Hearing Jun Luochen's words, Lou Muyan was stunned.

She frowned and asked, "You mean that the nine-tailed fox clan may have colluded with the demon clan?"

"I'm not very sure, I just felt a very gloomy aura, like a ghost beast from the Demon Realm." Jun Luochen paused and said, "The specifics will only be known after investigation."

He has been away from the Demon Realm for too long, so if there is something new coming out of the Demon Race, it will be difficult for him to judge immediately.

"Okay, let's do it tonight."

Night falls, and the stars are shining.

Lou Muyan, just in case, gave each of them a face-changing pill to wear, and changed their appearance.

Then each one put on a tenth-rank invisibility amulet and quietly sneaked towards the first place.

Nalange, on the other hand, dressed up resentfully as a grand commander, and dragged the high-ranking fox demons in the palace to drink, and by the way, he talked about the whereabouts of the treasure of the fox clan to see if anyone knew.

In the memory of the great commander, the treasures of the fox clan are guarded by several mysterious elders of the fox clan. As for where, apart from the king and the queen, no other demon cultivator knows, including twelve commanders.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

As for whether the eleven commanders knew, or how they knew it, it was a mystery.

The first secret place is behind the rockery in a remote garden of the palace.

Two demon cultivators who merged with the upper realm were hidden near the rockery, and they carefully dived in from the entrance.

They walked towards the depths from the rockery in pitch darkness. After about half an hour, they were blocked by a closed stone gate.

"We'll wait here for about a cup of tea. I've observed it before, and there should be a shift at that point." Lou Muyan transmitted a voice transmission to Mo Yan and Ye Qinghan.


Sure enough, after a cup of tea, the closed stone gate suddenly opened, and two demon cultivators who were also in the upper realm emerged from the inside. The demon cultivator who had previously lurked outside the rockery was replaced.

Lou Muyan and the others were not in a hurry to go in. They quietly followed after the two demon cultivators outside the rockery entered the stone gate.


As soon as the two demon cultivators entered the door, the stone gate behind them closed automatically.

The two demons didn't speak either, and walked forward silently all the way.

The road ahead is a corridor made of stones, and the top of the corridor is inlaid with many night pearls.

Lou Muyan found that the two demon cultivators walked very regularly in the corridor, and she also motioned Ye Qinghan and Mo Yan to learn to walk in that way.

Through the constantly changing stone steps, Lou Muyan found that this was indeed a formation, and if he did not walk in a fixed way, the formation would be activated.

This should be a means to deal with outsiders.

They followed the two demon cultivators all the way forward, turned a few corridors, and verified through various handprint breaths before the stone gates in front of them opened one after another.

Lou Muyan was more fortunate that they didn't choose to break into this secret place alone before, otherwise they would trigger the trap by accident, and if they opened the stone gates inside, they would definitely disturb the demon cultivator of the fox clan.

Following this all the way, after about an hour, they finally reached the stone gate at the end.

The stone gate opened, and Lou Muyan and the three quickly squeezed in.

As soon as they entered the stone gate, they were stunned by the sight in front of them.

Surrounded by a very empty hall, there are huge corpses of monsters placed all over the hall.

From time to time, there are people of the fox tribe wearing robes of the same color holding various tools to examine the well-preserved corpses by special means.

Lou Muyan swept around and found that the bodies of each monster were of different races, and their cultivations before death were all fusion realms.

"There are at least hundreds of monster races here," she said.

"This place includes the top 100 monster races in the monster realm." Mo Yan's eyes were fixed on the white corpse in the innermost part, and his whole body exuded a cold air.

Lou Muyan and Ye Qinghan followed his gaze and found that the white corpse was the same spirit-devouring beast as Mo Yan's transformed body.

The invisibility talisman refined by Lou Muyan can see each other's existence as long as they add a kind of restriction.

"I have found it."

Suddenly, an excited old voice sounded in the originally dull hall.

All the demon cultivators in the hall looked at the old man in unison, and one of the middle-aged male protagonists walked over and said respectfully, "Five elders, please."

The old man pointed to the armpit of a monster similar to a leopard and said, "The weak point of his body has been found by the old man, and it is here."

With a smile on his face, the middle-aged man instructed a demon cultivator behind him: "Bring a demon cultivator from the Lightning Leopard clan over here."


The demon cultivator at the back quickly disappeared into the hall, and after a while, he brought in a young man who was bound all over his body.

"What are you doing?" The man was bound by a dark green vine and couldn't move at all, and asked with horror in his eyes.

But the demon cultivator of the fox clan ignored him at all.

The middle-aged man untied the wooden vine on his body and suddenly slapped it with a palm.

The young man of the Lightning Leopard Clan was forced to transform into his body.

Then the five elders gathered the demon power on the two fingers, and quickly attacked the underarms of the lightning leopard.

The Lightning Leopard, who was still alive and alive, froze immediately after being hit by the fifth elder in the armpit.

Although it is only a few breaths of time, it can determine the outcome of a battle.

This Lightning Leopard, which had transformed into its main body, was only a cultivation of the Tianyuan Realm. After being hit by a weakness, its body was paralyzed for a few breaths. Before there was too much reaction, it was slapped on the head by the five elders, and immediately died of anger.

"Take it." The middle-aged man took out a black porcelain bottle to suck the soul of Lightning Leopard away, and instructed the demon cultivator behind him.

"Yes." The demon cultivator walked out of the hall with the body of Lightning Leopard in his arms.

The middle-aged man smiled at the fifth elder and said, "Congratulations to the fifth elder for researching the weakness of the Lightning Leopard."

"The speed of the five elders is really fast. It only took less than a hundred years to discover the weaknesses of more than a dozen high-level demon clans. I can't wait for it!" A demon cultivator standing beside the fifth elder complimented him. .

The expression of the fifth elder did not change, and he said lightly: "The old man is tired, let's take a step first."

He was very satisfied with his results, but he didn't feel much after hearing such compliments, so he went back to his room to rest.

The middle-aged man watched the fifth elder leave, squinted his eyes, then turned to the other demon cultivators and said, "Everyone, go ahead, as long as you quickly find out the weaknesses of the remaining corpses, everyone will be able to leave here sooner."

There are rules for entering the hall. You must find out the weaknesses of the monsters before you can go out to rest for a while. If all the weaknesses of the monsters here are found, you can rest for a long time.

After the others were excited, only numbness remained, so they dispersed and continued to study the corpse of the monster.

But they didn't know that such a move had already fallen into the eyes of Lou Muyan and the others.

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