Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu naturally thought of the situation Su Jin and Lou Mubai thought of.

Lou Muyan took out a shiny and clean transparent stone and handed it to the Yin Beast King, "Look at this kind of stone in the secret interface opened by the Three Saintess, is there anything similar?"

This transparent stone is the sky crystal used by the indigenous people in the Canglan Secret Realm to cultivate high-level and low-intelligence monsters. She hid some of it and brought it out.

She suspected that this kind of sky crystal might have something to do with the alien interface.

This day, the spar was found in the secret realm of the human realm, and the ghost beast that the three saints cultivated in the fusion realm was also in a secret realm enchantment.

Therefore, she also suspected that the fusion realm ghost beasts cultivated by the nine-tailed fox clan in the demon realm might also have been sent to a secret realm space to hide.

The Yin Beast King took the transparent stone with energy and looked at it. He raised his eyes and cast a vague questioning look at Jun Luoyou, but Lou Muyan still caught it.

Jun Luoyou nodded lightly, and the Beastmaster Yin also took out a black and transparent stone and handed it to Lou Muyan, "I found this in the secret interface, and I found that the fluctuations in the two stones are similar. ."

Lou Muyan took the two transparent stones and carefully probed them with mental power. Sure enough, the fluctuations inside were very similar.

"The aboriginal leader in the Canglan Secret Realm is indeed the queen of the fox clan. Those high-level monsters were also prepared to launch an all-out battle two years later." Lou Muyan said.

She was glad in her heart that the Canglan Secret Realm had been destroyed, otherwise, a large number of high-level monster beast battlefield weapons would have been released, and at that time, they would become one with the ghost beasts and sea soul beasts, and the harm could not be imagined.

Seeing Lou Muyan's heavy face, Ming Xiu held her hand and said, "Fortunately, we found it in time. Two years are enough for us to destroy their plan."

"Well, I think the first thing we need to do now is to investigate and destroy the places where high-level monsters are cultivated in the four regions. The most powerful cards for the queen of the fox clan should come from these high-level monsters." Lou Muyan nodded.

Recalling the conversation between the queen of the fox clan and the three saintess before, the woman most emphasized and asked about the cultivation situation and number of ghost beasts.

Jun Luoyou, who has been silent all the time, said: "I found a few abnormal places in the Demon Domain. It is very likely that the Queen of the Fox clan was buried in the secret actions of other chess pieces in the Demon Domain. I will investigate in detail."

The Yin Beast King also said: "I am the most sensitive to the breath of Yin beasts. As long as there is a secret realm Yin beast's breath, I can use that feeling to find it. If I encounter an abnormally evolved Yin beast, I will take all of it. kill."

He himself is the cultivation and evolution of ghost beasts, and it is very difficult to break through to the current cultivation level, even after hundreds of thousands of years, so he detests those ghost beasts who have been cultivated by borrowing methods and have great disadvantages.

He hopes that his ethnic group will grow and evolve normally according to the laws of nature, so that it can gradually become truly powerful.

And it's not at all those ghost beasts with low intelligence or completely controlled evils, that is a shame in the group.

He is even more unwilling that the ghost beast group will become the steps and cannon fodder for other interface aliens to conquer his own continent, so he is very willing to cooperate with Lou Muyan and others to wipe out all those shame and remove the culprits behind the scenes.

"Okay, I will trouble the two of you to deal with the matter in the Demon Domain." Ming Xiu said.

Demon Venerable and Yin Beast King are the most familiar with the Demon Realm, and Yin Beast King has special abilities, so they don't have to worry about the hidden dangers of the Demon Race.

Jun Luoyou raised his eyebrows: "You mean you want to leave?"

"Well, we will feed back all these news to the trustworthy high-level management in the sea area and the human domain."

Ming Xiu paused and said, "Now there are bases in the East China Sea, South China Sea, and North Sea to jointly investigate and destroy the sea spirit beasts. My father and the others will also secretly investigate the people who will be in contact with the queen of the fox clan. Control it, the Demon Realm has you, but the Demon Realm can only be broken through by ourselves."

In the demon realm, the only people they can trust and cooperate with are the Tianpeng clan. The weak force cannot shake the foundation of the other party. The Yin beasts and other high-level monsters that the queen of the fox clan cultivated in the demon realm in secret is definitely a big problem.

And this task is only done by them.

"Then my eldest brother will go to the Demon Realm with you?" Jun Luoyou didn't care at all whether Lou Muyan, Ming Xiu and the others stayed in the Demon Realm, but he couldn't watch Jun Luochen leave together.

He added: "My eldest brother used to have a lot of secret resources that he could use. With his assistance, I believe that the power of the fox queen in the Demon Domain should be cleared soon."

Lou Muyan did not decide on Jun Luochen's ownership. She looked at him and asked, "If you want to stay or leave with us, I support you."

Jun Luochen's face was stained with a little smile, "I have indeed established a few forces secretly, and other people can't be mobilized without me, so I will stay in Demon Domain to clear up the troubles here for you. "

Although he prefers to be with Lou Muyan and others, he also knows that staying is the best choice, so he must be rational.

"Okay, the rear of the Demon Domain will be handed over to you." Lou Muyan said with a smile: "We must stop the war from starting, and remove the alien races and return the Guangling World to peace."

"En." Jun Luochen nodded with a firm look in his eyes.

Lou Muyan turned to Lou Mubai again and said, "Brother, can you mobilize the highest authority of the Four Regions Dark Market?"

Lou Mubai smiled and said, "Yes, the master has given me the highest token that directly delegates the four domains."

"Then the eldest brother assigned a mission in the four domains to let the dark market investigate the news of alien races and abnormal high-level monsters, and cooperate with all domains to prepare for and counterattack." Lou Muyan said.

Lou Mubai nodded and said, "Okay, I will convey the news to the headquarters of the dark markets in various regions in the next few days."

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu looked at each other and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the problems of the human realm, the sea area and the demon realm have been prepared, I believe that the plan of the alien race will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

As for the demon realm, they could only go and convince the demon kings of several parties in person.

"You must be careful when you go to the demon realm. Those demon kings are not good people, and the queen of the fox clan is even more eye-catching. That is their main place." Jun Luochen was a little worried about the safety of Lou Muyan and the others.

The queen of the fox clan can lay so many chess pieces in the other three domains, and after so many years of secret deployment, the underground forces in the demon domain will definitely be even stronger.

The Demon Realm is actually the most dangerous place for Lou Muyan and the others.

"I have copied the memories deprived by the three saints and others with a crystal ball, and I will show them to those demon kings to watch. I believe they will have to cooperate with us in the face of the genocide."

Lou Muyan smiled lightly to reassure Jun Luochen: "If you don't die, there will be blessings in the future. We have survived in such a difficult and dangerous environment on the battlefield outside the realm. If we venture into the demon realm, we may make breakthroughs in our cultivation and understanding. ."

"Don't take it lightly no matter what, safety comes first." Jun Luochen emphasized again.

"it is good!"

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