PS. Here is today's update, and by the way, I will get tickets for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and the voting will also send starting coins. I beg everyone for your support and appreciation!

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu took Jiuyou to Qiyan Mountain without staying in the palace.

Qiyan Mountain is not too far from the Hydra family, but it still takes two days to ride the flying instrument.

Nine-tailed fox royal palace.

In the secret room, the queen of the fox clan sat on a rocking chair and drank tea.

A woman who looked exactly like her walked in.

"Sister, Young Master Jiuyou of the Hydra Clan has been rescued."

The queen of the fox clan raised her eyes lightly and said, "Axiao, when was he rescued? Do you know who rescued him?"

The woman called Axiao replied: "Yesterday, she was rescued by a female pharmacist who recommended herself, and a young man followed her."

The queen of the fox clan narrowed her eyes, "Those two should be Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu, no accident."

She has collected a complete piece of information about Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu, and she has emphasized Lou Muyan's medical skills and alchemy skills.

She knew very well the fire poison in Jiuyou, even if the ordinary tenth-grade pharmacist came, it would be difficult to clear it, and at most she would save her life, but she would also become a fool.

Lou Muyan is the only one who can expel all the toxins from the body for Jiuyou.

"I also guessed that the two should be Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu. According to the news from the Hydra Clan's dark line, Jiuyou left the palace with the two of them this afternoon."

A Xiao continued with a slightly worried look: "I think they may have gone to Qiyan Mountain."

The queen of the fox clan brushed the lid of the cup and said, "It's just right to go, I'm just worried that I won't have a chance to get rid of them."

"Does my sister mean to let the Huo Luan Beast King take action?" A Xiao asked.

"Well, if we let them find out the secret of Huo Luan beast, then our plan in two years will be in vain." The eyes of the queen of the fox clan turned cold.

A Xiao sighed and asked tentatively, "What about Yan'er?"

Back then, she pretended to be her sister for a while and raised Mo Yan herself. Although she didn't get too close on purpose, she also liked that obedient and sensible child very much.

"If he must obstruct, then leave the soul and bring it back." The fox king rubbed his brows tiredly.

A Xiao was stunned, she didn't expect that her sister gave up Mo Yan once, but now she has to give up again.

She was very disdainful. Back then, her sister gave up Mo Yan to use it as an excuse to protect him and protect him, but now she thinks that bringing back Mo Yan's soul and remodeling her body can make up for it. She really didn't know the confidence that this sister came from.

"If Yan'er falls physically, Yan'er should also be implicated as a twin." Axiao said with a worried expression.

The queen of the fox clan raised her head displeasedly, her voice with a somewhat rare sternness, "How are they both just my sons, you are too lenient."

It's not that she doesn't like her two sons. She thought in her heart that as long as the plan to conquer the Guangling World is completed, she will make up for the two children.

Axiao's hand hidden in his sleeve tightened, and his expression remained the same, "Yes."

"I will send a message to King Huo Luan. You should be responsible for serving the Nine-tailed Fox King recently." The Fox Queen waved her hand and said, "I'm tired, you go out first."


For the first time in A Xiao's heart, he felt resentment and hatred for his own sister.

A sense of sadness spread all over her body. From childhood to adulthood, she was her sister's foil and attachment. Her sister didn't like the nine-tailed fox king. It will only be her sister.

She felt pity for Mo Yan and Mo Yan, but her sister couldn't bear it.

For the first time in her heart, she wondered, is it really worth doing so much?

The elder sister can even abandon and calculate her own son, not to mention a younger sister who is like a dependency.

After Axiao left the secret room, she looked a little confused, so she didn't notice a mosquito-sized flying insect emerging from the cuff of her shirt.

A hall in the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan Palace, this is where the Eleven Commanders live.

A mosquito flew into the bedroom from the outside, and the guards on duty didn't pay much attention.

In the bedroom, the fox prince who was sitting cross-legged on the bed slowly opened his eyes.

The flying insect the size of a mosquito fell into his hands, his mind moved, and the memories of the other party's previous experiences were all reflected in his mind.

After digesting the news in Mosquito's memory recently, his face was gloomy and terrifying.

"Go ahead and continue to monitor my good mother and aunt." He softened his eyes towards the mosquitoes.

The little mosquito rubbed his hand affectionately and flew out of the bedroom again.

The fox clan prince looked gloomy and uncertain, and after a long time he seemed to have made up his mind.

He summoned a miniature monkey from the pet ring.

"You asked me out for something?" The little monkey jumped to the table and poured himself a glass of water, then sat down and drank it.

"I'm going out for a while. You recently transformed into me and stayed in the palace." The fox prince said lightly.

The mini monkey frowned humanely, "I'm not your spiritual pet, it's easy for you to summon me."

The prince of the fox clan narrowed his eyes dangerously, with a warning in his tone, "Don't forget that I saved your life, you have my mark on your body, if you want to regret it, I just need to move my mind and you will be able to do it. Soul flies away."

The little monkey's face changed instantly, and he snorted coldly: "Okay, what I promised to do for you for a thousand years will naturally be done, but you'd better keep your promise."

He was very helpless in his heart. If he hadn't met Mo Yan, he would have lost his mind long ago, and there was still a chance to become a demon cultivator among these mini monkeys.

He has to return to the Upper Immortal Realm to take revenge. Of course, he cannot be killed by Mo Yan for this reason. The opponent's spell contains the laws of the interface. As long as he is in the Guangling Realm, he will be bound.

As for escape, it is even more impossible. Unless Mo Yan solves the branding spell, once he leaves the Guangling World on his own, he will fall again. It is estimated that the best result of the soul is only reincarnation.

But after the reincarnation, the chance of wanting revenge is even lower, he can only endure the time agreed with Mo Yan and wait for the other party to lift the brand.

"Whether what I've said will count or not will depend on your performance." Mo Yan gave the mini monkey a light glance, "As long as you don't have any bad thoughts in the past thousand years, do things for me wholeheartedly, When the time is up, I will immediately remove the brand from your body."

Then he turned his words and continued to say coldly: "But if you dare to be yang and yin, then don't blame me for being rude."

When the little monkey choked, he was really bullied by a dog. He, a high immortal, would actually be threatened by a little guy who was half a step up from the high immortal realm.

However, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. After a hundred years of getting along, he also found that Mo Yan's temperament is colder, but he should be a person who will keep his promises.

"Understood." The little monkey replied angrily.

Mo Yan was too lazy to pay attention to him, and after the other party transformed into his appearance, he quietly left the palace and headed towards Qiyan Mountain.

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and by May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and publicity works. A piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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