Ming Xiu's face became so ordinary not because he was wearing some magic weapon to hide his appearance, but after taking the face-changing pill refined by Lou Muyan.

He didn't fall into a coma after falling to an island in the South China Sea. He found that someone was attacked not far in front of him. He didn't want to reveal his identity, so he took the Yan Yan Dan that Lou Muyan usually refines and plays.

As for the name Chi Xiu, it is because the entire Guangling World knows that only the royal family of the Underworld can be surnamed Ming. If he said that his name was Mingxiu, he would have revealed his identity without anyone checking it.

"Why did Yan'er participate in this sea berry competition?" Ming Xiu asked.

Lou Muyan has always been measured in her actions. If she simply wanted sea berries, she would not have come to participate in this competition.

Moreover, although sea berries have the effect of refining one's physique, several high-level spirit fruit trees with better effects were transplanted into Lou Muyan's bell space.

In fact, he already had a guess in his heart, and it was estimated that it was related to Lance of the Starfish Banquet. Naturally, he would not let his Yan'er fall into Lance's territory alone. That fox was very cunning.

"If you enter the top ten in the sea berry competition, you can go to the starfish feast held by the King of the South Sea." Lou Muyan continued: "Lance still owes me a lot of money."

There was a bit of helplessness in Ming Xiu's eyes, his family Yan'er was really a fan of petty money.

But Lance Fox's things should not be given in vain, even if the IOUs are written down, he can't deny them.

"Then let's join hands tomorrow to make Roman and the Keja family into the top ten." Ming Xiu's tone was very light, as if it was an easy task to enter the top ten.

Lou Muyan didn't care too much, "Well, although there are several families who have hired sword masters who have cultivated at the peak of the Tianyuan realm as foreign aid, it is not a cause for concern."

"By the way, what about Long Yao?" She found that there was no Long Yao's breath nearby.

Ming Xiu smiled and replied, "I asked him to do something."

Lou Muyan didn't ask Long Yao what to do, "Well, that stupid dragon is quite reliable when he goes out to do errands."

The next day, the sun rose slowly from the sea level, and the entire Haili Island suddenly rioted.

The breath and roar of many high-level sea beasts came from the center of the island, and there was no shortage of sea beasts at the peak of the Earth Origin Realm.

The major families on the island also looked in that direction in high spirits.

A middle-aged man with light blue hair appeared in the air, his expression was indifferent.

"I announce that the 100-year-old Sea Berry Grab Contest in the Mandi Islands is now open, and the top ten who grab the most sea berries at the end can get the invitation post for the starfish banquet of my South Sea Palace."

The man's voice fell, and all the family disciples present seemed to have been beaten with blood.

This is not only to fight for the honor of the family, but also to show themselves. The outstanding disciples will become famous in the Mandi Islands and will receive the attention of the Neptune Palace.

If you can be selected to enter the Sea King's Palace, even if it is just to become His Highness's escort, it will be a chance to soar into the sky.

The leaders of each clan ordered the participating disciples and let them fly towards the center of Haili Island.

There are two main obstacles in the competition of robbing sea berries. One is to compete with sea beasts who also want to get ripe sea berries.

Of the two obstacles, the threat from sea beasts is smaller. After all, sea berries have little effect on sea beasts in the Tianyuan realm, and they will not participate.

Most of the people who want to snatch the sea berries are the sea beasts of the Earth Origin Realm, and the sea berries help them break through the barriers of the Tian Yuan Realm, so the competition with the sea clan will be crazy.

As for the disciples of the sea clan, they will send disciples from the Tianyuan realm. It is unavoidable to fight for sea berries. The damage to the final disciples of each session will be more serious than that of fighting sea beasts.

Although Neptune Hall has emphasized that killing is not allowed, there are still many disciples who will encounter poisonous hands and become crippled in the competition.

As long as he doesn't die, the messenger of the Sea King's Palace will not be held accountable, and his skills are inferior to those of others. This is the cruelty of reality.

The messenger of the Sea King's Palace gave an order, and the disciples of all ethnic groups who participated in the competition rushed up and rushed towards the center of the island quickly and frantically.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu each rushed over with the competing disciples of the Roman and Keja family.

As soon as they reached the center of the island, everyone saw the densely packed sea beasts constantly whistling and crawling fiercely towards the location of the sea berries.

Sea berries are a specialty of the Mandi Islands in the South China Sea. After every hundred years of growth, the major families will dedicate all the fruits they grab to the King of the South Sea.

There is a layer of natural restriction on the periphery of the sea pulp tree, which will automatically open after the fruit is completely mature.

At this time, the ban has not been opened, and there are bright red fruits hanging in a lush green forest. The fruits exude an attractive fragrance, which attracts the sea beasts even more crazy.

The first obstacle in the game was also completed before the ban was opened. The disciples of the sea tribe had to fight against the sea beasts, and when the ban was opened, they rushed in to grab sea berries.

"Roar!! Kill!!" One after another, the roars of the sea beasts were intertwined with the voices of the disciples of the sea tribe.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu each took out a long sword and continued to kill the sea beasts that blocked the two families in front of them.

The strength of both of them is very strong, the sea beast of the Earth Origin Realm has one sword and one sword, and there is no slack in the slightest.

Ming Xiu has such a performance, the two families are still calm, but Lou Muyan can easily kill the sea beast at the peak of the Earth Origin Realm with one sword.

"Old Luo! You guys are really not being kind. You don't know in advance if you hide such a powerful girl as a trump card." The elder of the Keja family half-jokingly said.

He just complained at will, after all, the two of them are one body, and the Roman family's foreign aid is strong, and they are more hopeful for them to hit the top ten.

Elder Luo smiled bitterly: "This girl was invited by the young master and the young master. The aura she exuded before was really only the cultivation of Dan Yuanjing. Who would have thought that she would be a master who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger."

"Haha, it's good to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!" The blond old man also saw that Elder Luo did not seem to be lying, guessing that the two children might be hiding it because they wanted to surprise the family, and laughed loudly: "She should have something. The secret method of concealing cultivation, but the stronger she is, the better for us."

"Well, what she exudes now is the breath of Tianyuanjing, plus your family's young master Keyas and foreign aid Chi Xiu, we have four Tianyuanjian sword masters, but there is hope to hit the top ten." Elder Luo originally There was a ray of light in some turbid eyes.

"And these two foreign aids are very powerful." The blond old man stroked his beard and said with a meaningful smile: "I think they can swept away those sea beasts with just the two of them."

"Haha, I hope."

The battle ahead was in full swing. Not only the people present were watching the game, but there were also several high-level officials in the Neptune Palace watching the battle.

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