Romanya's eyes are very simple, he just wants to invite Lou Muyan to go to the place to grab sea berries to experience.

Arubu is very helpless to their young master, how dare he invite casually even if he has only met once?

Romanty knew that her younger brother had the ability to see through the truth and hypocrisy of people since he was a child. Although this ability was very tasteless, it also reassured them that he would remain simple.

With this ability, he can at least see who is good and who is bad and can protect himself and live freely and easily.

"If I take part in your competition to grab sea berries and help you get the top ten, can I go to the starfish banquet together?" Lou Muyan's beautiful eyes are bright and bright, giving a look that she is also looking forward to it It feels like seeing His Majesty the Sea King.

Romanya couldn't make such a decision, he looked sideways at Romandy and said, "Brother, it should be possible, right?"

He has a very good impression of Lou Muyan, the kind of feeling that he wants to be a friend.

"This..." Romanty was more embarrassed, after all, they were not familiar with Lou Muyan at all.

What if she was a spy sent by another family or other sea area? But looking at his brother's pure hopeful eyes, he couldn't refuse.

"Miss Lou, can you make an oath with your inner demon?" Apparently, the housekeeper Arubu was more vigilant. Although he didn't think Lou Muyan was a spy or a bad person, he had to guard against it.

Lou Muyan's expression did not change, she asked with a smile, "What oath?"

"As long as you swear by your inner demon, it will not hurt our Roman family and will not be detrimental to His Majesty, and we will take you with us." Arub said bluntly.

Lou Muyan smiled slightly, "Okay!"

She can understand what Arubu does. After all, Romanya is too well protected and simple, and Romandy loves her brother too much.

If she is really a spy, they will definitely drag the Roman family into the quagmire by taking her to a competition or a banquet.

"I swear by my heart demon." Lou Muyan raised three fingers, and the power of the law immediately dropped, "As long as the Roman family and His Majesty the South Sea King will not be against me, I will not be against the Roman Family and His Majesty the South Sea King."

The three of them tacitly heard her words, and her oath was beneficial to both parties.

After all, if she swore that she would not be detrimental to the Roman family and His Majesty Sea King, but if they attacked her, she would definitely be the one who suffers. It would be better if she did now.

"Let's go, time is running out," Romanty said.

So the three got on the spaceship and drove all the way. When passing by several islands, they would stop to look for sea pear flowers, and they would pick them whenever they encountered them.

Lou Muyan also picked some, and moved a few sea pear flower seedlings into the bell space for planting.

"Did you pick sea pear flowers and go back to make wine?" Several people looked at the nearest island, and then returned to the right way towards Haili Island.

"My grandmother is a seven-grade winemaker. She likes to use sea pear flowers to make spirit wine." Romanya nodded, showing a bit of pride in her eyes.

"The spirit wine brewed by Hailihua tastes very good." Lou Muyan was also interested in Hailihua.

The sea pear flowers used to make flower wine have a cold fragrance, and she likes that flavor.

If it wasn't for the wrong time, she would want to make a pot right now.

"Well, it's very delicious." Romanya's eyes brightened, "His Majesty Sea King likes the sea pear wine made by grandmother."

"I'll treat you to a drink when we finish robbing the sea berries and return to the Roman family," he added.

Romanya is the most favored young master in the family, and he has a collection of spirit wine brewed by Hailihua.

"Okay! Thank you!" Lou Muyan still likes this innocent young man.

She didn't expect that Lance's fox would actually like to drink this kind of wine, she touched her chin, and there was some calculation in her eyes.

Seeing that the two of them got along so well, Romandy just smiled helplessly. Obviously, his younger brother had regarded each other as a real good friend, otherwise, he would not have thought of entertaining Lou Muyan with such an expensive wine.

He just prayed in his heart that Lou Muyan would not disappoint people.

Three days later, their flying instruments arrived at an island.

Now there are many flying instruments flying in the air here, which is very lively.

Finally, the flying instrument stopped on a huge island, and there were many people standing on the periphery of the island.

The two Luo brothers greeted familiar people, found the Luo family's team and walked over together.

Many people cast their eyes on Lou Muyan faintly, full of curiosity and surprise.

Lou Muyan was wearing a light blue dress today, looking beautiful and refined.

Her shiny black hair and black eyes stood out among the brown and brown eyes.

Most of the sea clan's eyes are brown and brown, and only the royal family will have blue eyes and blue hair, which is a symbol of status and blood.

"Who is that? He looks so pretty."

"Yeah! How can you appear with the young master of the Roman family?"

"Could it be the concubine of the young master of the Roman family?"

"Impossible, I saw that the two young masters of the Roman family were very polite to that beauty."

"It's the first time I've seen a beauty with black hair and black eyes. She should have human blood."

"It's not necessarily. There are occasionally black-eyed and black-haired clansmen in the sea clan, but only very few."

"The Roman family has been out of the top ten in the recent sea berry grabs. They won't bring this beauty to cheer this time."

"Haha, with such a beautiful woman cheering, I am also in good spirits."

"Maybe the two brothers of the Roman family directly took the beauty to participate in the snatch competition."

"No way, that beauty seems to have only the cultivation level of Dan Yuanjing. This time, there are many family disciples from Earth Yuanjing and Tianyuanjing. Isn't she a hindrance when she goes?"

"This is not necessarily true. After all, there are not many people in the Roman family from the Earth Origin Realm, and only Romandy is in the Tian Yuan Realm. The beauty's cultivation is not the bottom."

"Let's wait and see."

"I can't wait to see His Majesty Sea King."

"..." The discussions around moved from Lou Muyan to the competition and Sea King.

This is the beauty effect. People who look beautiful and have a good temperament will be the object of attention wherever they go, and they can't be ignored if they want to ignore them.

However, most people are holding the appearance of watching a good show of the Roman family.

After all, the Roman family used to be glorious in the Mandy Islands for a long time, until their two ancestors of the fusion upper realm went to the secret realm to explore and never returned, and then gradually declined.

In recent years, the Roman family has been suppressed by several newly emerging families. The last few sea berry competitions have faded out of the top ten, and even the starfish banquet is not eligible to participate.

Therefore, there is no shortage of families who want to get in trouble waiting to see their humiliating show.

Compared with the curiosity of others, the Roman family was surprised and surprised that the two brothers came back with a peerless beauty.

At the same time, there are also many questions. Are they really going to let this beauty participate in the family's sea berry competition?

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