The great commander disappeared inexplicably out of thin air, and the fourth commander mobilized a large number of demon cultivators to dig three feet into the ground without finding him.

The other commanders also led their teams to search around, but there was still no news of the great commander.

The fox clan prince looked gloomy, and his whole body exuded a coldness.

He just thought about how to use the third prince to make a fuss about the Tianpeng clan, but who knew that the goddamn commander went crazy and killed people.

He knew something about the chief commander's wife. Although it appeared that the woman died in an accident, it was actually done by the eight commanders, and the fox king did not pursue it after learning the news.

Unexpectedly, it was such a trivial matter that it would lead to the retaliation of the great commander and paralyze all plans.

Suddenly, a special messenger fell into his hands.

He was stunned. This was a special communication talisman made by the royal family, for the fox king.

"The treasure of the fox clan may be stolen, go check it out." There was only one message in the communication, but the fox clan prince was shocked into a cold sweat.

He immediately summoned several high-level officials who knew the secret of the Third Secret and his identity to go to the Third Secret.

After all, he went alone, and he couldn't tell with a few mouths.

When they saw that the third secret place had been looted, and even the water pool with rich spiritual energy had disappeared, several elders almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The prince of the fox clan looked ashen, he never expected such a thing to happen.

"Check, you must find out who did it, and if you bring it back, let him live and die."

An elder of the fox clan usually cherishes the spirit grass and spirit flowers here, and wants to invite a senior winemaker to make spirit wine. Now all the materials are gone, and the other party has not even left a leaf, which is simply digging his heart.

"Could this also be done by the commander?" An elder asked suspiciously.

The prince of the fox clan shook his head: "Impossible, it is impossible for him to come in without the royal blood of the fox clan."

The other elders were also very puzzled. To enter this place, there must be a matching atmosphere and face formation to recognize the free entry and exit. The grand commander really does not match each other.

"Who would have stolen it?" This was the question of the elders.

"There are two options. One is that there are spies inside us. We must check all the royal demon cultivators who can enter and exit the third secret place, including this prince. Another possibility is that the other party has some kind of special The means can be unknowingly enter the third secret place to steal the treasure."

The fox prince paused and added: "This prince prefers the second type."

Although the first one is also possible, it is impossible for the demon cultivators of the royal family to do such detrimental things. The things here are the biggest treasure trove of the fox clan. If they are lost, no one can escape the relationship. .

He prefers the second possibility, mainly because it happened so coincidentally. The three kings, father and daughter were just killed by the commander, and the treasure in the third secret place was stolen. He always felt that there must be some what a link.

"Quickly block the teleportation formations and access points of the fox clan leading to other demon domains." The fox clan prince said: "Search the whole city for the great commander and suspicious demon cultivators."

"Yes!" The other elders jumped in anger but could do nothing at this time, because they really didn't know who did this kind of thing.

However, he has slashed the great commander a hundred times in his heart. Even if the treasure trove was not stolen by him, it definitely has something to do with him.

The fox prince suddenly thought of something, turned and left quickly.

Several elders chased after them, "Prince, have you found anything?"

"I think that the death of the third prince and his daughter is not quite right. I will go and see." The prince of the fox clan did not hide it.

After examining the bodies of the three princes, father and daughter, although the face and breath were all correct, the fox prince always felt that something was wrong.

After the fox king knew that the treasure in the third secret place and the treasure of the fox clan had been stolen, he couldn't sit still any longer, and immediately took the queen back to the fox clan quickly.

It even mobilized all the hidden forces to secretly act to investigate suspicious objects that have recently appeared in the fox clan and even the demon domain.

No matter how messed up the fox clan was at this time, Lou Muyan and the others had successfully left the fox clan's territory, which still depended on her talisman strengths.

In the hearts of everyone, Lou Muyan is most powerful at refining attack and defense talismans, but in fact, she is best at more partial talismans like invisibility and teleportation talismans.

When she came, she left the imprint of the formation in the space channel. As long as the teleportation charm was activated, she could teleport multiple times. Even if the fox clan found their traces, they had already left when they arrived.

What's more, she is still very sure of her Fuxi Pill.

Using the advanced teleportation charm, they soon returned to the Tianpeng clan's territory.

During the period when they sneaked into the fox clan, Chi's identity has been made public by the king of Jinpeng, and he was recognized by the elders of the royal family of the Tianpeng clan, and he was even named the prince.

Ye Qinghan broke the contract with Chi when he left the Tianpeng clan.

The animal control techniques in the Tianling Continent, including the Guangling Realm, are mainly to serve the master, and it can also cancel the contractual relationship with the spiritual pet.

After all, some spirit beast masters can't contract a few spirit pets in their lifetime. After the cultivation level is promoted, some spirit pets will cancel the contract and find suitable spirit pets again.

Ye Qinghan's actions can only show that he has no selfishness towards Chi. Even if the contract is terminated, they are still the most important partners and relatives.

This kind of behavior made Chi even more moved, made King Jinpeng very satisfied, and had a better impression on Ye Qinghan and the others.

Taking advantage of Chi's status as the prince of the Tianpeng clan, Lou Muyan went to a secret place of the Tianpeng clan to rescue Ming Xiu.

Ye Qinghan and the others also stayed outside the secret area so that no one would disturb them.

Lou Muyan first arranged a spirit gathering array and a soul gathering array, and then placed the Buddha beads on his wrist into the array.

She took out the treasure of the fox clan and put it directly into the Buddha beads.

The colorful glazed light instantly enveloped Ming Xiu's white soul, flickering and flickering.

After Lou Muyan activated the formation, she sat cross-legged in the formation and recited the scriptures that are good for strengthening the soul for seven, seven and forty-nine days.

The light and color of the colorful colored glaze is constantly circulating and washing the soul of the meditation.

The essence and spiritual energy condensed by the Spirit Gathering Array and the Soul Gathering Array also drilled into the Buddha beads and entered the soul of the meditation.

Seventy-seven forty-nine days later, the two tenth-grade formations made a "click" sound and turned to ashes.

A burst of red light emerged from the string of Buddha beads, and immediately transformed into a man of peerless grace and beauty.


Lou Muyan's eyes were dyed with a layer of mist, pursing her lips and looking at the man in red with tenderness.

Ming Xiu's soul is very powerful. Although he was in a deep sleep before, Lou Muyan talked to him every day, and he could hear it.

As soon as his soul woke up, there was only one thought in his heart and mind, and that was to miss Lou Muyan madly.

He quickly walked to Lou Muyan, took her into his arms, and hugged her tightly.

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