The items on the fifth floor of the Nanhai Royal Family Central Shop are all treasures, and it requires 2 billion to go up and choose, and that is also because buying any item requires a billion of low-grade spirit stones.

The items on the fifth floor of the Nanhai Royal Family Central Shop are all treasures, and it requires 2 billion to be able to select the low-grade spirit stones. It is also because buying any item will cost more than 500 million low-grade spirit stones.

When Lou Muyan and others went up to the fifth floor, they found that there were still two waves of people standing in the hall.

One of the group's hair or eyes is blue, which means that they may be the royal family of one of the four domains.

The other wave of people's faces have some characteristics of sea beasts, and they are demon cultivators in the transformation period.

Their arrival also attracted the attention of two waves of people. After all, those who can go to the fifth floor are not ordinary people.

"Miss Lou, these are the treasures on the fifth floor, you can take a look." The steward introduced some of the more precious treasures to Lou Muyan very politely.

Lou Muyan took a look at them one by one, pointed to the two spiritual objects and three middle-grade artifacts, and said, "I want these."

Both her second brother and Wu Nuan can use the middle-grade artifacts. In the human realm, they can only be auctioned at auctions. It is rare to sell them directly at the price. Moreover, the quality of the three artifacts is good and suitable for two people.

The smile on the steward's face was even bigger, "Okay, do you want to look at the medicinal herbs and talismans? We also have several kinds of ninth-grade medicinal herbs and talismans in our possession, all of which are refined by ninth-grade intermediate-level magicians. system."

He had previously discovered that Lou Muyan was not interested in the finished products of medicinal pills and talismans. He guessed that she might not be interested in products below the ninth rank.

"No, I'm not very interested in finished medicines and talismans." Lou Muyan smiled.

She is a ninth-rank alchemist herself, and Fu Zhuan is about to enter the ninth rank, so she really has no interest in the ninth-grade medicinal herbs and talismans outside.

Moreover, the quality and function of the ninth-grade medicinal herbs and talismans sold to the outside world are not very good, and the truly powerful ones will be put up at the auction.

"Is there anything else to watch, miss?" The steward was not reluctant.

"Let me take a look at the spiritual herbs and materials you treasure." This is what she needs most.

The steward took them to another hall on the fifth floor. There were many slots on the walls of the hall, and white lights flickered inside.

Lou Muyan approached and found that these white light groups were all forbidden by the ninth grade, and there was a jade slip in each slot.

Lou Muyan picked up the jade slip and looked at it, and then said to the steward, "The third, fifth, eighth... all of them."

The steward smiled and nodded: "I'll prepare it for Miss."

In his heart, there was an incomparable difference in her financial resources. The few things she wanted would cost more than three billion spirit stones.

Just as his voice fell, a young voice fell.

"Hold on."

Lou Muyan and the others looked over and saw the blue-haired royal family walking over, while the demon cultivators looked at them with interest.

"Is something wrong?" Lou Muyan asked the man who spoke lightly.

The man glanced arrogantly at Lou Muyan and said, "We have already taken a fancy to the third and eighth items, you can choose another one."

There was a tone of command in his tone, and there was a hint of cold light in Ming Xiu's eyes.

Lou Muyan didn't answer him immediately, but turned to look at the steward and asked, "The rule here is that what I set is not allowed if others like it?"

The steward did not expect that she would throw the spear at him, and said with a wry smile: "There is no such rule."

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows at the young man: "This is the answer I gave you."

"You..." The man looked a little annoyed, "Do you know who we are?"

"I don't know." Lou Muyan said, "I'm not interested in knowing either."

Does she have a face that looks like a bully?

The man snorted coldly and turned to look at a woman in a golden dress behind him.

The woman's expression was light, but the unhappiness in her eyes was still evident.

Upon seeing this, the man immediately instructed the steward who brought them up: "Our princess has taken a fancy to the third and eighth items."

His tone still carried an arrogant sense of superiority, especially when he spoke of their princess, his tone was very proud.

The steward was also very helpless. Before this group of people didn't say that they wanted items No. 3 and No. 8, and now others saw them and wanted to grab them.

The most important thing is that it is impossible to be an ordinary sea clan when looking at the other party's lavish spending.

However, he was assigned to take care of this group of people, and because the other party was the second princess who was favored by the King of the West Sea, it was not easy to offend him immediately, so he smiled and said to Lou Muyan, "Miss, they were really optimistic about these two things before, just because I didn't mark it down immediately when I went to see other things, can you make it easier?"

Seeing Lou Muyan's uneasy expression, he immediately added: "Of course, if the young lady can give up her love, I can give you 20 million lower-quality spirit stones for the privilege."

This is already his bottom line as a steward, and 20 million spirit stones will not refuse.

The most important thing is that the second princess of Xihai is notoriously perverted and domineering. He guessed that the other party should take the initiative to step back after knowing the identity of the second princess and his party. He just gave them the steps.

Lou Muyan chuckled lightly, her face showing a bit of coldness, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Do you think this young lady is someone who lacks 20 million spirit stones?"

It looks like I am poor and only have a spirit stone left.

"..." The steward twitched the corners of his mouth, and encountered some difficult people today.

"I know that the young lady is not short of money, but this thing is indeed the second princess and the others." His tone became a little more serious when he said "second princess".

Lou Muyan said indifferently, "I don't know what princesses are. I only know that since these two things are still here and have not been sold, I have the right to buy them."

"You called your chief steward when you were talking. I have never heard of such domineering rules." She added forcefully.

When she saw the helplessness in the steward's eyes, she knew that the second son and her son-in-law had never told the steward that they wanted these two things before, and they were completely looking for trouble.

The most important thing is that one of these two things is useful to her eldest brother's killing body, and the other is useful to Mo Yan. Even if the King of the West Sea comes, she can't just give in like this.

Make trouble, make trouble, she doesn't care if it gets bigger.

Isn't she a favored second princess from the West Sea, and she's not from the Sea Clan, so would she still be afraid of her? What's more, this is the South China Sea.

"This..." The steward didn't know what to say for a moment, he turned his attention to the steward beside Lou Muyan.

That person gave him an expression of you asking for more happiness. His guest was not wrong, and the other party was unreasonable.

"Miss, our rule here is that whoever speaks first and pays for the spiritual stone will be the one." The steward who brought Lou Muyan upstairs thought for a while and said.

The attitude of his maintenance is obvious, the Nanhai Royal Chamber of Commerce is not afraid of offending the princess of Xihai.

The woman in golden clothes then took a step forward with cold eyes, looked at Lou Muyan indifferently and asked, "Where did you come from? Very arrogant."

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