Faced with the strong aura of the golden-clothed woman who unleashed her merging cultivation in the first realm, Lou Muyan's expression was as indifferent as before, and the breath that was trapped in her body overflowed a little, but instead faintly suppressed the opponent.

"Who I am has nothing to do with you." She said lightly, "just like who you are has nothing to do with me."

"You're not from the Sea Clan, are you." The woman in golden clothes narrowed her eyes and said sharply.

After hearing her words, the three stewards and other sea clan present were stunned for a while, and their gazes on Lou Muyan became more probing.

"Can the trick you want to try be more childish?" Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows: "You are idle and bored, but my time is precious, I won't let things go, do what you like."

This second princess is rumored to be the favored daughter of the King of the West Sea. In addition to her talent in cultivation, she is usually arrogant and domineering, and many people secretly think she is an idiot.

But Lou Muyan only had such a short contact with the other party. She found that the other party was not as unbearable as the rumors said. Instead, it was hidden very deeply, and her scheming was not weak at all, and she had nothing to do with idiots.

But there is one thing she agrees with very much. This second princess is very annoying. This kind of hatred and dislike for Lan Ruoshui's cold temperament are two different feelings.

She intuition that this woman is similar to the two women of the Demon Race, and will inevitably become a hostile relationship with her in the future, so she is too lazy to give each other face, because no matter what, there will be a day when her face will be torn apart.

She has always trusted her own feelings very much.

"Heh..." The golden-robed woman chuckled softly, but her voice contained endless coldness, "Do you want to know what will happen if you offend the people of this palace?"

"I'm not interested in knowing." Lou Muyan said casually, "What method are you going to use to let the horse come over directly, I really don't like being threatened."

There was a layer of frost in the eyes of the woman in golden clothes. It was the first time she had encountered such an unreasonable person, but the person who once dared to oppose her like this is now worse than death.

"You are really good!" The golden-robed woman's eyes were sullen with a bit of anger, "Ben Gong will let you know the fate of offending my Xihai Royal Family."

This is the site of the Nanhai Royal Family Chamber of Commerce. It is forbidden for everyone to fight, including the royal family in the South China Sea. They are not allowed to violate the rules, otherwise they will be punished the most severely.

She can be arrogant and unrestrained in the West Sea, but she is very afraid of the King of the South Sea, who is a person whose cultivation is unfathomable, his face is as gentle as jade, but he is actually domineering and ruthless.

Making trouble on the opponent's territory, even if she is the favored second princess in the West Sea, it is still impossible for her to escape the punishment of the South China Sea Law Enforcement Team.

There was once a strong man who merged with the upper realm in the royal chamber of commerce, and his background was still very strong, but unfortunately, he happened to meet Lansi.

She knew that the man was directly slapped to death by Lance. Not only did the family behind him not have any dissatisfaction, but the patriarch himself sent a lot of treasures to make amends.

The second princess guessed that Lou Muyan dared to be so arrogant to her because she knew this, because as long as she was in the Nanhai Royal Chamber of Commerce, she could not do anything about her for the time being.

But it doesn't matter. Although she is violent, she is very patient, otherwise she would not be alive today.

As long as this woman steps out of the protection range of the law enforcement team in the city, she must take her back and torture her to death.

Lou Muyan roughly knew what the other party was thinking when she saw the fierce look in the other party's eyes.

But she didn't take it seriously. There were many people who wanted her to die, and there was no shortage of such a person.

Ming Xiu's phoenix eyes were stained with killing intent, if the timing wasn't right, he would definitely kill the second princess.

But in his heart, he also regarded the other party as a dead person. As long as he left the Nanhai King City, he had a way to make this woman never go back to the West Sea if there was an accident.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu exchanged glances, and just as they were about to answer, a cold voice sounded.

"I don't know what will happen to my Beihai people if they offend the Xihai royal family."

Immediately, everyone saw a man in black with dark patterns and a handsome appearance walking in.

He is tall and tall, with dark blue hair tied up with a jade crown, but his eyes are as dark and deep as obsidian.

Lou Muyan was stunned when she saw the person coming, and then a rare look of joy appeared in her eyes.


Ye Qing's cold and indifferent face was restrained, and a warm color appeared in the dark and boundless eyes, "Mu Yan!"

Long Yao saw that his master had been taken one step ahead by others to save the beauty before he could take action. He gloated to Ming Xiu and said, "Your rival in love is not simple, you are careful to be dug into the corner by him."

Ming Xiu glanced at him lightly, "You think too much!"

He always knew that Ye Qinghan was different in Lou Muyan's heart, but she didn't choose Ye Qinghan back then, but she finally chose him, indicating that the person she liked was him.

Then as long as he didn't betray her, she also wouldn't betray and give up on him.

He believes in the woman he loves.

In all fairness, he still appreciates Ye Qinghan, just like Mo Yan.

He didn't want to restrict Lou Muyan's friendship because of jealousy, he would give her the most free space, just ask for a little, her body and mind belonged to him.

All because he loves her too much, and because of love, he trusts each other unconditionally.

When the second princess saw the owner of the voice, she was obviously stunned. She restrained a lot of her previous hostility and said with a light smile: "It turns out that it is His Royal Highness the Prince of Beihai."

When Ye Qinghan looked at the second princess, the warm color in her eyes faded, and there was only a coldness, "The second princess's hand is too long."

There is a warning hidden in this sentence.

The second princess swept the floor and Muyan, feeling unhappy in her heart, but her face did not show, "Since she is a member of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, then this palace will not care about it today."

Immediately, she changed her words and said coldly, "But next time, I will be more than welcome."

Her meaning is obvious, next time we meet she won't be like that.

"I will accompany you to the end at any time." Lou Muyan replied indifferently, with an extremely arrogant and casual attitude.

Who wouldn't say harsh words! Even if she didn't use Ye Qinghan's power, she was not afraid of this princess.

She always has a very keen instinct, and soon she will conflict with this woman.

"Hmph, I hope you can laugh in the future." The second princess sneered and left here with her.

However, the killing intent towards Lou Muyan grew stronger in his heart.

The reason why she asked her men to snatch each other's things was not because she really liked the two spirits, but because she found out that this woman had actually robbed her of a man who had used various means to force her to get married. somewhat similar.

This is intolerable to her. She doesn't want other women to look like the man she likes, absolutely not.

"You go and find out the identity of this woman and her relationship with Lanzi." The second princess instructed a man behind him who had a mysterious presence and a low sense of presence after walking out of the royal central store.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

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