The central street of Nanhai King City is very large, and there are many shops selling spirit herbs, medicinal herbs, talismans, arrays, and refining materials.

"Romandy, do you know which shops are the most important and powerful in the Sea King City?" Lou Muyan looked at the row upon row of shops on the bustling street and it was difficult to choose.

Romanty thought for a while and smiled and said, "As far as I know, the shops under the Royal Chamber of Commerce are the most powerful ones in Neptune City, and they are classified into a wide variety of categories."

"In addition to the shops under the Royal Chamber of Commerce, the shops under the Dongtai Chamber of Commerce are also relatively strong." Romanty said: "If neither of them can buy anything, the others basically don't have it."

"Of course, except if you want to buy things." He added.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "Then let's go to see both of them together."

The things she wants to collect are relatively advanced, and those small shops usually don't have them.

"Mo Yan, you can see if there are any good things, maybe we can find one or two." She thought about it for a while and then sent a sound transmission to Mo Yan.

Mo Yan's sensitivity to spiritual things, spirit grass, etc., is not comparable to even a strong person who integrates the heaven and human realm.

"Okay!" It was the first time Mo Yan came to the Sea Clan's territory, and there was a little more interest in his dull eyes.

Bingji and several other spirit pets couldn't wait to come out for a stroll. After taking the breath-holding pill of Muyan downstairs, the aura they exuded was undoubtedly the sea clan.

Long Yao had already returned when he entered the South Sea King City, and at this time he also turned into a cold and handsome man standing with a few spiritual pets.

The people of the two families pretended to turn a blind eye to the few extra monsters, and Romanya and Bingji were able to chat quite a bit along the way.

"Mu Yan, that's the shop of the Dongtai Chamber of Commerce." Romandy said, pointing to a five-story store ahead.

"Well, let's go in and have a look."

The shop of the Dongtai Chamber of Commerce is very large and very lively. Many groups of sea clans come in and out, and they don't look like ordinary identities.

After the group entered the shop, a waiter immediately greeted them.

"Young master, what do you want to buy, ladies?"

"Show me the list of high-end items in your store." Lou Muyan said with a light smile.

"What kind of things do you want to buy, miss?" The waiter didn't know what kind of things to buy when she heard her words.

Lou Muyan waved his hand indifferently: "Except for medicinal herbs, as long as it is a high-level spiritual herb or material for formation, talisman, and refining, show me."

The waiter was stunned for a moment, then immediately took them to the private room on the third floor with a smile, and brought up a few lists.

Lou Muyan swept it again and found that there are quite a few high-level spirit grasses, even the eighth-level spirit grasses are sold directly. It seems that the strength of the sea clan is indeed much stronger than that of the human clan.

She circled all the things she needed, "How many of these things I want."

"Okay lady." The waiter is still more attentive.

Among the group, he could see that the lady of the big customer and the man in black had the most temperament.

Lou Muyan thought for a while and asked, "Do you have ninth-grade spirit herbs and materials for sale here?"

The waiter looked a little embarrassed, "This..."

Lou Muyan directly took out a high-grade spirit stone and threw it, "If there is one, I will have it."

The waiter took the top-grade Lingshi and said with a wide-eyed smile, "Miss, please wait a moment, and the little one will go and talk to the shopkeeper."


After the waiter walked out of the private room, Roman and the young disciples of the Keja family couldn't help but cast their eyes on Lou Muyan curiously.

"Muyan, why do you buy so many things!" Romanya's mind is relatively simple, and he definitely wants these things that Lou Muyan wants is definitely a huge amount of spiritual stones.

And the tip is a top-grade spirit stone, which is really generous.

Lou Muyan smiled indifferently: "These high-level things are only easy to buy in places like Wangcheng, and I will always use them in the future."

She can also see that Romanya and the others think she is too generous, but she can only be rewarded by giving appropriate benefits. She has a lot of spirit stones now, and she doesn't care about them at all, as long as she can buy what she wants.

"..." The group twitched the corners of their mouths when they heard what she said. Will they buy so much in the future? It's so extravagant.

However, from this point of view, the young disciples of the two families all guessed that Lou Muyan's identity must be extraordinary, and if they bought one or two casually, they would not be able to get so many spiritual stones.

Soon the waiter accompanied a steward to the private room. After some discussion, he sold a ninth-grade spirit grass to Lou Muyan.

Of course, the price is also very expensive.

In the end, Lou Muyan spent hundreds of millions of low-grade spirit stones in the Dongtai Chamber of Commerce's store, and the group was stunned.

After they left the chamber of commerce, the smile on the steward's face subsided a bit, and he instructed the waiter who held out his hand, "Go and check the identity of the lady who bought things just now."


After leaving the Dongtai Chamber of Commerce's store, Lou Muyan said, "Let's go to the Royal Chamber of Commerce now."

"..." Except for Ming Xiu, everyone in the group stared wide-eyed, with an expression like you still want to buy it.

"Cough cough..." Romandy asked tentatively with a light cough: "Mu Yan, do you still want to buy something?"

Lou Muyan blinked his eyes and said, "Yeah! I still lack a lot of things."

"..." The group was completely speechless again, everyone was short of the things she bought.

However, they are still relatively happy to be able to accompany Lou Muyan to be a big moneymaker.

Romandi and Kejas had been to the royal city before, so they soon took Lou Muyan to the store of the Royal Chamber of Commerce.

The shop of the Royal Chamber of Commerce is located in the most prosperous central street of Wangcheng. It is an iconic golden tower building that can be seen at a glance.

Both sides of the tower building are full of shops, but the things sold by these shops are below the eighth rank, and the treasures and rare things are all in the central shop of the golden pagoda.

There are many people entering the shops on both sides of the royal family, but not many people entering the central golden pagoda, even very few.

Neither Roman nor the Keja family had ever set foot in the Royal Chamber of Commerce.

After the group walked into the door of the central shop of the Golden Pagoda, a steward of the Tianyuanjing realm and two waiters who were cultivated in the Danyuanjing realm greeted them.

The steward's attitude was neither humble nor arrogant. He looked at the group with a light smile and asked, "What do you want to buy?"

"Let's take a look and buy if we find something suitable." Lou Muyan said.

The steward's expression did not change, he said with a smile, "Miss, there is a rule for entering our Royal Central Store, and everyone needs to abide by it."

There was no disdain or contempt in his attitude and expression, just a fact.

Lou Muyan chuckled lightly, "What are the rules?"

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