PS. Here is today's update, and by the way, I will get tickets for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and the voting will also send starting coins. I beg everyone for your support and appreciation!

Jiuyou's words relieved the doubts in Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu's heart.

After thinking about it, Ming Xiu looked at Jiuyou and asked, "How many are they, and what is their cultivation base?"

"There should be a lot of them. I accidentally broke into the cave and found dozens of exotic beasts, all of which were in the fusion realm." Jiuyou paused and said, "I saw a cave in the deepest part. And the aura coming out of it is even stronger."

"At that time, I accidentally broke into the cave, and the alien beasts in the cave didn't think I would escape, so only a few fusion beasts chased out. If the alien beasts in the cave were dispatched, I felt There is no doubt of death." Jiuyou felt a little palpitated when he remembered the breath he felt in the cave.

Ming Xiu lightly clasped the teacup with his fingers, thought for a while and continued to ask, "How long has it been since you discovered the existence of that alien beast cave?"

"It's been nearly ten days." Jiuyou replied.

There was a bit of sternness in the eyes of the Hydra King, and he said solemnly: "I have already controlled the periphery of the mountain forest near the cave of Qiyan Mountain, but the geographical location of Qiyan Mountain is relatively special, bordering three demon clan boundaries, among which There is the nine-tailed fox clan, and I don’t know if they will do anything in these ten days.”

"Since their lair has been discovered, if these exotic beasts are related to the queen of the fox clan, they will definitely take action." Ming Xiu frowned.

"Jiuyou, do you still have any impression of the environment of that cave?" Lou Muyan pondered for a while, then raised his head and asked.

Jiuyou recalled it again and said, "The atmosphere outside the cave is no different from that in the mountains, but after stepping into the cave, you will find that it is very dry and hot inside. If the temperature is in the fusion environment, it is very likely that a sword master who has cultivated in the realm will break in. will be burned."

"Qiyan Mountain is like spring all year round, the green plants in the mountains never dry up all year round, and the flowers bloom all year round. I didn't expect such a cave to exist." The Hydra King was puzzled.

Lou Muyan's eyes were deep and dark, and after a while, he said, "I guess there should be a fire resource at the bottom of Qiyan Mountain, but it should be covered by some natural restriction, and the overflowing breath just makes the temperature in the mountains suitable. , and finally caused Qiyan Mountain to be like spring all year round."

"I have studied the fire poison extracted from Jiuyou's body, and the fire attribute contained in it is very domineering and pure, indicating that those alien beasts themselves are fire attribute, and they like hot places, coupled with the geographical location of Qiyan Mountain Special, after they discovered this place, they used it as their nest." She added.

The Hydra King nodded and said, "Miss Lou's guess is probably true. Thousands of years ago, there were many inexplicable fire injuries in Qiyan Mountain, so it was gradually listed as one of the dangerous forbidden places in the demon realm. ."

He paused and continued: "From this, it can be inferred that the incident of ground fire wounding people is completely caused by alien beasts. In order for outsiders not to set foot in their territory, the dangerous forbidden area listed as the demon realm may also be released by alien races. news."

"It's entirely possible." Ming Xiu narrowed his narrow eyes and said, "From what we've found, those alien races probably sneaked into the Guangling World 10,000 years ago."

For ordinary people, 10,000 years is too long, but for those who are above the fusion realm, the time of 10,000 years is just passing by in a hurry, and it is a blink of an eye for Shangxian.

After all, cultivators have to spend a long time if they want to escape. Human swordsmen who cultivate in the fusion realm can live for at least tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, and the lifespan of monsters is longer.

As long as the immortal cultivation base does not fall, lifespan is an eternal existence. Sometimes retreating once is more than ten thousand years, as simple as a mortal sleeping.

Therefore, the alien race buried chess pieces in the Guangling World thousands of years ago, and the time is not too long.

Each of these demon kings, such as King Jinpeng, King Hydra, King Nine-Tailed Fox, etc., is over tens of thousands of years old. According to Lou Muyan's previous observations, the queen of the fox clan can live for more than 10,000 years.

"Jiuyou accidentally discovered the existence of alien beasts and the old nest, which can be regarded as a shock. I wonder if the aliens will move the nest." The Hydra King said with a little worry.

Ming Xiu chuckled and said, "No, firstly, those alien beasts like to practice in the geothermal environment of Qiyan Mountain, and secondly, the time for the attack plan set by the alien race is only two years later, and they simply don't have much time to move to their old nest. "

"Then will they take any action? Or will it be detrimental to Jiuyou secretly." The Hydra King frowned deeply.

The nine-tailed fox clan and the nine-headed snake clan were already at odds with each other, and were even mortal enemies. Now that Jiuyou has discovered the secret of the queen of the fox clan's nest of alien beasts, it is entirely possible that she will use the power of the nine-tailed fox clan to be detrimental to Jiuyou.

"Isn't there a self-recommended pharmacist who almost stimulated the fire poison in Jiuyou's body? I think they can start an investigation." Ming Xiu said with a sip of tea.

The Hydra King smiled, "Before this king almost ignored the two pharmacists, thanks to the ninth prince's reminder."

Ming Xiu smiled lightly, "Jiuyou has been with us recently. If the queen of the fox clan has any conspiracy against him, we can also protect his safety."

"So good, the safety of Jiuyou will trouble the two of you." With a smile on his face, the Hydra King expressed sincere gratitude, he thought about it and said, "I will immediately secretly contact the other demon kings in the demon domain. "

The matter of the aliens lurking to start a continental war is very important. He has to deal with a lot of things, and he has to contact other demon kings secretly. He is most worried about his son's safety. Now that he has the protection of Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu, he is also relaxed. tone.

"Let's go to Qiyan Mountain today. It will trouble the Snake King to contact other demon kings secretly." Ming Xiu said.

What the situation of Qiyan Mountain is in the end, they still have to go to see it in person to find out.

If the alien beast of Qiyan Mountain is the ultimate trump card of the alien race, then they will destroy it no matter what the cost.

"It's no problem. After I contact them, I will arrange a party. If there is any abnormality or news in Qiyan Mountain, I can pass it on to let them know one or two. At that time, we will unite and destroy the alien beast's nest cultivated by the alien race." Jiutou. The snake king's face was fierce.

They must not let the spy's plan of the queen of the fox clan succeed, and the nine-tailed fox king helps Zhou to abuse, and when the time comes, the demon clan and the nine-tailed fox clan will shed a layer of skin if they die.

Their Hydra Clan can take this opportunity to make the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan unable to turn over forever.

"Okay, let's go to Qiyan Mountain to collect evidence. Once the situation is as we guessed, then we will also send news to Demon Domain, Human Domain and Sea Area at the same time."

Ming Xiu paused and said, "It's impossible for such a huge group of alien beasts to be wiped out by our strength alone. In the end, it is necessary for all ethnic groups in the Guangling World to cooperate."

"Yes, then let's split up." The Hydra King nodded in agreement.

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and by May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and publicity works. A piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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