Half a month later, Jun Luochen stayed in the Demon Realm, while Lou Muyan and the others went to the Demon Realm.

The palace of the nine-tailed fox clan in the demon domain.

In a secret room, a beautiful and charming woman sat on a reclining chair with her eyes half closed.

A woman in a palace dress with the same temperament as the reclining chair walked in from the secret room.

The half-squinted woman opened her eyes and asked lightly, "Everything is arranged?"

The woman who walked in nodded: "It's all arranged, the toxins in the Fox King's body will explode within the next three months."

"Well, he will die in three months, and the time is just right." The woman on the reclining chair thought about it and asked, "How are the other three domains arranged?"

"I found that the magic of the Three Saintess of the Demon Realm fluctuated strangely before, but it is normal now." The woman in the palace dress replied.

The woman on the reclining chair frowned and said, "Have you contacted her again?"

"I contacted her and it shows that everything is normal," said the woman in palace dress.

"Has anyone been to Demon Realm recently?" The woman on the reclining chair squinted her eyes and continued to ask.

"I also had some doubts, so I asked the dark lines buried in the Demon Realm to investigate. According to the news, Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu from the Human Realm recently appeared in the Demon Realm."

The woman in the palace dress paused and said, "There is also news that a man suspected of being Jun Luochen appeared in the Palace of the Magic Capital."

"What? Jun Luochen?" The woman on the reclining chair frowned deeply, "Back then we designed to provoke Jun Luoyou to take revenge on his mother and kill Jun Luochen, and our dark chess watched him fall with our own eyes, doesn't he have a soul? Follow annihilation?"

"It's also possible that although Jun Luoyou believed that the person who killed his mother was the Queen of the Demon Race, he was raised by Jun Luochen after all, and his feelings were naturally different. ." The woman in the palace dress looked gloomy.

In order to design the conflict between Jun Luoyou and the Demon Queen that year, they put a lot of effort into it.

The woman on the reclining chair squinted her eyes and said, "Go and check all the details of Lou Muyan, and Ming Xiu died in the battlefield outside the realm? Why did he appear in the demon realm again?"

"I have already ordered someone to investigate." The woman in the palace dress said, "It seems that the human domain and the sea area are not very calm recently."

"What's wrong?" The woman on the reclining chair asked with a sullen face.

"It's possible that our people's actions are too big to attract the attention of the high-level people in the human domain and the sea area. There are two places where the shadow soul beast and the sea soul beast may be cultivated." The woman in the palace dress sighed.

The eyes of the woman on the reclining chair were full of sullenness. "In any case, the secret realms where the other three realms cultivate fusion realm alien beasts cannot be exposed. The fusion realm alien beasts in the two secret realms you mentioned should be transferred quickly."


The woman on the reclining chair closed her eyes and suddenly opened her eyes, "I think we may have overlooked a problem."

"What's the problem?" The woman in the palace dress asked in surprise.

"Lou Muyan's problem." The woman on the reclining chair showed a bit of cold killing intent, "I know how Ming Xiu was resurrected."

The woman in the palace dress and the woman on the reclining chair were twin sisters of the same mother, and they immediately reacted when they heard her words.

"Sister, are you saying that the loss of the fox clan's treasure has something to do with the resurrection of Ming Xiu?"

"Yes, the demon cultivators of the fox clan basically don't know that the treasure that is said to be able to shelter the clan is actually a god-level spiritual thing, which can protect and cleanse the soul, and awaken the sleeping soul."

The woman on the reclining chair continued: "Lou Muyan must have used military industry to reshape the body in the battlefield outside the territory, so Ming Xiu was resurrected."

"No wonder the faces and breaths they use in the Demon Domain are changing at any time. It turns out that they are worried that this matter will be exposed." The woman in the palace dress said with understanding.

"How do we know that this person is from Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu?" The woman on the reclining chair asked curiously.

"Because the great saint's soul was refined and fused by Lou Muyan when she was in the lower realm, if Lou Muyan appeared, as long as she was not too far away, she could feel the other party's breath very weakly."

The woman in the palace dress paused and said, "She has cast a spell on the eldest prince of the royal family of the underworld, so as long as the bloodline of the royal family of the underworld is close, you can feel some breath. Thinking of the relationship between Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu, she I just passed the news and guessed that it was these two people who appeared in the Demon Domain."

"Her clone was gouged out by the three saints, and she must have complained a lot in her heart." The woman on the reclining chair took a sip from the teacup.

After all, the three saintess did not know the true identity of the great saint, otherwise she would not dare to give the three saints ten courage.

The woman in the palace dress chuckled and said, "Sister has given the treasure to the Great Saint, I believe that the resentment in her heart has long since been resolved. The Three Saintess is an abandoned child. After our plan is successful, we will privately Just let the great saint deal with it."

"Well, she comes from the same interface as us. If we don't have this overall view, it will affect our plan. Big brother will definitely let her die without a place to be buried." The woman on the reclining chair said casually.

The woman in the palace dress said with a smile: "The elder brother has been successfully established by the father and emperor as the prince, as long as we complete the plan to occupy the Tianling Continent and the Nine Sisters and the others to occupy the Lion King Continent, I believe he will be designated as the next world Lord. There is not much hindrance, those immortals who want to oppose the father and emperor can also fan back."

"Well, in order for the eldest brother to be able to sit on the position of the world master, we can only succeed and not fail." The woman on the reclining chair showed a sharp look, "You go and tell the great saint to let her quietly pay attention to the situation in the Demon Domain. Is there anything wrong with it? Change, but you can't startle the snake, and you can't reveal your identity."

The Great Saint is his eldest brother's person and a key figure in the Demon Realm, so nothing can go wrong.

The three saints are just one of her servants. If they can't win the position of Demon Venerable, they will die. They don't care.

"Yes, I will pass the news to her as soon as possible." The woman in the palace dress paused and said: "By the way, sister, Jun Luoyou has returned to the Palace of the Magic Capital, but I heard that his face is very bad and his cultivation has gone backwards a lot."

"He was poisoned by the poison I personally prepared. As long as the main soul does not return, he will surely die within two years, but it will not hinder our plan."

The woman on the reclining chair rubbed the teacup in her hand and said, "Now we should beware of Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu."

"Would you like to send someone to cut down the two of them?" The woman in the palace dress showed a bit of killing intent in her eyes. "Judging from their behavior on the battlefield outside the territory, it is very likely that it will hinder our plan."

"Send me a copy of Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu's detailed information, especially all the information on the battlefield outside the territory. If the Guangling Realm is not complete, send a message to the elder brother to find it."

The woman on the reclining chair crushed the teacup in her hand into powder, "Everyone who blocks our plan needs to be cut down and rooted out. You should arrange for someone who can assassinate them first."

"it is good!"

The woman in the palace dress agreed, looked at the woman on the reclining chair carefully and asked, "Sister, if you want to kill Lou Muyan and the two of them, what about Yan'er?"

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