Seven-colored glazed seeds are god-level spiritual objects, and direct refining can make a wood-type sword master contract into a demon plant, and it has a great effect on understanding nature, especially for alchemists.

If it is not refined, it can be planted as a seed. After flowering and fruiting, as long as it is cultivated around the vines all year round, the effect is similar to that of the wood-type comprehension stone, and it will give you a sense of closeness to nature.

This kind of seed is generally not chosen for others to plant and wait for it to bear fruit. After all, it takes thousands of years for the colorful glazed tree to grow up.

On the other hand, Lou Muyan has the green mist of the ice bracelet, which can ripen the colorful glaze seeds, and they can bloom and bear fruit in about a year.

She is also of the Muyuanli attribute, and the colorful glass seeds are also very useful to her. She decided to take a picture of the first planting, and a year later, the new seeds will bloom and bear fruit, and then use the blood and blood to use them, which is the best of both worlds.

Although the colorful glazed species are god-level spirits, they are mainly aimed at swordsmen and alchemists with wood-attribute energy, so the competition is not so fierce.

However, the price soon soared to 20 billion, and was finally taken by Lou Muyan at the price of 23 billion low-grade spirit stones.

Soon the next finale came up, one after the other.

Lou Muyan took a total of three of the eight finale pieces. If she didn't want to be too arrogant and leave some soup for other big family forces, she would have the financial resources to take all of them.

However, many people were completely shocked by her bidding price at the auction, and no longer doubted that she was so poor that only Lingshi was left.

Some high-level powerhouses exchanged glances or transmitted voices to each other, and sent spies to watch Lou Muyan's movements, looking for opportunities to rob money.

In the private room, Lou Muyan sorted out today's harvest and was very satisfied.

Finding that many hidden spiritual powers were quietly locking their private rooms, she shrugged and said, "Today is too high-profile, it seems that I have been targeted."

Ming Xiu stretched out his hand and rubbed her hand dotingly and said with a smile, "You did it on purpose."

"It's okay to be targeted, as long as anyone dares to come, they won't be able to go back." A cold light flashed across Ye Qinghan's eyes, and he already had a bit more killing intent towards the second princess of the West Sea.

"Well, it's easy to avoid their stalking." Lou Muyan nodded.

The eight-grade Yan Yan Dan she refined can not only change her appearance, but also her breath. She has the confidence that even if she is standing in front of a swordsman who has merged with the upper realm, the other party will not recognize her.

She is so high-profile not only because these auction items are really useful to her, but also wants to attract the attention of Lance, at least let the fox know that she is coming to pay.

In a palace deep in the South China Sea.

A man with such a handsome face and long blue hair was watching the projection of the crystal ball reflected on the crystal wall.

And the content on the projection is the auction that is still being held.

The man was wearing a bright yellow robe, his temperament was as warm as jade, and he had a somewhat chilling feeling, and his dark blue eyes were deeper and boundless than the sea.

He looked at Lou Muyan in Ye Qinghan's private room and her arrogant and lazy bidding gesture, and a slight arc appeared on his lips.

"The person tied up by the Second Princess Xihai hasn't moved yet, right?" He said slowly.

A translucent shadow appeared in the hall and half-knelt on the ground, "Reporting to the king, my subordinates have secretly protected that person."

After a pause, he said, "But he is not as simple as he seems, and his subordinates guess that he will be able to get rid of the second princess' control by himself soon."

"This king never thought of trapping him. I just wanted to use this to lead someone to the South China Sea, but I didn't expect her to come." Lan Si pressed his chin and asked, "The people from the Prince of Beihai are following the second princess?"

The shadow was stunned, thinking in his heart that the king was indeed the king, and he knew that.

"Yes, and the Prince of Beihai used Long Yinwei."

"Lanzi is really generous." Lansi smiled slightly mockingly.

"Wang, do you want to rescue that man now?" the shadow asked.

Lansi waved his hand, "No, Lanzi's people believe they will find out soon."

"Continue to monitor, don't let Lanzi's people discover the existence of a third party." He thought for a while and ordered.

If Lou Muyan knew that he had done something with Princess Xihai, it would be frizzy again. The little fox's claws are very sharp, so he should leave it alone for the time being.

"By the way, the person who managed to intercept Lanzi got all the news. This king hopes to watch the second princess appear with the man at the starfish banquet." Lansi's lips evoked a playful arc, he was really looking forward to seeing the little fox The way you fry at others.

"Follow your orders!" The shadow quickly disappeared into the hall.

Lan Si watched Jing Shi go upstairs and Mu Yan smiled and counted the auction items, and his heart moved.

Immediately, he frowned and sighed: "Sure enough, I was deeply affected by the feelings of the clone."

But he was quite new to this strange throbbing.

He raised his eyes to reveal a scorching bright color, "Xiao Yan'er, don't let this king down."

After the auction, Lou Muyan did not leave with the Romans and Keja family.

She and Ming Xiu followed Ye Qinghan to the inn where they stayed.

Watching Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu leave, Romanya showed a bit of loss in her eyes.

"Brother, will Mu Yan go to the Starfish Banquet with us?"

Romandy touched his head and said, "Mu Yan is originally from Beihai. She should go to the starfish banquet with His Royal Highness Prince Beihai."

Lou Muyan had already transmitted her voice to her before she left just now, so that they pretended not to know her very well, otherwise they were afraid of being implicated.

He also guessed that at the auction, her large-scale works would attract the attention of many powerful forces or outlaws, but he didn't expect that she would even think about their two families, and there was an indescribable bitterness in her heart.

He wanted to help repay her for helping the Romans, but he couldn't do anything. He could only do as she said, not because he was afraid of being implicated, but because he didn't want to drag her down.

"Yeah." Romanya nodded lowly.

"Let's go, we'll meet her again at the Starfish Banquet."

Along the way, a lot of mental power has been locked on Lou Muyan.

Ming Xiu snorted coldly, and an invisible wave was released, and even the sword masters in the fusion realm felt a splitting headache among the people he followed.

His spiritual power has been specially tempered by the secret method of the royal family of the Underworld. In addition, he is also a ninth-rank Array Master and Refiner, and his spiritual power has long reached the fusion state.

After arriving at the inn, all those mental powers dissipated and a new wave of stalking was replaced, but they did not dare to be as unscrupulous as before, this time it was very secretive.

"Mu Yan, go to the Starfish Banquet with me." Ye Qinghan said.

"Okay!" Lou Muyan was no longer going to be with the Roman family, for fear that the Kraken and the second princess would anger them.

"When is the Starfish Banquet?" Lou Muyan asked.

"Ten days later." Ye Qinghan replied.

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