Mo Yan lay lazily on Lou Muyan's leg and let her follow her hair, looking very warm.

"How are my brother and senior brother?" Lou Muyan asked, rubbing Mo Yan's head.

When she jumped out of the space whirlpool, Lou Mubai was not surprised at that time, but had an expected expression.

However, Su Jin fainted under the influence of the aboriginal leader's release of Tianjing, and he didn't know if he heard it.

But she instinctively felt that Tianjing's power was not a bad thing for her brother, and it might be an opportunity, but she still worried about the two of them.

"When we jumped down, one of them was standing with an unpredictable expression, and the other was still in a coma." Mo Yan said.

Lou Muyan nodded: "After the indigenous self-destruction, I feel that the space is already unstable, maybe the secret realm will be closed in advance, and then the elder brother and senior brother should also be spread out."

It is safe to spread it out, and with the strength of the two, they should not encounter too much danger in the secret realm.

In the East China Sea, a handsome man dressed in white was quietly taken away by a flying instrument that concealed his breath.

On a mysterious island, Lou Mubai woke up and saw an old man with dark blue hair looking at him with interest.

There was a bit of surprise in his eyes, this man looked exactly the same as his master, but his temperament was completely different.

"Junior meets the dark master of the sea area." Lou Mubai is a very smart person, and he guessed the identity of the other party with a random association in his heart.

The blue-haired old man smiled and said, "Stinky boy, you did a good job this time, and the old man is very satisfied."

Lou Mubai's eyes widened, this tone was obviously his master, could it be...

"Haha, it seems that you have already guessed it." The blue-haired old man laughed: "The dark masters of the four regions are all alone."

Lou Mubai slowed down and said, "Master, you are the legendary Dark Emperor."

"Haha..." The blue-clothed old man laughed a few more times, and then transformed into a handsome middle-aged man dressed in black.

In his life, he acted as he wanted and never had a disciple, but when he first saw Lou Mubai, he was very close, so he made an exception to accept him as a direct disciple.

However, it was only for Lou Mubai to cultivate in the past. In the future, if his temperament is still the same, he will be trained to be the dark master of the dark market, but he has not paid much attention.

Unexpectedly, this assignment made him see a different Lou Mubai, someone who dared to jump off the vortex of space storm for his sister, a quality he admired very much.

This incident made him truly recognize this apprentice.

He likes people who are very affectionate, but cultivators in this world are becoming less and less affectionate, so this disciple is precious.

Therefore, he took action to reduce the cracks in the space storm, and the three people and the spirit-devouring beast could basically fall to the sea clan's territory unscathed.

Of course, judging from the fate of these three people and one beast, it is very hard to die, but he can't see the precious apprentice being injured because of it.

"Master, you must already know the whereabouts of my sister and Ming Xiu." Lou Mubai showed a helpless smile on his face.

"You can rest assured that this seat has already taken action. Your sister and the stinky boy of the Emperor Ming family are very safe, and both of them are in the sea area of ​​the sea, so they should meet soon." Emperor An said with a wave of his hand.

"Thank you, Master." Lou Mubai said gratefully.

"Hmph, you stinky brat is really reckless when you do things." Emperor An gave him a white look and said, "But such a bloody apprentice is the demeanor that this disciple should have."

"Master, since you took action, why did you keep them separate?" Lou Mubai asked in surprise.

"Isn't it more romantic to let them get together again?" The dark master's true temperament is actually very lively, "Don't you young people like this?"

"..." Lou Mubai looked at the sky speechlessly, his master was really unreliable.

"Since you already know that they are safe, you can follow me to a secret realm in the dark palace of the sea area." The dark master said: "The outer domain battlefield is about to start, and you still need to strengthen your strength."

"Disciple obeys." Lou Mubai is also very eager for strength, and he will have to protect his younger brothers and sisters at that time.

A remote island in the South China Sea.

After more than an hour, Romanya came back with two men.

Lou Muyan was leaning against the edge of the boat at this time. She was holding a pure white beast in her arms, and a colorful parrot was standing on her shoulders. The three of them looked at it blankly.

"Your face is much better." Romanya smiled shyly, and asked embarrassedly, "I forgot to ask your name just now."

"My name is Lou Muyan."

Romanya smiled and introduced the blond young man beside him to Lou Muyan, "This is my eldest brother Romandy."

Then he pointed to the middle-aged man behind them and said, "He is our housekeeper Arub."

"Hello!" Lou Muyan smiled slightly.

Romanty has a more gentle temperament, he said with a smile, "Hello, Miss Lou."

His mind turned a few times, and it seemed that there were no nobles with the surname Lou in Beihai.

However, Beihai was the closest to the border of the Human Territory, and the Sea Clan and Human Clan also intermarried, so there were many descendants of black hair and black eyes, so they didn't doubt her much.

"Miss Lou came here through a space crack?" The middle-aged man behind them asked politely with a smile.

Lou Muyan nodded: "I accidentally got involved in the space storm crack during the training, and I will be on your spaceship when I wake up."

Arubu didn't look like she was lying, but he didn't let up his guard, after all, she was just a stranger.

"Is Miss Lou going back to the North Sea?" Arubo asked.

Lou Muyan smiled and replied: "I have been practicing outside, but since I came to the South Sea by accident this time, I will also practice and go back."

Now that he's in the South Sea, it's time to get back what Lansi's fox owes her.

Although she has obtained a lot of top-grade spirit stones in the Canglan Secret Realm, the cost of raising the Red Emperor is too high, and now she uses high-grade spirit stones. After the Red Emperor reaches the fusion realm, she will need top-grade spirit stones.

She and several other spiritual pets also need it, not to mention who would think too much money.

Moreover, Lance had promised her that the triple heavy water would be of great use to her, and she had to get it back no matter what.

According to the feedback from the tool spirit, the current position of Ming Xiu is constantly moving, maybe he has come to her, and she is going to stay in the South Sea to wait for him.

The three of them were stunned when they heard her words.

"Namuyan, why don't you go grab sea berries with us." Romanya was the first to invite with a smile, and the other two didn't have time to stop it.

Lou Muyan asked curiously, "Grab sea berries?"

"Well, sea berries are a kind of spiritual fruit that can refine the body and improve the toughness of the meridians. They are born on the sea pulp island every 100 years."

"The sea pulp island belongs to our Mandy Islands, so the major clan forces in the archipelago will send their clan disciples to fight for it."

"There are other people in our family, they went first." Romanya continued: "We came to these islands alone just to pick some sea pear flowers for our grandmother to make wine."

"..." Romanty and Arubu were extremely speechless, and it took a while for this idiot to sell their affairs.

"Grabbing sea berries is also your experience." Lou Muyan said.

"Well, if you can compete for the top ten families, you can send disciples to participate in the starfish banquet." Romanya said.

He is born with a kind of judgment on people, he knows that this woman is not a bad person, that's why he talks so much.

And what he said wasn't really a secret.

"Sea Star Banquet?" Lou Muyan asked again.

"The starfish banquet is a banquet held by His Majesty the South Sea King. All ethnic groups are proud to be able to participate in the starfish banquet." Romanya said with a look of admiration: "When the time comes, we will still be able to see our great His Majesty the Sea King."

Lou Muyan's eyes lit up, she didn't want to join in the sea berry snatch, but if she could participate in the starfish feast, it would save her the trouble of going to Lance alone.

After all, that fox is the king of the South Sea, and it is not something that anyone can easily see.

If she goes to the Nanhai Palace and says that you Sea Kings owe me something, she will definitely be beaten out as a lunatic.

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