After the second princess left with her, Ye Qinghan whispered to the air behind her.

"You go and follow the second princess of the West Sea. If she has any special movements, she will come back and report."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Immediately, everyone saw a translucent black shadow appear and instantly disappear in the hall on the fifth floor.

"Mu Yan, Ming Xiu, let's find a place to talk." Ye Qinghan looked at the two of them gently and said.

He no longer had any hostility towards Ming Xiu. Although he still loved Lou Muyan in his heart, he was not ready to rob her or hurt her.

He just wanted to take good care of her.

The reason why Ming Xiu never stopped Ye Qinghan from contacting Lou Muyan was because he knew roughly what the other party was thinking.

He couldn't sympathize with such a rival, because Ye Qinghan didn't need it, but he admired it.

"Okay!" Lou Muyan nodded, and then said to Romanya and the others, "I still have something to do, you can go back by yourself, don't wait for me."

"Okay, pay attention to safety." Romanty and others were shocked that Lou Muyan and His Royal Highness Prince Beihai were friends.

But thinking that she spent so many spirit stones without blinking her eyes, she felt it was right, and guessed that she might be the young lady of a big family in Beihai.

After the steward sent all the things Lou Muyan wanted to clear the spirit stone, he smiled and handed a gilt invitation to her, "Miss Lou, there will be a large-scale top auction in our chamber of commerce in three days. You can come and have a look."

Lou Muyan took the invitation and asked with a half-smile, "Will the auction items be disappointing?"

"No, before each Starfish Banquet, our Nanhai Royal Chamber of Commerce will hold a large-scale top-level auction. All the auction items are treasures that we have collected for many years." The steward said with a smile: "I heard that this time there are two more This spiritual item has reached the god level, and it will definitely not disappoint you."

Immediately, he looked at Ye Qinghan and said respectfully, "The invitation from His Royal Highness Prince Beihai must be sent to the post house by the high-level officials of the Chamber of Commerce, so I won't do anything unnecessary here."

Ye Qinghan nodded lightly to indicate that he understood.

"Okay, we'll be there when the time comes." Lou Muyan thought about it and asked, "Do I need an invitation to participate in the auction?"

"Yes." The steward thought that Lou Muyan came with the Roman family, "Our Chamber of Commerce will send invitations to all the families who came to the starfish banquet this time, but the level of the posts is different."

"Miss Lou's gilt post can have a separate private room." He added.

"Okay, then thank you in charge."

"Miss Lou, you're welcome, walk slowly!"

After leaving the Nanhai Royal Family Central Store, Ye Qinghan brought Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu to his post house in Wangcheng.

After entering the room, he took out a ready-made array to activate it to prevent others from listening.

After sitting down, Ye Qinghan took out a can of top-quality spirit tea from the space ring, brewed a pot, and poured a cup for each of them, "This is a special spirit tea from the West Sea, you can try it."

Lou Muyan saw that Ye Qinghan was very familiar with brewing spirit tea with flowing water. After pouring it into the cup, the fragrance of the tea overflowed.

She picked up the teacup, the golden clear tea soup fainted, took a sip, and her eyes lit up instantly.

"Qinghan, your tea making skills have improved a lot, I'm not as good as you." Lou Muyan chuckled: "This tea tastes good."

"Good tea." Ming Xiu took a sip.

"As long as you like it." Ye Qing Lengjun's face showed a bit of a smile, "Mu Yan, why did you come to the sea?"

"Something happened to us in the Canglan Secret Realm in the Human Territory, and we were accidentally caught in the crack of the space storm and fell into the sea."

Then Lou Muyan briefly explained to Ye Qinghan what happened in the secret realm of Canglan and after falling into the South China Sea.

For Ye Qinghan, Lou Muyan trusts very much, even if he is now the prince of Beihai, she knows that he may no longer be the original Ye Qinghan in other respects.

But Ye Qinghan in front of her was always the person she met at the Jihuo Mountains for the first time.

"So it is." After hearing Lou Muyan's words, Ye Qing's cold and indifferent heart swelled with ripples.

He was very happy with her trust.

"Qinghan, how did you recognize Ming Xiu?" Lou Muyan blinked and asked.

She was actually quite confident in her changing Yan Dan, but Ye Qinghan didn't expect Ye Qinghan to recognize Ming Xiu, who had an inconspicuous face at this time.

Ye Qinghan smiled lightly, with bitterness in the bottom of his eyes, which was well concealed, "Eyes and temperament."

"Eyes?" Lou Muyan asked in surprise.

Ming Xiu's aura was very strong, even if he stood there disguised as a man with an ordinary face, it was still hard to ignore his existence, but she found that his eyes were well hidden.

"The eye contact between you from time to time is very tacit." Ye Qinghan said: "You can only show such a look when you are a cultivator."

Trust and dependence, with a look of love, Lou Muyan will only reveal it in front of Ming Xiu.

"Ming Xiu dresses up very well, but he doesn't hide his affection for you from time to time." He continued with hooked lips.

The bitterness in their hearts has melted a bit. The two people trusted each other before they experienced life and death. Now that they can live and die for each other, it is difficult for anyone in this generation to separate them.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

"Your eyes are really vicious." Ming Xiu smiled.

Ye Qinghan raised his eyebrows: "When are you going to get married? I'll prepare a big gift at that time."

"It's still early." Lou Muyan said with a chuckle, "My father and grandfather haven't ascended yet. We're going to get married after they come."

"And the Outer Territory battlefield is about to open. Our current thoughts are on improving the strength of our cultivation base." She added.

Ye Qinghan nodded: "That's right, there are countless geniuses from the younger generation of the Guanglingjie four clans who die every year on the battlefield in the outer domain. We have to be more cautious."

With his talent and identity, it is a sure thing to be introduced to the Outland battlefield.

"This is a linking ring I made. When we are introduced to the Outer Domain battlefield, we will be able to find each other's positions." Ming Xiu handed a pale golden ring to Ye Qing, "After entering the Outer Domain battlefield, you have been Just wear it."

Lou Muyan will follow the people he values, and he can't ignore the personality charm of Ye Qinghan, a rival in love.

Since the other party has deeply hidden his thoughts towards Lou Muyan, he will not care about it carefully.

Although he and Ye Qinghan were once rivals in love, they were more like friends.

In the Outland battlefield, he hoped that everyone would work together to survive.

"Thank you!" Ye Qinghan took the golden ring and played with it.

He prepared a lot for the Outer Territory battlefield, including meeting with Lou Muyan and others.

Several people chatted for a long time, before Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu left together.

"Young Master, have you given up Miss Lou completely?" Wen Liang walked into the room and asked after the two left.

Ye Qinghan picked up the teacup and shook it, his lips curved upwards. He was very happy that the tea art he had learned for so long could be praised and liked by her.

"Well, she just has the same feelings for me as her family." The smile on his face narrowed, "I don't want to lose this feeling in the end."

Wen Liang sighed and stopped talking.

Three days later, Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu went to the auction held by the Nanhai Royal Chamber of Commerce together with the Roman and Keya families.

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