The messenger greeted the leaders of the three major clan forces and took the three people who had chosen to do loose cultivators on a flying instrument with a blank expression.

He does not belong to any family, he is a member of Su Immortal Palace, and none of the family members present dare to disrespect him.

The three left with the middle-aged man. The pale man in black looked at Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu with dark eyes, and secretly recorded their breath.

Although the black-clothed man's actions were secretive, he did not escape the eyes of Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu.

"I can't sense that he has hostility or killing intent towards us, but why does he keep staring at us?" Lou Muyan asked Ming Xiu's voice transmission in confusion.

She felt as though there was something in them that caught the man's attention.

Ming Xiu frowned, "I always think that person is not simple. He has a strong death energy on his body. He should have practiced some kind of exercise, and he doesn't seem to use immortal power in his body."

"Well, if we meet him in the future, we should be careful." Lou Muyan said cautiously.

No matter why the other party pays attention to them, you still have to be wary of strangers when you are a newcomer.

"it is good!"

The two and the other beautiful woman who also chose to join the outer islands of Pengying Island followed the old man to the flying instrument of Pengying Island.

This woman's appearance is very bright and flamboyant, but her temperament is relatively cold, even with a sense of fierceness, very contradictory but not abrupt.

Her attitude towards Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu was also very indifferent, neither hostile nor enthusiastic. After getting on the flying instrument, she walked to a seat by herself and sat down.

Lou Muyan knew that this woman should be a person with a story, and was not disgusted by the other party.

The two also randomly found a place to sit down.

The old man did not remain silent after getting on the flying instrument, but chatted with the three of them, and talked about the situation on the outer islands of Pengying Island.

"When you first came to Immortal Realm, many things are not clear. After entering the outer islands of Pengying Island, if you want to know more, you can ask the disciples in other islands. If you are willing to spend the spirit stone, you can also go to the special news agency on the island to buy it. ."

"Our Pengying Island is divided into an outer island and an inner island. The outer island is filled with loose cultivators and ascending cultivators who freely join Pengying Island.

"After you go to the outer islands, it is best not to cause trouble or too publicity before you completely convert the spiritual power in your body into immortal power. The most important goal of relaying the tasks within your power should be to complete the conversion of immortal energy as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Lou Muyan replied.

They know that the old man is a well-intentioned exhortation. If they don't have the strength to match, they will be arrogant as soon as they enter someone else's territory, making it clear that they will be suppressed.

"If you have any questions, you can ask me now, and I will answer those who are not involved in secrets." The old man was still very gentle.

The young man standing behind him showed surprise in his eyes. Usually, this elder is not so patient, and it seems that he still values ​​these three people a little.

Before Lou Muyan spoke, the woman sitting opposite took the lead to ask, "Senior, is the outer island of Pengying Island allowed to kill?"

"Killing is naturally not allowed on the island, otherwise, once found, they will be expelled from Pengying Island, and those who overdo it will be severely punished."

The old man paused and said with a smile: "But as long as you cross the thousands of miles away from Pengying Island, no one will interfere. If you really want to fight in the city, you can go to the martial arts arena on the island, as long as you sign a death contract and kill someone. No one cares either.”

"Then only people who meet in the competition field can compete?" The woman asked suspiciously, "Is it okay to challenge others?"

The old man saw through the woman's intention at a glance, he smiled kindly and said: "There is a purgatory on the island, which is specially used for challenges. If you win, you can get a lot of immortal stone rewards, and you will even be ranked in the entire immortal realm."

"It will be ranked in the entire Immortal Territory? Does it mean that purgatory is available in all the Immortal Territories?" The woman's eyes were filled with small flames, giving people a feeling of eagerness to try.

"Yes, the purgatory field was established by a big power, and a purgatory list was also set up. Those who have won consecutive victories in each cultivation level will be ranked in the list." The old man nodded.

"Thank you senior for clarifying your doubts." The woman nodded and replied politely.

She entered the Dao by killing, and needs to participate in the fight frequently to gain more insights, as long as there is a so-called competition field.

Lou Muyan also discovered the woman's passion and desire for fighting, and the corners of her lips raised, it seemed that the other party was also a fighting maniac!

"Are you going to ask again?" The old man looked at Lou Muyan and asked.

He had a good impression of Lou Muyan and the two of them.

"Senior, how do we usually get resources on the outer islands? Is there anything other than accepting missions and participating in the purgatory field?" Lou Muyan asked with a light smile.

The most important thing for her and Ming Xiu now is to convert spiritual power into immortal power and improve their strength, so resources are extremely important.

"In addition to accepting tasks and participating in the purgatory field, you can also go to the recruitment office on the island to find a job that suits you, such as being a medicine boy for an alchemist, working for an alchemist, etc. You can get training resources, which is also the choice of many ascension monks. the most."

"After all, a cultivator who has just ascended to the Immortal Realm has no strength and immortal stone. Basically, it can be said that it is impossible to move an inch, and it is more likely that he will die if he accepts the task. Therefore, some people choose to forbear the work first, and then convert the immortal energy to the end. Go to pick up tasks in exchange for resources to practice."

The old man smiled and continued: "Actually, Pengying Island can be regarded as an open and free trade island, not only people from the island can come and go, but also people from outside come to trade, and if you want to obtain resources, there are opportunities everywhere. , just depends on how you choose."

"I see, thank you senior for your answer." Lou Muyan nodded and smiled.

Now she basically has a deeper understanding and interest in Pengying Island, and she likes this kind of place where she can play freely.

"Senior, it shouldn't be possible for us to join Pengying Island just like a loose cultivator outside." Ming Xiu asked with a deep smile: "What do we need to do for the island?"

It is impossible to pay nothing to get the shelter of Pengying Island, there is no free lunch in the world.

The old man smiled admiringly: "That's natural, Pengying Island actually treats the monks who join you very favorably, the dust removal pills will be given directly every month for the first ten years, and then the immortal power will be transformed according to you. to the extent that the tasks are arranged.”

"Of course, after completing the task, there will be separate rewards such as immortal stones, spiritual objects, and medicinal pills."

"After ten years, if you want to get the dust removal pill, you need to pay the immortal stone or the task point exchange."

The old man continued with a meaningful smile: "Anyway, after taking refuge in Pengying Island, there is no problem in surviving in the Immortal Realm, but if you want to improve your cultivation and strength as soon as possible, or even gain a position of power, you will need a lot of effort. "

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