mining veins. As long as they entered the depths of the Canglan jungle, people outside would not be able to spy on the situation inside.

Otherwise, watching Lou Muyan dig so many ore veins, many high-level executives of those big families would not be crazy.

Putting away the last space ring, Lou Muyan rubbed Mo Yan's furry ears, "Thank you."

Immediately, her eyes lit up, "I am also a rich man who does not lack spirit stones now."

The biggest advantage of mining veins is that there are not only low-grade spirit stones and middle-grade spirit stones, but also high-grade spirit stones and top-grade spirit stones. With the spirit marrow, she can hire a first-class family member with her current possessions. The background is.

Lou Muyan gave out a quarter of the mineral vein spirit stone she got to Ming Xiu and Su Jin. She has always been generous to important people.

She is going to go out and then take a quarter to Lou Muting to develop a mercenary union, and another quarter to her elder brother, mother, relatives and friends, and the last quarter to keep for herself and keep her spirits pet. .

The two were not surprised by Lou Muyan's generosity. They knew that she was a petty money fan, but she was not a miser.

High-grade and top-grade spirit stones are still more useful to Ming Xiu, so he would not accept it with a smile because of his machismo and the politeness of his women.

However, Su Jin repeatedly declined, "Junior sister, I have collected a lot of treasures since the lower realms, and I don't need so many spirit stones at all."

He was telling the truth, he really couldn't find much use for so many spirit stones.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu are both Array Masters, and it is indispensable to arrange Array Master Spirit Stones. He is now better at and likes brewing spirit wine, and he doesn't use much spirit other than buying materials for brewing spirit wine and practicing. stone.

"Senior brother, just keep it and use it slowly, who would think that you have few spiritual stones!" Lou Muyan waved his hand to let him accept it.

Seeing her firm face, Su Jin smiled helplessly: "Okay, then I will put away these spirit stones first, and if you are short of spirit stones in the future, ask me to get them."

He knew that Lou Muyan made a lot of money, but the expenses were also huge. She might spend such a large sum of spirit stones in a few years, so he could save it for her.

Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him angrily, "I am a prodigal in my brother's eyes!"

If anyone who knows Lou Muyan hears it, they will nod in approval, you are a big prodigal.

"It costs a lot for you to keep a spirit pet." Su Jin said with a slight smile.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows and said with a slight smile: "I also finally experienced the taste of a rich man's local tyrant, and it's pretty good."

Mo Yan looked at her unpromising look, and scratched her with one paw, "Shame."

Lou Muyan rubbed Mo Yan's fluffy head in a vengeance. Seeing that Long Yao was very sad, he really wanted to rub it to break it...

"There are still eight months before the closure of the secret realm. Let's find a place where the secret realm is full of spiritual energy. After half a year, let's go to the native lair." Meditation thought about it and suggested.

The Canglan Secret Realm is only open for one year, and when the time is up, they will be automatically excluded from the Secret Realm.

Although the strength of the three of them is good, the strength of the indigenous people should not be underestimated. He always felt that this trip was dangerous, and it was safer to improve his strength first.

Lou Muyan and Su Jin didn't object either.

A few people finally found a place full of spiritual energy and secluded to practice retreat, while Mo Yan took a few spiritual pets to search for spiritual grass and spiritual objects in the depths of the secret realm.

Their goals are the same, quickly find high-level spirit grass to improve Lou Muyan's alchemy skills. If they are successfully promoted to the ninth-grade alchemy master, their quality of life will be changed again.

Before the retreat, Lou Muyan took out a drop of golden spiritual marrow and gave it to Ming Xiu for cultivation. Among several attributes, Ming Xiu has the strongest metallicity and the deepest understanding.

She took out another drop of silver spirit essence and gave it to Su Jin to refine. Su Jin now has the most thorough understanding of ice attributes. If refining absorbs the spirit essence of ice attribute, the field of ice will be more perfect.

And she chose to refine that drop of emerald green spiritual essence, she found that wood is the source of all attributes and the source of life.

Although the spiritual essence is a good thing, it cannot absorb too much, otherwise it will cause dependence, which is not good for comprehending the mystery of the elements in the future, one drop per person is enough.

The rest she will use to nourish the spirit wine, and then the more the better.

After she refines and absorbs the wood-type spirit essence, the green mist in her body will not only have a stronger repairing power, but will also have a vigorous regeneration power.

As long as her soul is immortal, even if her body collapses, it can be rebuilt.

Later, Lou Muyan broke through to the late Tianyuan realm, because she chose to absorb the spiritual essence of wood attribute, and under the active promotion of several spiritual pets, her alchemy technique also made an unexpected breakthrough while laying out the realm of wood. .

Half a year later, Lou Muyan opened her eyes and hooked her lips, "It's time to do the task."

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