The finals of the spirit wine competition were very intense. In addition to Su Jin and Su Chen picking up the ninth-grade materials to refine, there were also several spirit sommeliers from the sea area who also brewed ninth-grade spirit wine.

The Demon Domain and the Demon Domain are not very good at winemaking, so the highest level Spiritualist is only level 8, and it is very rare.

Su Jin refined a portion of the spiritual fruit into a liquid, and his heart was as calm as water, and he soon entered an ethereal state. Everything that happened outside seemed to have nothing to do with him.

His movements are smooth, skilled and elegant, coupled with his outstanding appearance and temperament, which is pleasing to the eye.

Especially some young female spirits, their eyes began to glow with nympho.

Su Chen's situation was completely different from Su Jin's. Not only did he focus on the spirit fruit he refined, but he also allocated a small part to Su Jin.

Seeing Su Jin's skillful movements and the fact that he has never failed to refine the spirit fruit, his heart couldn't help but start to be impetuous.

"Pfft!!" Su Chen's heart became impetuous, and the spirit fruit in the wine cauldron was refined and discarded.

He frowned tightly and took a deep breath.

"If you have such a mentality, the nine-grade spirit wine cannot be brewed at all." Suddenly, the old and indifferent voice sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Su Chen snorted, as if a basin of cold water was poured into his mind in an instant, "Senior, I was wrong."

"It's good to know what's wrong. Now let go of your body, and the old man will help you with a ray of spiritual sense. This time, you must win the championship of the spirit wine competition. That book of "Ancient Liquor Prescription" is very important to this old man." The voice sounded again.

When Su Chen heard that the old man wanted to help, he was overjoyed, "Yes."

He quickly relaxed the control of his body, and the old man's sense of consciousness gradually controlled the brewing process of spirit wine. This time, there was no mistake in refining.

Lou Muyan, who was sitting at the top, was not only watching Su Jin Brewing, but also paid attention to several talented people who participated in the competition from time to time, and soon discovered that Su Chen was wrong.

Ming Xiu was also invited as a guest this time, sitting beside Lou Muyan.

"There's something wrong with Su Chen's situation. He used to fail in refining spirit fruit from time to time, but now his movements are actually much smoother." Lou Muyan frowned slightly and said to Ming Xiu in a low voice.

Now Su Chen's movements are not only much smoother, but he also looks a bit like an old brewer.

Ming Xiu squinted his eyes and released a very weak mental force. After a while, he said, "Now his body is controlled by a separate wisp of consciousness. It should be the soul that you once noticed is at work."

Lou Muyan had this kind of guess in her heart, and she sneered when she heard Ming Xiu's words: "Su Chen thought he would be able to win senior brother like this?"

"The spirit that the soul controls Su Chen to brew is also a nine-grade spirit wine, will it be higher than Brother Su's rank?" Ming Xiu can't tell the difference between the two because he doesn't know how to make wine.

"No, that soul is only a mid-level ninth-grade spirit wine master, and senior brother is only one step away from reaching the tenth-grade spirit. Although it is brewed with the same spirit fruit, the quality of the final fermented spirit wine is definitely different. ." Lou Muyan said with a cold smile restraining her eyes.

What's more, Su Chen's spirit wine is equivalent to the joint brewing of two people. At best, it is good in quality, but it is definitely poor in other aspects.

Ming Xiu smiled: "Brother Su seems to be able to completely crush the Su family."

The ancestor of the Su family is only a mid-level ninth-grade spirit sommelier. For so many years, he has been held in the hands of high-level powerhouses in the human domain. When the competition is over, it is revealed that Su Jin is a senior ninth-grade spirit sommelier. The face is lost.

"Well, what I want is to keep the Su family from raising their heads in public." Lou Muyan was very disgusted with the Su family.

Soon, all the spirit wines in the hands of the spirit sommeliers present had been successfully brewed, and only the last few ninth-grade spirit sommeliers were left.

This time, Su Chen's mind was devoted to wine making. The old man in his body was very skilled, and it was coming to an end soon.

About half an hour later, all the people present finished brewing the spirit wine.

The deputy referee of the organizer brought the wine of every spirit sommelier participating in the competition to the referee's bench.

This time, it was not only the high-level sommeliers who were invited to be the judges, but also several top experts who were addicted to alcohol, and their tongues were very sharp.

A little bit of time passed, the referee above was scoring the wine tasting, and the spirit masters below were all nervously waiting for the result.

Su Jin stood there indifferently as if in Tsinghua, as if he didn't care about the results of the competition at all.

Two hours later, a tenth-grade sea area spirit wine master chief referee stood up and said a few words to the following before announcing the result of the competition.

"The first place is Su Jin from Renyu. The spirit wine brewed is of high grade nine, with excellent quality, mellow aroma and excellent taste."

"Second place, from the sea..."

"The fourth place is Su Chen from Renyu. The spirit wine brewed is of the ninth grade intermediate grade.


Soon the referee read the top ten of the competition and asked Su Jin to come to the stage to receive the reward of the book "Ancient Liquor Prescription".

Su Chen's eyes widened with disbelief.

This, how is this possible?

It's only been so long, how could Su Jin be promoted from a person who doesn't know anything about spirit wine to a ninth-grade senior spirit sommelier?

"It's impossible, Su Jin can't be a ninth-grade high-ranking sommelier, he must be cheating." Su Chen went crazy with jealousy, and couldn't help shouting when his mind became hot.

His voice made everyone present quiet down, and many senior spirits cast a look at him like you're an idiot.

From brewing spirit wine to sending it to the referee's bench, Su Jin has so many eyes fixedly watching, how could it be possible to cheat.

And no matter in terms of proficiency or the way of refining, anyone who knows how to make wine can see that Su Jin is not even a little bit stronger than Su Chen.

The chief referee originally had a smile on his face, but when he heard Su Chen's questioning, he became angry on the spot, "Damn, we have so many high-level spirit drinkers as the chief referee to supervise, can we not see if Su Jin cheated? "

The temperament of the senior spirit masters is very strange, and this one is especially hot.

"The spirit wine you brew is too grade-oriented, but the mellow and taste are not satisfactory. Someone like you who is crazy about jealousy, smitten with interests, and open-mouthed is not worthy of being a high-level spirit wine master."

The old man snorted coldly: "The old man announced that Su Chen's qualifications for the Spiritual Wine Competition of Renyu will be cancelled, and the fourth place result will also be considered invalid, and the person who has won the next place will be promoted by one."

It was the first time he met someone who dared to question their wine tasting ability, so he directly disqualified Su Chen in anger.

"No, you can't do this, what qualifications do you have to cancel my ranking." Su Chen's face changed greatly when he heard the old man's words.

If he is disliked and abandoned by the chief judges of this spirit wine competition, then his future will be denied, and the strong man will find a spirit sommelier who has been disqualified for misbehavior.

The chief referee of another celebrity domain said with a sullen face: "This is unanimously approved by our chief referee. If you want to make a loud noise, please leave the spirit wine conference immediately."

"You united to bully people, why did you disqualify me? Is it because of Su Jinhe..." Su Chen continued to shout in dissatisfaction, but before he could speak, he was caught by the powerhouse who maintained the order and threw it out. The scene of the game.

After Su Chen was thrown out, the faces of the Patriarch of the Su family and its senior members instantly became extremely ugly.

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