Lou Muyan called out the price of 11 billion low-grade spirit stones, which made those sea-monsters itch with hatred.

I wondered how these two damn women could be so rich?

"One hundred and five billion." The deep voice in the Kraken's private room sounded again, with a little feeling of going out.

This is his bottom line, he doesn't want to deal with two women, can he succeed here.

After a while, the second princess called again: "15.1 billion."

"16 billion." Lou Muyan's lazy voice also sounded.

She is too lazy to raise the price first, anyway, as long as she presses down on the other party, she can take pictures of the item.

"You two women are cruel, this king remembers you." The deep-voiced master snorted coldly with anger.

He was unwilling to do anything about what he was about to get was snatched by the two sea clan.

Although he belongs to a small king in the sea monsters of the South China Sea, his financial resources are still far behind the big forces of the sea clan.

"Thank you for your kindness, in fact, you don't need to remember me." Lou Muyan said jokingly: "The second princess is beautiful, you just need to remember her."

"..." Those present who heard her words didn't know what to say.

The second princess snorted coldly, "One hundred and sixty one billion."

"One hundred and seven billion." Lou Muyan said, "Is it interesting that you have one hundred million and one hundred million? Not only is it wasting your own time, but it is also wasting other people's time. Come to the bottom."

Isn't this second princess very perverted and hot? Such procrastination is boring.

"You..." The second princess's voice was incomparable, "You must grab the demon spirit stone with Ben Gong?"

"What is robbing the demon spirit stone? I'm bidding at a normal auction. If you don't understand the rules, let the waiter of the Royal Chamber of Commerce explain it to you before bidding." Lou Muyan said eloquently.

"Very good, you are arrogant enough." The second princess snorted coldly, "18 billion."

This piece of demon spirit stone was very important to her. She didn't follow the bid because she was motivated, but at this time, blood was dripping in her heart, and 18 billion was close to half of all her savings.

"Twenty billion." Lou Muyan said casually.

"You deliberately act against me?" The second princess now has the urge to kill Lou Muyan immediately, how dare this woman act against her like this.

Lou Muyan replied, "My spiritual pet likes this stone. If you want it, continue to follow the price, and if you don't, give it up."

The second princess was extremely angry, but she stopped talking. If it was higher than 20 billion, there was no need for her to take action. First, she had reached the bottom line of the spiritual stone she could give, and second, it was not worth it.

After all, she still wants to shoot other things, and there are a few finale pieces in the back, and she doesn't want to lose it.

In the end, Lou Muyan photographed the demon spirit stone for 20 billion yuan.

Soon an elder of the Royal Chamber of Commerce sent the demon spirit stones to their private room and took away the 20 billion spirit stones.

Such a large number of Lingshi Chambers of Commerce are generally collected after the shooting to prevent someone from making false reports.

Of course, the possibility of false reporting in such a top-level large-scale auction is very small. The organizer is mainly afraid that the bidder will use the spirit stone for the bidding of other items and will not bid it before, so the villain first, then the gentleman.

Lou Muyan took the dark gray stone and played with it for a while, and found that there is indeed a kind of rule power hidden in it, all elements have attributes, but he couldn't comprehend it.

"Here." She threw the Demon Spirit Stone to Mo Yan.

Mo Yan stretched out his paws to catch it, and it was quickly absorbed into his body. If he hadn't had to look at the auction items below, he would have wanted to start to understand it directly.

"You haven't reached the level of comprehension of demon spirit stones. I heard that there are a lot of demon spirit stones in the Outer Territory battlefield. I will find them for you when the time comes." Mo Yan thought about the few spirit pets. Say.

He doesn't want to swallow the demon spirit stone alone, if other spirit pets can understand it, he doesn't mind everyone using it together.

The reason why he can directly comprehend the demon spirit stone of this level is because his cultivation base has reached the middle level of fusion in the past, otherwise he will definitely go into the devil.

"Boss Mo is the best!" Miaomiao and Chihuang were moved.

Bingji flattered: "This level of demon spirit stone naturally requires Boss Mo to use it. The Kraken and the ugly princess on the opposite side don't even look at what they are, and they dare to snatch it from us."

The other spiritual pets didn't think about robbing Mo Yan at first, but after hearing his words, their hearts were even warmer, and their boss Mo still thought of them all the time.

The next royal family chamber of commerce photographed a lot of ninth-grade spirit herbs and spirit objects, which were basically photographed by Lou Muyan.

The most important thing is that every time the second princess asks for a lot of items she needs, so she can only deal with this enemy who hates her to death.

Another auction item, the second princess and Lou Muyan competed for it, and finally was suppressed by Lou Muyan's high price.

"You are determined to fight against Ben Gong and grab something today, right?" The second princess said angrily, "Don't think that Ben Gong will not dare to touch you if the Prince of Beihai supports you."

This is already a clear threat.

Lou Muyan sneered and said indifferently: "No way, who made me so poor that only Lingshi was left. When I saw what I liked, I wanted to shoot. If you are not convinced, just use the Lingshi to press me."

Immediately, she turned and said coldly: "Of course, as for you want to touch me, I will accompany you at any time, waiting for you."

"..." Everyone felt the urge to vomit blood when they heard her words.

What does it mean to be so poor that only spirit stones are left? Do you want to hit people like this...

When Lou Muyan snatched a heaven-level spirit again, she smashed everything that could be smashed in the second princess' private room.

"I must kill that woman." Her eyes were red with murderous intent.

The guards in the private room did not dare to say a word, trying to reduce their presence as much as possible, for fear that she would take them out if she was unhappy.

Such top-level large-scale auction items are very precious one after another, and many people from the powerful forces also called for the auction, but a third of them still went into Lou Muyan's pocket.

An hour later, the vice-chairman said with a smile, "Today's auction has come to an end, and now we are starting to auction eight finale items."

As soon as his voice fell, a platform rose on the auction platform, and there was a seed exuding colorful glaze on it.

"The first finale auction item, the colorful glass species, is a god-level spiritual item, which is very useful for wood-type swordsmen..."

After the introduction, many wood attribute sea clan were moved.

"Master, master, this colorful glass seed is very useful to me. As long as I can refine and absorb it, I can have vines with seven attributes." Xue Xue stared at the colorful seed and said excitedly.

Since refining the five-color demon vine, he has changed from a single attribute to five attributes, and his strength and cultivation have improved a lot.

"Okay, I'll take pictures if it's useful to you." Although the spirit stones that Lou Muyan spent before were a huge sum for many major forces, they were only a drop in the bucket for her.

After all, so many large-scale spiritual ore veins in the Canglan Realm were not dug in vain.

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