Su Chen's behavior in the Four Domain Spirit Wine Competition, shouting and questioning the chief referee's guests, made the top of the domain annoyed.

This was the first time that someone had been disqualified from the competition and had been disqualified from the competition at the Guangling World Spirit Wine Conference, and Su Chen's face had been disgraced by Ren Yu.

Lou Muyan is one of the chief referees this time. Her relationship with Su Jin is well known, but there are also senior sommeliers from the other four domains as the chief referee, so it is impossible for them to cheat for her.

What's more, Su Jin is really talented. Before, the whole process of brewing was for everyone to watch, and he deserved the first place.

In the rest area, many high-level families of the family were whispering.

"The young master of the Su family really can't make it on the stage. It's not as good as Su Jin's madness and false accusations. Being the referee on stage and us are both blind."

"I can't help it. I heard that he is not the young master of the Su family. It's just that the master and his wife of the Su family gave up their adopted son. It's normal to be jealous of the real eldest young master."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, you don't know yet. The biological son of the Su family's head and his wife is Su Jin who won the first place in the spirit wine competition this time."

"However, when Su Jin was born, he was abandoned by the Su family and exiled to the lower realm because of his weak physique. After he ascended to the Guangling Realm on his own, he was disliked by the Su family. The task of giving up completely cut off the blood relationship with the Su family, and drew a clear line with the Su family."

"No wonder his surname is Su too. If I were treated like this, I would definitely break away from such a heartless family."

"The Su family's head and his wife are too inhumane, they actually gave up their own son to adopt someone else's son as their young master."

"I said that the head of the Su family and the senior members of the Su family are both blind. They have eyes and don't know gold inlaid jade. They mistake the fish eyes for pearls!"

"It deserves it, the tiger poison doesn't eat its children. It's too chilling to exile your own children to the lower realm without caring."

"It's no wonder that those servants who spend in Xizhaolou all look down on others, and they all learn their feelings from the head of the family."

"Then Su Chen will not be the illegitimate son of the head of the Su family, otherwise who would give up his biological son and become an adopted son!"

"I don't know, it's really possible. It is said that it is my sister's child, but maybe it is really the illegitimate child of the Su family's owner."

"The Su family is really embarrassed this time, and they will laugh at people when they say it. The biological blood they gave up became a ninth-grade high-level spirit sommelier and won the first place in the competition. End was disqualified from the competition and the place won."

"Yeah! Although the adopted son's talent for spirit wine is not bad, his character is really bad, and his jealousy is too strong. At first glance, he is a person with a different appearance and a beast-like heart."

"Yes, yes, I think maybe the Su family will raise a white-eyed wolf."


The people in the rest area did not avoid discussions with the people of the Su family, and some even spoke loudly on purpose, and the Su family could not pretend to be deaf if they didn't want to hear it.

The Patriarch of the Su family held back with a mouthful of blood stuck in his chest, his eyes full of gloom.

He was wrong, he shouldn't have listened to the woman's opinion and exiled his biological son to the lower realm.

Now the entire Su family has become a joke in the Guangling world, and he and his wife have become the laughing stock and ridicule in everyone's conversations.

They have eyes but don't recognize gold and jade, and mistakenly think of fish eyes as pearls, are they still wrong?

The Patriarch of the Su family's face was black and black, and he couldn't bear the strange eyes and ridiculed words of the people around him.

He stood up and quickly left the rest area of ​​the Spiritual Wine Conference, and the other Su family members followed the head of the family with indignant expressions on their faces.

Su Chen scolded Su Chen in his heart.

If this kid loses, he loses, so why should he question the decisions of so many authoritative referees in public?

The most important thing is that even they could see that Su Jin played at a real level and did not cheat. Su Chen would make such a mistake, it was really mindless.

The top management of the Su family left without taking Su Chen with them. They just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, and despised Su Chen, the culprit who made them lose face.

It was the first time that the Su family had been so humiliated since Xizhaolou opened all over the Guangling World. The most important thing was that they couldn't argue with others, because what they said was the truth.

Except for Ming Xiu, no one in the audience noticed that Lou Muyan's finger under the table moved when Su Chen frantically questioned the referee.

When he was in the Canglan Realm, Lou Muyan had poisoned Su Chen's body long ago, and it was easy to destroy it.

However, she didn't do anything in the previous spirit wine competition. She wanted to convince the Su family that they lost, and make the Su family lose face.

After Su Chen was thrown out of the spirit wine conference, his mind was in a mess. Later, seeing that the people from the Su family left without taking him with him, the resentment in his heart broke out completely.

After the spirit wine competition, under the guidance of Lou Muyan's deliberate release of news, the Su family became a ruthless and cold-hearted family in the center of the population.

Su Chen and his wife, the head of the Su family, became the object of everyone's condemnation, and the senior management of the Su family began to hate seeing Su Chen, and secretly wanted to bring Su Jin back to the Su family to be the young master.

Su Chen was ruthless and imprisoned the Su family's patriarch, mistress, and high-level opponents who opposed him, and forcibly seized the throne.

Later, Lan Ruoshui and Su Jin jointly opened a new restaurant, and the spirit wine brewed was much higher than Xizhaolou in both taste and quality.

In dealing with customers, he is much more humble and polite than Xi Zhaolou, and he is not like Xi Zhaolou, who does business with Qiao to see people and do business. All people can buy spirit wine without distinction.

Of course, selling spirit wine to high-level powerhouses is another strategy.

Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu secretly created a great momentum for him, and Xi Zhaolou was gradually replaced by Su Jinkai's restaurant.

The old man in Su Chen's body directly took his body when he was in a turbulent mood for a long time, and secretly approached Su Jin to snatch the book of "Ancient Liquor Prescription".

Lou Muyan had made people stare at Su Chen's every move. When the old man moved, she aroused the toxins in Su Chen's body. Before the old man could get close to Su Jin, he went mad and died on the most prosperous street in the human domain. superior.

It is shameful for Su Chen to imprison the Patriarch and seize the Su Family Patriarch's position. He finally got this end and many people applauded, and the body was also thrown back to the Su Family by the guards of the Human Domain.

The head of the Su family, his wife, and the senior members of the Su family who were imprisoned and tortured by Su Chen were rescued.

The head of the Su family suddenly seemed to be many years older. With remorse, he and his wife went to Su Jin many times to ask for forgiveness, but Su Jin avoided it.

The Su family gradually declined, and finally fell from a top-level family to a third-rate family. Although Xi Zhaolou was open, its business plummeted.

Soon after, Su Jin and Lan Ruoshui had a big wedding. The wedding did not invite a Su family member. The masters were Emperor Ming and Lou Moyu.

After Su Jin and Lan Ruoshui got married, Miaomiao and Lou Muting also got married.

Although the wedding of the two couples was not as grand as that of Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu, it was mainly family and friends, and not so many people were invited to attend, but the atmosphere at the scene was very good, and the wedding was full of joy.

The two newlyweds were happily married and lived a prosperous life.

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