The three of Lou Muyan rushed over through Long Yao's space teleportation, so the speed was ahead of the other waves.

"Attach the invisibility talisman first." She took out three talismans and said to Ming Xiu and Su Jin.

Here, it is not only necessary to prevent the natives on the other side from discovering their traces, but also to prevent those who have the same purpose or mission as them. After all, the secrets of the natives are very tempting.

The two took her invisibility charm and put it on their bodies, and the three figures disappeared under the tree together.

Several spiritual pets have been taken into the body space by Long Yao, and he is hidden in the space around the three of them. As long as he is not integrated with the cultivation level above the upper realm, he cannot be found.

The three of Lou Muyan were relatively patient people, quietly watching the movements on the other side, waiting for them to change shifts.

An hour later, Mo Yan, who was lying on Lou Muyan's shoulder, suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

"What's wrong?" Lou Muyan asked.

After Mo Yan's powerful demon senses were released to cover the surrounding area, she usually didn't bother to release her mental power to check.

If Mo Yan made such an action, there must be a special situation on that side.

Ming Xiu also turned around almost at the same time, frowning slightly: "Someone rushed over, not just a wave."

"There are three waves, but they are separated by a certain distance." Mo Yan said.

Lou Muyan stroked her chest, an indescribable feeling was rising, and she released her mental power.

After a while, she had a look of joy in her eyes, "My eldest brother is among the people closest to us."

She and Lou Muting are twins who often have telepathy, and as long as they are close to Lou Mubai, there will be a kind of blood bond.

Ming Xiu and Su Jin were slightly surprised when they heard her words. They could only find that someone was coming here, but they could not confirm their identity.

Think of it as a telepathy between siblings.

After a stick of incense, four men and two women appeared in the sight of Lou Muyan.

Lou Mubai is the head of the six. He is dressed in white, his expression is completely cold, and there is no extra expression on Jun's face.

When he walked to this forest, his mind moved inexplicably, and a feeling that seemed to be pulling his blood rose. He looked around and found nothing, so he couldn't help frowning.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?" a woman behind him asked respectfully.

Lou Mubai shook his head lightly, "It's okay."

Just as his words fell, the space here suddenly fluctuated, and a red shadow rushed over.

The five people behind him were shocked and immediately stepped forward to attack, but were stopped by Lou Mubai.

"Brother." With a clear and sweet voice, Hong Ying rushed into Lou Mubai's arms.

Lou Mubai's cold expression was replaced by gentle pampering. He reached out and touched the head of the woman in his arms, and said warmly, "Yan'er."

Lou Muyan raised her head, looked at Lou Mubai with joy, pursed her mouth again, and said slightly aggrieved: "Brother, you didn't come to Guangling World and didn't look for us."

Lou Mubai tapped the tip of her nose and chuckled: "I got a chance after flying up to the Guangling Realm, so I postponed the time to come to you."

"Brother, my second brother and I have found our mother." Lou Muyan came out of Lou Mubai's arms and held his arm affectionately.

"I know, I've been following your news all the time." Lou Mubai said.

As the young master of the dark market in the human realm, he is also the most well-informed.

"Brother, what's your status now?" Lou Muyan blinked her eyes and looked at the five people behind him as if they had seen a ghost and asked, "Who are they?"

If she heard it right just now, the woman just now called his brother His Royal Highness, and the five of them were very respectful towards him.

The five people behind Lou Mubai were stunned when they saw that their cold and ruthless His Highness would show such a tender and indulgent expression to a woman, that's why they just showed the expression like seeing a ghost.

However, when he heard the woman calling Lou Mubai's brother, he immediately restrained his shock.

"I am now a direct disciple of the dark master of the dark market. They are all my subordinates in the dark market." Lou Mubai would not hide it from Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan's eyes showed surprise, "Brother, after you were teleported to the Guangling Realm, you were accepted as a disciple by the Dark Lord?"

"Almost." Lou Mubai said, "I was originally a teleportation point to the Human Domain, but two high-level powerhouses were fighting nearby at that time, and the connection point was affected and destroyed. After I appeared, the master took a fancy to it. Once I got my physique, I was taken back to the dark market."

"Then he assigned me the task of cultivation. If I don't complete it, I won't be able to leave the headquarters of the dark market." He added.

Lou Muyan frowned slightly, wasn't his brother's master too domineering?

"Brother, are you voluntary?" Lou Muyan said, "If he forced it, leave now."

"..." After hearing Lou Muyan's words, the five messengers from the dark market twitched their lips.

The Dark Lord has never taken any disciples. His Royal Highness is very lucky to be the direct disciple of the Dark Lord. Why is it so insignificant in her mouth.

Lou Mubai had a warm look in his eyes, "Don't worry, the master treats me very well, I am voluntary."

In addition to being stricter when cultivating, the dark master usually takes good care of him, and his master is very protective of his shortcomings. He sincerely worships him as his teacher.

And if he wants to protect the people he values, he must be strong.

Knowing that Lou Mubai would not lie to her, Lou Muyan immediately breathed a sigh of relief and looked at him with bright eyes: "Brother is really amazing."

I heard that the dark master is the existence of the top strength in the human domain.

"You!" Lou Mubai pinched her nose, "I'll be talking to you in detail another day."

"it is good!"

After the two finished talking, Ming Xiu and Su Jin also tore off the invisibility talisman and walked out.

"Big Brother/Brother Mu Bai."

Lou Mubai was not surprised when he saw Ming Xiu and Su Jin, and nodded to them with a light smile.

"Brother, are you also going to the native tribe's lair?" Lou Muyan asked.

"Well, we have a mission to enter the other party's nest to steal information." Lou Mubai did not say what the information was, which was required to be kept confidential.

Lou Muyan nodded, "We've been here for a long time and found..."

She revealed her own plan in full, "Brother, let's dive in with us too."

"Okay!" Lou Mubai was not very relieved that his sister went deep into the enemy, it was too dangerous.

He is the leader of this mission, and the other five will naturally not object, but he also sighs in his heart that the lonely person of the hall master is finally a little popular.

After negotiating, Lou Muyan sent an invisibility charm to each of them.

An hour later, the first guards did go back to work.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu quickly stepped forward, each holding an array plate and array flag and started to move towards the position they found.

Before the time for a stick of incense came, the two of them tore the ban open.

The others immediately put on invisibility charms and got in.

Not long after they entered, a group of people from the Lan family and another wave of mysterious people wearing black cloaks also arrived one after another.

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