Lou Muyan wondered about the relationship between Mo Yan and the fox queen, and Ye Qinghan was also a little curious.

Mo Yan had already guessed what Lou Muyan was going to ask, and he laughed at himself: "She used to be my mother-in-law."

Lou Muyan was stunned, and murmured softly, "No wonder."

No wonder the queen of the fox clan looks like Mo Yan in six or seven points. She kept staring at each other, and the more she looked, the more she felt that the two were strikingly similar. It turned out that they were actually mother and son.

"Your father married the queen of the fox clan?" Lou Muyan asked with a frown.

Mo Yan nodded: "She was my father's queen before the Spirit Devourer Clan was captured by the Fox Clan. Later, my father died inexplicably, and she disappeared with it."

If it weren't for the sudden death of his father, he would not be able to inherit the throne with a cultivation base that merged with the middle realm, which not only attracted the concern of foreigners, but also attracted the ambitions of the clan's ambitious clansmen for the throne.

He was really tired at the time.

"After she disappeared, have you looked for her?" Lou Muyan asked.

Mo Yan nodded and said, "I found it, but there was no news at the time."

Although that woman's feelings for him have been cold since childhood, he still had a lot of admiration for her back then.

"Do you know that she is now the queen of the fox clan?" Lou Muyan's tone was more certain.

When Mo Yan saw the mood swings of the queen of the fox clan, she could feel it was not because of an accident, but a complex disgust.

"I know, it was because I found out some information about her that I was almost killed by a sneak attack by a subordinate I focused on training." Mo Yan narrowed his eyes and said, "She betrayed her father and queen and turned around and became the queen of the fox clan. ."

Mo Yan's tone was flat, but Lou Muyan couldn't help feeling distressed.

"So she is the queen of your father's king, in fact, to destroy the spirit-devouring beast family?" Lou Muyan tapped the stone table lightly with her fingers.

"Well, back then my father loved her to the bone, and despite the opposition of other high-level leaders of the Spirit Devourer, he insisted on marrying her. After marriage, he held her in the palm of his hand, and it also caused dissatisfaction among many elders of the royal family."

There was a rare sarcasm on Mo Yan's face, "Who would have thought that a white-eyed wolf would be spoiled."

How much he longed for maternal love back then, how much he admired that woman, how much he hates it now.

He used to hate that woman, but now he doesn't have that hatred anymore, because he no longer has the slightest feeling for the so-called mother.

Especially watching her sit next to other men and become another man's wife, he just finds it disgusting.

After hearing Mo Yan's words, Lou Muyan and Ye Qinghan were extremely surprised, and they didn't know how to comfort him.

After all, whoever encounters such a mother will be somewhat unacceptable.

"She should have had a purpose before marrying your father." Lou Muyan's eyes were filled with a coldness, "But if the hatred you were almost killed by a sneak attack really had something to do with her, wouldn't I? I'll let her go."

If Mo Yan hadn't inadvertently obtained the most top-secret secret method of the Spirit Devouring Clan, he would have been a pile of dead bones now.

That woman who is a mother is really cruel.

"Whether she played a role in the sneak attack on me back then, I must avenge the revenge of killing my father." There was no turbulence in Mo Yan's eyes, as if this day would always come.

His father loves him very much. He brought him up from a young age, taught him the principles of survival, and guided him to practice. He is a qualified and loving father.

Lou Muyan felt very uncomfortable. She didn't expect Mo Yan's life experience to be like this.

"You don't have to feel bad for me, I've long let go and looked down on me. She gave birth to me and didn't support me. Once I died once, it should be regarded as compensation for her life." Mo Yan saw the pain in Lou Muyan's eyes. With pity and resentment, his heart warmed, and he reached out and touched her head to reassure her.

In this life, he has a father and a king, and Lou Muyan is enough.

Ye Qinghan sighed and didn't speak, he knew that Mo Yan didn't need comfort.

"I think that woman is not simple, even deeper than the Fox King's scheming." After a while, Lou Muyan calmed down the fluctuating emotions and said, "Will there be any secrets in the past?"

She is also a woman. She feels that the queen does not love the fox king much, but has a sense of disobedience. This is the sixth sense.

"Perhaps solving the mystery of her betrayal of Mo Yan's father back then will be the key to our breakthrough in the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan." Ye Qinghan said.

Mo Yan pondered for a while, then pursed his lips, "Let's find the treasure that will wake up Ming Xiu first, revenge is not in a hurry."

He also wanted to find out the truth about his father's death back then, but he was definitely inseparable from that woman.

"Well, when the fox clan relaxes our vigilance, let's go look for the fox clan's treasure." Lou Muyan nodded in agreement.

There are more and more mysteries of the fox clan, which can only be solved slowly one by one.

At the same time, in the queen's bedroom.

The fox king was lying on the big bed and was sleeping very deeply, and the woman beside him stood up expressionlessly.

She glanced at the fox king coldly, making sure that he would not wake up, put on her clothes and turned into a secret room.

In the secret room, there was a comfortable reclining chair, and on the reclining chair was half a woman who was flipping through a book.

The woman who entered the secret room said to the woman on the reclining chair: "He has fallen into a deep sleep."

"En." The woman on the couch moaned softly, and continued to focus on flipping through the book in her hand.

The woman who entered the secret room consciously stood behind the woman on the reclining chair and waited.

If anyone is here, they will be surprised, because the two women look exactly the same, and there is not much difference in temperament.

Time passed quickly, and Lou Muyan and the others had been in the Fox clan's palace for a month.

This month, King Fox summoned Ye Qinghan several times. The content of each conversation revolved around the throne of the Jinpeng clan. In fact, it was actually in a disguised way to instigate Ye Qinghan to find a way to get rid of King Jinpeng.

Ye Qinghan also expressed great resentment towards King Jinpeng, and very much agreed to remove King Jinpeng.

However, the fox king did not give a plan to let them endure for a while, and then basically did not summon them.

And the queen of the fox family never appeared again.

Lou Muyan often visits the palace during this month, especially when she sees a beautiful man, she always has to tease her, whether it is a guard or a minister of the fox clan, she has not let go.

So now in the palace, as long as a man sees Lou Muyan, he will definitely hide away, treating her like a plague.

If there is no beautiful man to flirt with, she will go to flirt with beautiful women instead.

Not only did she move her hands and feet, she said that the beauties of the fox clan looked like they had seen a ghost, and they couldn't hide from her.

So Lou Mu Yan spent a month and became the most unpopular person in the palace.

This is very in line with her will, and there are many benefits.

Wherever she went, others scattered away like the plague. She basically visited the palace of the fox clan without much hindrance, and also gained some gains.

She found in total that there were three restricted areas in the fox clan's palace, and she could not step into them for the time being. As long as she got close, the fox clan demon cultivators in the fusion realm would come out to stop them.

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