Lou Muyan sent a voice transmission to the several spirit pets who were making a fuss around the secret realm of Canglan.

She got up and walked out of the cave where she practiced and retreated, and at a glance, she saw Mo Yan who was basking in the sun on a large stone as bright as jade.

"You don't even need to cultivate?" Lou Muyan found that Mo Yan was either lying on her shoulders or lying on her back in the sun to watch the moon, but her cultivation level kept rising.

Mo Yan opened his eyes lazily, with a faint smile in Liuli's dull eyes, "I practice every day."

At his current level, he basically can only advance by comprehension.

Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him, looked at him as if remembering something, and asked, "You should have been able to break through the fusion realm long ago."

"Yeah." Mo Yan replied softly.

"Then why haven't you broken through?" Lou Muyan asked curiously.

"The Outer Territory battlefield is about to open up, and the laws of heaven and earth will exclude all ethnic groups who have cultivated in the fusion realm at the beginning." Mo Yan raised his eyebrows, "If I don't suppress the demon power, I will be promoted to the fusion realm now, and I will not be able to be passed in with you. already."

He really couldn't worry about this woman who didn't cause trouble, and trouble would automatically get on her body.

Lou Muyan was stunned, the sun swayed on her beautiful face, and there was a faint warm light, which made people feel extremely at ease.

"Then if the geniuses of the younger generation don't want to enter the Outer Territory battlefield, can't they hurry up to improve their strength and impact the fusion realm to avoid the fate of being forcibly passed in?" Lou Muyan's voice did not fluctuate much.

"The fusion realm is not something that can be impacted by trying to improve." Mo Yan raised his head and his eyes were deep, "The countless amazing geniuses of the four major ethnic groups in the Guangling realm have finally stopped in the fusion realm, or they will fall. It's not the right way to go."

"If I want, I can reach the fusion state before the Outer Domain battlefield starts." Lou Muyan walked to the big stone next to Mo Yan and sat down with the same attitude.

Then she reached out and scratched Mo Yan's ear habitually.

"The outer battlefield is related to the future of the Guangling World, and there are countless opportunities. You will not give up." Mo Yan's voice was light but very determined.

Lou Muyan chuckled and poked his head, "You really know me."

Ming Xiu and Su Jin walked out of the cave and saw a red-clothed woman sitting leisurely and lazily with her hands on the stone behind her, bathing her body in the sun, and beside her lay a kind of equally lazy pure white baby girl. Beast, quiet and beautiful.

Lou Muyan found the two behind him, turned her head and smiled brightly: "You guys came out too."

The mottled sunlight fell on her face through the branches, but it still couldn't cover the dazzling smile that was brighter than the sun. Ming Xiu's heartbeat quickened.

Su Jin instantly recovered, a shallow smile raised on his lips.

"Yan'er has been promoted." Ming Xiu walked to Lou Muyan's side and sat down, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Smelling the quiet medicinal fragrance on her body, her irritable, ups and downs heart instantly calmed down.

"Well, but it's not as fast as you." Lou Muyan looked at Ming Xiu up and down, and said in surprise, "You have reached the peak of the Tianyuan realm!"

She couldn't help rolling her eyes in her heart, this fellow's cultivation speed is really fast.

Ming Xiu laughed softly: "If you don't suppress the Yuan Power in your body, you can be about the same as me."

"How could it be the same?" Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him and pointed to the ice bracelet on his hand, "I have it."

After she was promoted to the Tianyuan realm, the function of the ice bracelet was turned on again. This time, the aura was condensed into three times and converted into spiritual power in her body. In fact, it means that her cultivation speed has tripled. .

Ming Xiu leaned into her ear and whispered, "Yan'er, we have a pair of bracelets."

Lou Muyan felt his breath tickling around her ear, tickling her heart, and gently pushed him, "Senior brother is still here."

Her ice bracelet was given by Ming Xiu, and the function of this bracelet should be similar to hers.

Only then did Ming Xiu lean over to sit upright, turned his head and smiled at Su Jin: "Brother Su, sit down."

And pointed to a stone opposite them.

Su Jin was immune to the love and tacit understanding of the two from time to time, and walked to the opposite side of them without restraint and sat down.

"Are we going to go to the native land?"

Lou Muyan nodded: "Although there are still three months, the time for us to sneak in is still very tight."

"In any case, safety comes first." Su Jin thought for a while and said.

"Let's make two plans." Ming Xiu took out a map of the Canglan Secret Realm's native lair that he got from Emperor Hades, and shared all the information he knew: "This is their lair, listen from the outside. says have……"

The three finally negotiated a more secure method, and when the Bingji and several spiritual pets returned, they went to the natives' lair together.

They were not the only group of people who had the idea of ​​the natives' nest. In another direction, the rest of the Lan family also rushed in the same direction with a yellowed map.

And a man in white with a handsome face, a tall figure, and a cold temperament has also taken the lead in approaching the native nest with a few people in blue.

There is also a wave of mysterious people wearing black cloaks to cover their breath, and they are almost advancing towards the native lair.

Ten days later, Lou Muyan and his party arrived at the native's nest on the map.

On the opposite side of them is a wide river in a loop, and on the opposite side of the river is a huge island.

The island is densely forested, and there are many gorgeous flowers scattered here and there.

As long as you look carefully, you can see that there are often teams of half-human and half-demon guards patrolling the periphery of the island with weapons.

There was a golden light in Ming Xiu's eyes, and then he frowned and took out the birth plate to test it carefully.

"There is a kind of superimposed natural restraint on the island on the other side," he said after a moment.

Lou Muyan also discovered that the small island was filled with an invisible force, "These natives not only have a deep understanding of element attributes, but also seem to be able to communicate well with nature."

Otherwise, it is impossible to use nature to arrange such a superposition prohibition, proving that their wisdom is not low.

"Then how do we get in?" Long Yao interjected.

"Let's think about it."

Lou Muyan clasped his hands and stared at the opposite bank in deep thought, while Ming Xiu held the array and continued to deduce.

"Wait." After a long time, the two spoke at the same time.

Lou Muyan opened his eyes and met Ming Xiu's deep, ancient well-like eyes, and the two looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

"Wait?" Su Jin was slightly puzzled.

"I wanted to use the Invisibility Talisman to sneak in directly, but with this level of restriction, it's very difficult to do that. Unless you break a crack and get in and use it again, it's easy to startle the snake." Lou Muyan said.

Bingji asked curiously, "Then what are we waiting for?"

"The guards here actually change regularly. Every two hours, they will leave for a stick of incense, and another wave of guards will come from another direction."

"We only need to use the time of this incense stick to break the ban through a crack. After entering, we will put on the invisibility charm. Even if the indigenous people find the problem of the ban, they will not be able to find us."

"They started to be vigilant at most, and then we slowly lurked and waited for the opportunity to act." Lou Muyan added.

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