On this day, the Nine-tailed Fox King received an invitation from the Poison Flame Spider King, and he took the queen to the Poison Flame Spider Clan.

Before leaving, he secretly instructed Mo Yan to appease the third prince, and he could act when he came back.

Mo Yan agreed on the surface, knowing in his heart that the Nine-tailed Fox King's trip to the Poison Flame Spider Clan this time should be to discuss a plan to win the Tianpeng Clan.

But this is also an opportunity for them. During this time, when the Fox King is away, they can look for an opportunity to steal the treasure.

The fox king left, followed by eight commanders. The remaining commander, the chief commander who pretended to be Mo Yan, was the oldest.

The Eleventh Commander also stayed, but now that he sees Lou Muyan, he takes a detour.

On this day, Lou Muyan and several people gathered together in the grey stone space to discuss.

"I got a little bit of news from the woman of the fox clan. The eleven commanders may know the whereabouts of the treasure of the fox clan." Mo Yan said.

Lou Muyan thought that every time the Eleventh Commander saw her, it was like seeing a ghost and it was funny.

She squinted her eyes and said, "If Li is not around, you can't deprive your memory, otherwise you can control the eleven commanders."

"Don't look at the Eleventh Commander as a dummy on the outside, but he's actually very cunning and good at calculating. It's hard to do without Ruoli's memory stripping." Mo Yan had a lot of dealings with the Eleventh Commander during this time.

"Now that the Nine-Tailed Fox King is not here, it is the best time for us to steal the treasure. If we miss this time, it will be difficult to act in the future." Ye Qinghan frowned.

Lou Muyan pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Well, I'll go to the three secret places to explore first. If there is no treasure, where should I start from the eleven commanders."

"How to inquire? Do you want to sneak in?" Mo Yan guessed her plan at a glance.

They have all looked through the memory of the commander, but the commander has no authority to enter these three secret places, and even the news is not very clear.

The commander had also suspected that these three secret places had some big secrets before, and tried to find out.

But in the end, he was warned by the fox king, and since then he lost his usual special favor and sent him to the Tianpeng clan as an undercover agent.

Since then, the great commander has never dared to inquire about the news of the three secret places.

"This method is not bad, but the fox clan guarding the secret place never leaves a distance of 100 meters outside the secret place. Are we killing all the people first and imitating their breath with the respiration pill?" Nalan Song thinks this approach is a bit inappropriate.

If they kill the guards or control them to impersonate, but they have no memory of them, they will be exposed if there is a sudden change.

Lou Muyan pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Who said I'm going to use Fuxi Pill?"

Seeing her confident appearance, Nalange's mind lit up, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you want to use an invisibility charm?"

Yup! This woman once sold the kind of invisibility amulet that could hide her breath in the battlefield outside the territory. With such a thing, why risk the use of respiration pills.

"You're not too stupid." Lou Muyan smiled.

They couldn't get into the three secret places, and the guards hiding in the surrounding fusion environment had no less than ten demon cultivators in each place. .

After entering the fusion realm, they can control the realm, even if they can kill each other in a few breaths, but they can't keep the news from spreading.

Sword masters in the time fusion realm of a breath can spread the news through the realm, so they can't take such a risk.

"Then let's set off at night." Ye Qinghan curled his lips and smiled, but fortunately Lou Muyan usually likes to fiddle with talismans, and invisibility talismans are really good things.

Lou Muyan nodded, turned his eyes to Nalan Ge and said, "You and Mo Yan change your identities."

Nalange rolled her eyes at her, "Why should I change my identity? Can't I go to the fox clan's territory?"

Does this woman want to leave him behind? Hum, don't think about it.

"It's not that you can't go, it's that you have to do more important things." Lou Muyan said with a wink.

Nalange frowned and asked, "What's more important?"

He always felt that this woman was not at ease.

"Naturally it's for us." Lou Muyan cast a trusting look at him, "The commander is the chief of the fox clan, it would be troublesome if the fox clan could not find him suddenly, so you dressed up instead of Mo Yan. Cheng Da commander, cover for us."

"Can't Mo Yan continue to dress up? He dresses up so well." Nalange was actually very curious about the three secret places.

"Mo Yan is the one we know the most about the demon clan, and he must follow him. Qinghan is not as good as you in acting, so naturally this heavy responsibility can only fall on you." Lou Muyan said.

Nalange said angrily, "How could I meet a woman like you."

He also knew that the great commander could not disappear, and what Lou Muyan said was the truth, so he could only accept this arrangement.

"That's how it is." Lou Muyan smiled and cast a polite look at him and reassured him: "After we successfully find the treasure, I will brew a few pots of fine wine to reward you."

Nalange is also an alcoholic person, so he desperately wants to follow Lou Muyan and the others, in addition to having fun, just to drink spirit wine from time to time.

"Do you think I'm a child? You can just coax me, hum." Nalan Ge pouted arrogantly, but felt a lot more comfortable in her heart, considering that this woman still has a little conscience.

Several people talked again, and after making a plan, Mo Yan and Nalan Ge switched identities.


Suddenly, there were several loud noises in the gray stone space, and a black shadow flew out from a distance.

"Jun Luochen is out." Lou Mu's cigarette lips raised an arc.

After Jun Luochen came out of the extraterritorial battlefield, he began to retreat. Because he was in a state of soul, he could directly enter and live in the graystone space.

The grey stone space is a divine treasure refined by Master Lou Muyan's Master Da Xianzun. Jun Luochen's soul is hidden in it, and it is impossible for the fox king to find it, so she will bring him here.

After all, this fellow has lived the longest among them, and his knowledge is naturally the most extraordinary.

Jun Luochen moved to Lou Muyan and others to sit down.

"Is your body remodeled?" Lou Muyan asked with raised eyebrows.

Jun Luochen seemed to be in a good mood and said, "Of course, how could I fail."

"When are you going to merge the two into one?" Lou Muyan continued to ask.

The god-level spirits obtained from the extraterritorial battlefield can reshape the body that Jun Luochen once lost, but if you want to use it completely, you still need to combine the soul and the body.

"Let's talk about it when you steal the treasure of the fox clan and leave the realm of the nine-tailed fox." Jun Luochen said.

His wish to reshape his body has been completed, and he can merge into one at any time, but now it is not so urgent.

"I felt an inexplicable pull in the palace of the fox clan. I suspect that there may be something from the demon clan here." He paused and added.

That's why he rushed out of the customs when Lou Muyan and the others were in action.

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