The event to grab sea berries is held every 100 years, and those who participate in the competition must be the younger generation of the sea clan, and cannot be over forty years old.

Each family can have ten direct disciples and five dependent collateral disciples. Of course, these five places can also be invited foreign aid.

It was originally a game experience among the juniors, and gradually began to involve the family, and finally became a competition for a place to participate in the starfish banquet.

The younger disciples of the Roman family are not outstanding, only the young master Romandy is more talented and powerful, but he is single-handedly.

Therefore, it is difficult to win the top ten, and even there is not much hope.

Romanya has a simple mind. He has never participated in such a competition, so in his heart, his brother is the most powerful. He thinks that the family may be able to win the place to participate in the starfish banquet.

An old man with white hair fell on Lou Muyan for a few breaths and asked Romandy, "Young Master, who is this?"

"Elder, Miss Lou is the foreign aid we invited." Romanty replied calmly.

When his younger brother invited Lou Muyan to be a foreign aid, he and Arubu both doubted whether she could do the job. After all, one of the other five places is also very precious, which is related to the honor of the family.

However, when they encountered a few sea beasts close to the Tianyuan realm, the extraordinary combat power she showed completely eliminated their doubts about her strength.

"Foreign aid from the cultivation base of Dan Yuanjing?" The first elder could not see his anger and anger, but he obviously did not believe that the young master would joke about the honor of the family.

The rest of the Luo family stared at Lou Muyan, but apart from her beauty and temperament, they couldn't see how strong she was. They knew that the other five places were also very important.

Suspected by the elders of the other party and those gossip, Lou Muyan helplessly remembered that she had used the Witch God Art to cover up her cultivation to the Dan Yuan realm.

"I believe that I can be qualified for the foreign aid quota." She exuded a confident brilliance, and her breath made the people present a little puzzled.

The elder was stunned for a moment, and after a while, he said, "Okay."

Immediately, he assigned Lou Muyan the position of one of the weakest practitioners in the Dan Yuan realm.

He was a swordsman who merged with the first realm, but this beautiful woman gave him an extraordinary feeling, so he decided to take a chance and give it a try.

"The competition for the sea berries will only start in a day. Mu Yan, you should rest and recharge." Romanya said softly.

"it is good!"

Lou Muyan didn't say much, and went to sit under a big tree and closed his eyes to rest.

The race for the sea berries is held tomorrow because the sea berries will not ripen until tomorrow.

Lou Muyan only showed the cultivation of Dan Yuanjing, many people were interested in her mainly because of her beauty.

Seeing that she was sitting cross-legged alone and didn't have much contact with outsiders, and was blocked by Romandy when she wanted to strike up a conversation, the curiosity about hunting beauty also faded a lot, after all, the game is more important.

The night wind slowly came out, very cool.

The entire Haimao Island is much quieter than during the day, and most people are closing their eyes and breathing, so that they are in the best condition for tomorrow's game.

Of course, there are also families arriving on the island one after another.

In the middle of the night, Lou Muyan suddenly opened his eyes, looking in a certain direction with a bit of joy in his eyes.

Soon a flying instrument landed on the island, and a group of people walked down from it. One of them, a man in tsing clothes with an ordinary face, raised his eyes and looked at Lou Muyan, who was sitting cross-legged in the distance.

A strange brilliance flashed in the man's eyes as deep as an ancient well.

The group went straight to the site of the Roman family, and the chief elder of the Roman family, Romandy and the others greeted them with a smile.

"Lao Luo, you arrived very early." A blond old man who looked to be in his sixties greeted with a smile.

Elder Luo said with a smile: "You guys are too late, why did something happen?"

"I encountered some trouble at sea, so I came late." The blond old man continued: "Are we still playing together as agreed?"

"Of course." The elder said, "Our Romans and Keja have always been the best partners."

The blond old man smiled and whispered, "This time we might be able to make the top ten."

There was a slight surprise in Elder Luo's eyes, "How do you say it?"

The blond old man introduced the man in black beside him to Elder Luo, "This is Chi Xiu, he is the foreign aid invited by our Keya family."

Elder Luo looked over and found that although the man opposite him looked ordinary, he held an invisible aura. Although he was only at the peak of the Tianyuan realm, it made him feel a sense of danger.

"Haha, Chi Xiaoyou hides it!" Elder Luo said with a modest smile.

He can be sure that this man is extraordinary, although the cultivation base is not as good as him and the third elder Keya, but the strength is not necessarily weaker than them.

Ming Xiu said with a faint smile: "Elder Luo is wrong."

"You have worked hard all the way, let's take a rest first." Elder Luo was in a good mood.

The Luo family and the Keya family have always been the closest partners. Every time they encounter a major event, they will advance together.

"Okay!" Ming Xiu nodded.

The site of Keya's house is next to Luo's house, and Ming Xiu found a big tree and sat cross-legged by himself.

There were two women in Keya's family who kept looking in his direction, with a bit of admiration in their eyes, and only walked not far to rest when they saw that he was in meditation.

Lou Muyan naturally discovered this scene, and pouted, Ming Xiu's face became so ordinary that he could provoke peach blossoms. If he used that handsome face like a god, he would be fascinated by a large number of women from the sea clan.

"Yan'er." As soon as she finished the discussion, Ming Xiu's voice entered the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

"Why are you here to participate in the sea berry competition?" Lou Muyan asked.

"I came out of the space crack and landed on an island in the South China Sea. I happened to meet the Keya family who were attacked by a group of high-level sea beasts and helped them."

"They invited me to join the competition."

"Of course, the most important thing is that I found your trace through the bracelet tool spirit, and found that you were moving in the direction of the sea pulp island, so I followed." Ming Xiu paused and added.

Lou Muyan's eyes overflowed with a smile, "I guessed that you would come to me."

Halfway through.

"Yan'er, why did you jump down with me?" Ming Xiu's voice was somewhat hoarse.

Lou Muyan turned her head to look at Ming Xiu, her voice firm and clear, "I said that I would share life and death with you."

Ming Xiu's heart trembled. These were the most beautiful love words he had ever heard. "Life and death together" touched him more than "I love you".

An elegant arc was raised on his lips, even if his facial features were ordinary at this time, it seemed that he could never hide his youth, "Yan'er, it's nice to have you!"

"Me too, it's great to have you!" Lou Muyan chuckled softly, her voice melodious and pleasant.

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