Ten days later, the flying instruments of the two families arrived at the South Sea King City.

Only the palace where the royal family lives will be built in the deep sea, while the royal city is built on the vast sea, which is boundless at a glance.

The entire South Sea King City is covered by a huge transparent mask, and the prosperity of the King City can be felt from a distance.

"The mask in the King City of the South Sea is a tenth-rank formation." Lou Muyan's eyes were full of shock.

Her current formation level is only one step away from the ninth grade, so she can feel that the power that envelopes the entire royal city is very huge, simple and profound, and contains endless power, whether it is attack or defense, it can be called abnormal.

She dared to conclude that as long as the large formation starts its comprehensive defense, it is the combination of many powerhouses who have merged with Heaven and Human Realm that can break through this formation.

It's no wonder that the sea clan is the most mysterious race in the Guangling world. The formations arranged in this royal city are very mysterious. It seems that the sea clan is definitely hiding a tenth-grade array mage.

Ming Xiu was on another flying instrument, and he looked at the formation of Sea King City with deep eyes, and the bottom of his eyes was a little hot.

If such a formation can penetrate one or two, it will be of great help to his understanding of the formation.

"The South China Sea is worthy of being the most powerful sea area, and this tenth-grade defense formation alone is a super generous effort." Ming Xiu sighed.

Lou Muyan said through voice transmission: "Lance's fox is really rich. Although such a large formation has only enabled the simplest defense function, the annual consumption of spiritual stones or energy is definitely a huge number."

However, after such a formation was activated, the sea beasts did not dare to approach or attack at all, which also ensured the absolute safety of the South Sea King City.

Immediately, a gleam appeared in her eyes, and she continued: "If he is not so difficult to get along with, we can discuss with him whether we can comprehend this tenth-grade formation. I feel that this formation is very perfect. The layout is very mysterious.”

Of course, they will not learn for nothing, and they will pay the price, but I don't know if the blue fox will allow it.

"Well, I have to give it a try when the time comes." Ming Xiu nodded, he was also very interested in this formation.

"Is there a tenth-grade formation in Human Domain?" Lou Muyan asked curiously.

Ming Xiu replied: "There is a tenth-grade formation in the forbidden area of ​​the Imperial Family of the Underworld. I guess the formation alliance should also have a tenth-grade formation, and other places are unknown."

"It seems that the Mages in the Human Domain are not as strong as the Sea Clan!" Lou Muyan sighed.

There is only a rank nine defensive formation outside the city of Zhongzhou in the human domain, and it is far worse than this one in terms of mysterious arrangement.

This is only a royal capital with such a big hand, she believes that the surrounding of the blue fox's palace must also be a tenth-rank formation.

"The sea clan has a natural ability to get close to the formation, so the strongest formation mage in the four regions is in the sea." Ming Xiu said.

"So it is." Lou Muyan heard what he said, and was full of expectations for this trip to the King City of the South China Sea.

She and Mingxiu's matchmaking method is from the bottom of her heart, and she doesn't want to miss any opportunity to learn from each other and improve.

The flying instruments of the two families stopped at the edge of the king's city, and the front was the shield of the formation.

A team of soldiers from the sea clan was guarding outside the city, and the sea clan at the gate of the city came in and out one after another, but they needed to be checked before entering the royal city.

On the land of the royal city, the use of flying instruments is not allowed, and flying is even prohibited in the city. Those who violate the rules will be severely punished.

"Who are you?" A chief of guards asked indifferently, looking at the Roman family and the Keja family.

The elders of the two families immediately took out a pass, and the chief guard checked them before releasing them.

The edge of the formation is connected to the city, and one can only enter with a pass.

After the group entered the city, Lou Muyan found that the buildings here were very different from those in the human realm, and they gave people a soft and luxurious feeling everywhere.

The streets are very broad, with shops lined up all around, and there are sea clansmen in different clothes and services everywhere, bustling and bustling.

In the South Sea King City, there are many sea beasts and monsters from the Tianyuan and Fusion realms who come and go in the city. They transform into human figures, but their facial features are different from those of the sea clan.

For example, there is an extra tattoo on the face or a few scales directly on the face, and there are rhino horns on the head.

"Our two families have no property in Wangcheng, so let's find a hotel to check in now." Elder Roman said.

This time, the Roman family came to participate in the starfish banquet. It was high-level people. The family and several other elders would not arrive in two days. Many young disciples also followed.

Mostly, the family wanted the younger generation of disciples to come to the capital to gain more knowledge, so as to encourage them to be competitive and cultivate more diligently.

There was no objection from the two families, and the younger generation had basically never been to Wangcheng, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

The starfish banquet is coming, so many hotels in the king city are full, and several large hotels in the central area have heard that the rooms have been booked three months ago.

In the end, the two families found a hotel with a room in a slightly remote part of Wangcheng, which was just enough for the two families to live in. Although the price was twice as expensive as usual, the two elders still smiled and paid for the spirit stone.

The common currency in the Guangling world is also the spirit stone.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu were placed in a separate room, and the other family disciples were basically two or three people in a room.

After checking in, Lou Muyan is very satisfied with the current hotel, which is quiet and remote.

The next morning, Romanya knocked on the door.

"Anything?" Lou Muyan opened the door and asked with a smile.

"Mu Yan, you haven't been to Nanhai King City yet." Romanya still smiled shyly and said, "How about we go shopping together?"

"Okay!" The sea clan's many spirit grasses and spar are very good for alchemy and weapon refining, but there is no human domain at all. She was able to infiltrate the South Sea King City this time just to collect more.

Usually, as a human being, if you don't have a pass order, you can't enter the royal city. She is more fortunate that she met the Roman family and participated in the competition of robbing sea berries.

The relationship between the Roman family and the Keja family is very good, so the younger disciples of the two families get along very well in private, and Ming Xiu was also invited to visit the royal city together.

After leaving the inn, they Hua Lingshi took the carriage in the royal city and drove towards the central street.

Flying instruments and flying in the sky are not allowed in the royal city, and the entire royal city is very large. If you want to be in a hurry, you usually choose to take a shared carriage that can be rented. There are dedicated lanes that are very fast.

Lou Muyan found that such a royal carriage alone can make a lot of money every year, and if he settled in the royal city, the cost would be even more terrifyingly expensive.

It is no wonder that the Nanhai Royal Court can cover the entire royal city with a tenth-grade formation.

It seems that she should extort more with the blue fox, and the spirit grass and spirits needed to go to the battlefield outside the territory must be very large.

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