Lou Muyan hugged Ming Xiu back, although the other party was only in a state of soul, but the two hearts were close to each other.

Drops of tears fell from the corners of her eyes, wetting Ming Xiu's heart.

"Yan'er." Ming Xiu let go of her, reached out and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with the power of his soul, his voice was soft and hoarse.

It was the first time he saw Lou Muyan cry, and her tears made him feel distressed.

Lou Muyan sniffed and smiled, "I'm just happy."

From the extraterritorial battlefield to now, Mingxiu has been in a deep sleep state, her heart has never relaxed for a moment, she is afraid, afraid that Mingxiu will not be able to wake up.

He has already penetrated into her bone marrow, and he can't be stripped, she can't lose him, otherwise her world will be bleak.

Now that Ming Xiu appeared alive in front of her, she couldn't help crying. One was to vent her recent depression, and the other was to cry with joy.

Ming Xiu lowered his head and kissed the corner of her eye, "Yan'er, it's great to see you again!"

"Me too."

Lou Muyan adjusted her emotions and stopped the tears that kept pouring out. She took out the god-level spirits that had been used in the outer battlefield to reshape her body from the space ring.

"You reshape your body first."

Meditation is in the state of soul, they can hug each other but there is still a difference, she wants to hug the fresh him tightly.

"Okay!" Ming Xiu took the spirit and chuckled, "Then Yan'er will protect me."

At this time, he really wanted to rub his lover into the blood and kiss deeply, but it was difficult to do it in a state of soul.

Therefore, he is also eager to rebuild his body.

"En." Lou Muyan conveyed Jun Luochen's experience of reshaping his body to Ming Xiu, walked to the side and rearranged a formation, then sat outside to guard.

Ming Xiu took the spiritual things to fuse and shape them a little bit.

The hourglass of time fell little by little, Ming Xiu reshaped his body, and Lou Muyan sat quietly outside the formation to accompany him.

Quiet and warm, as long as they have each other, they are the greatest happiness.

Ten days later, Ming Xiu's body was reshaped by himself, and he also used several god-level spirits to refine and wash his new body.

Lou Muyan recited a gentle meditation mantra in his mouth, and his mind was always in an ethereal state.

When the time came, his soul turned into a white light and penetrated into his body.

It takes time for the soul and the body to merge, and he needs to adjust the fit to a perfect state.

Experienced death, body fall, and extreme sleep, it is not that there is no benefit to meditation.

His spiritual power has more than doubled, and his understanding of the attributes of each element has reached a new level. With the fusion of his soul and body, his cultivation is also constantly rising.

Finally, he gradually stopped when he was half-stepped to immortal. As long as the opportunity came, he would be able to soar and break through to immortal cultivation.

Therefore, all things have advantages and disadvantages, blessings and misfortunes lie in them, and misfortunes and blessings rely on them!

The perfect fusion of soul and body takes longer than reshaping the body.

Seventy-seven forty-nine days later, Ming Xiu, who was floating in mid-air, slowly opened his eyes.

The next moment, he was already standing in front of Lou Muyan.

As soon as Lou Muyan opened his eyes, he met those eyes that were as deep as the sea, with deep affection.

"Yan'er." Ming Xiu's voice was sexy and magnetic, as if to settle people.

Lou Muyan raised an arc on his lips, with a smile on his brows, "We will never be separated again."

"Okay, we'll never be apart again."

Ming Xiu sat on the ground, hugged Lou Muyan to his lap, and couldn't hold back any longer and kissed the tender and attractive lips.

He kissed her gently, tossing and turning, with cherishing and love from the bottom of his heart.

She is the baby of his life, he takes care of him and loves her deeply.

Lou Muyan closed her eyes and felt Ming Xiu's love with her heart. She put her arms around his neck and responded slowly.

In the end, the kiss without passion/lust gradually burned, and Ming Xiu pried open Lou Muyan's lips, enjoying her sweet fragrance.

Lou Muyan was not shy, and responded enthusiastically and violently. This kind of invitation made Ming Xiu's whole body numb, and he only wanted more.

His slender, white fingers gently undid the belt of her shirt, and his lips moved down a little bit.

Her delicate collarbone was undoubtedly revealed when the clothes slipped, and her beautiful face was charming with a rare charm. Ming Xiu only felt that her whole body was about to be set on fire by her.

He breathed erratically, and couldn't help but kiss the red lips that were madly missed.

The two red shadows were intertwined, and Lou Muyan's clothes were mostly taken off, and she enthusiastically responded to the scorching heat of meditation.

At this moment, she didn't mind them being one.

Ming Xiu's warm and sexy thin lips fell and extended from her cochlea, and her butterfly-like collarbone bloomed with the bright red marks he left.

The heat continued to rise in the uninhabited dense ground, intertwined with rough/gasp and moan/groan.

Lou Muyan hugged Ming Xiu and lay in his arms, overflowing with enthusiasm.

Ming Xiu's eyes were full of sparks and scorching heat. In the end, reason prevailed. He took a deep breath and raised his head.

Lou Muyan opened her eyes, her beautiful eyes filled with lust and lust, charming and seductive, just like the manzhushahua blooming on the other side of hell, making people unable to help sink.

"Yan'er." Ming Xiu's voice was hoarse and blurred, with a hint of intoxication.

"I do." Lou Muyan looked at Ming Xiu with hazy eyes, and his fingertips slid across his angular handsome face.

Ming Xiu looked at the misty eyes of Mu Yan who went upstairs, and the blood in his whole body felt like it was about to boil.

"Yan'er, I want to give you the best first time." Ming Xiu suppressed the heat in his abdomen and the urge to rub the baby in his arms into his body.

It's lonely and desolate here. He doesn't want to blend in with his lover in such an environment. He wants to give her the best.

He lowered his head and kissed her between the eyebrows and eyes, and pulled her clothes that had already taken off most of them closer, "Yan'er, let's get married after the Yaoyu business is done."

"Okay!" Lou Muyan's voice carried a warmth that had not yet dissipated, and her eyes were full of warmth and affection.

Ming Xiu will always put her first, love her, pamper her, and care for her. How can she not love such a man.

If Ming Xiu wanted her here, she would accept it willingly, because she also longed for him.

But he knew that meditation would give her the best, so he wouldn't ask her here.

She doesn't want to be separated from him anymore, and becoming a husband and wife is also what she thinks in her heart.

Ming Xiu adjusted his chaotic breathing, and the fire in his eyes gradually subsided. He hugged Lou Muyan tightly in his arms, buried his head in her neck, smelled the faint medicinal fragrance that belonged to her, and felt Just her body temperature.

He didn't dare to continue kissing, otherwise he was really afraid that he couldn't control asking her in such a place.

Lou Muyan chuckled and hugged Ming Xiu tightly. They haven't hugged and kissed so quietly for a long time.

Such a moment is beautiful and peaceful, lingering and lingering, with a hint of sweetness in the air.

A word suddenly popped into Lou Muyan's mind, just want to grow old with you.

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