The Immortal Realm is very vast, and the distance between each location is also very far. Several people took the flying instruments and arrived at Pengying Island after half a month.

Every small and large city in Xianyu has a teleportation array, which can reduce the cost of long-distance consumption.

People who are above the Immortal Venerable level can walk directly in space, even teleport, and the speed of the journey is also very fast.

Lou Muyan and others arrived at Pengying Island and were directly sent to the central island to report.

Pengying Island is divided into numerous islands, whether it is an inner island or an outer island, each has a central island and is managed uniformly.

The outer islands of Pengying Island were built on the sea, and the central island was very large. Lou Muyan used his mental power to visually inspect it.

Hundreds of cities have been built on the central island, not only for the disciples who joined the island to live in, but for the monks outside, as long as they spend enough immortal stones, except for the central city, which has no right to rent, the caves of other cities can be rented.

The old man controlled the flying instrument and flew directly to the central city. There were guards outside the city. The people with the lowest cultivation base were all lower immortals. Except for the disciples of Pengying Island, everyone else had to pay immortal stones if they wanted to enter the city.

After entering the central city, the old man led Lou Muyan into a huge and majestic building.

"Elder Luo, bring a newcomer here again this time!" After entering the hall, the guard standing at the door greeted the old man with a smile.

The old man smiled, "Yes! Is the consul of your temple there?"

"The consul just came back from outside and is handling official business in the council hall," said a guard.

The old man nodded: "Okay, I'll go over here."

Then the old man took the three to a low-key and luxurious hall, where a few people sat, with a handsome and powerful young man in the middle.

Immortal cultivators can stay young forever in some ways, such as exercises or Zhuyan Dan refined by Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan and the others would not despise each other just because they were young. Those who could achieve the position of consuls would generally not be able to practice for too short a time.

Seeing the old man entering with three young men, the man on the top turned his eyes.

"Consul Xiang, the old man has recruited three disciples to join the outer islands this time, you can arrange for them." The old man's attitude towards the young man is relatively friendly.

The young man lightly swept the three of Lou and Muyan, and nodded to the old man, "Elder Luo, sit down."

The old man walked to a vacant seat and sat down, smiled and introduced to the three of Lou Muyan: "This is Xiang Yutang, the consul in the central city of the outer island of Pengying Island. His status is second only to the island owner, and he will be responsible for your future arrangements. ."

Lou Muyan and the three respectfully saluted the young man, "Hello, consul!"

Xiang Yutang's eyes fell on Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu, and asked the old man, "Have their talents been tested?"

"It's been tested. Both of them' aptitude and mental strength are excellent talents." The old man did not expect Xiang Yutang to ask about the talents of the two of them individually, and immediately replied with a smile.

After all, when he brought a newcomer over before, this one usually just glanced at him and let the steward below take him away with him.

Xiang Yutang's eyes showed a hint of interest, "No wonder he was able to break through to the Immortal Realm and ascend to the Immortal Realm before the age of forty."

The old man and the woman who came with him were stunned when they heard his words. Obviously, they did not expect Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu to be less than fifty years old.

In the Immortal Realm, unless the realm is very high, or there are special methods, it is impossible to see the true age of the other party at a glance without checking the bone age.

At this point, Elder Luo cannot do it himself.

He was astonished at this time, and sighed that the potential of these two people was too great.

You must know that babies born in the fairyland are basically cultivated in the Danyuan realm when they are born, and they are surrounded by immortal energy. It takes at least fifty years to cultivate to a lower immortal, even if they are talented.

Of course, there are also very few geniuses who can break through to the lower ranks in 20 to 30 years.

However, the situation of Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu are completely different. The spiritual energy of the lower interface cannot be compared with the immortal energy of the immortal world. In addition, due to the lack of resources, it is very remarkable to have an ascended monk for many years, let alone within the age of 50. A person who can cultivate to ascension is really hard to come by in hundreds of millions of years.

And this time there were only two at the same time, no wonder he thought they were not in the pool when he first saw them.

The woman standing beside Lou Muyan was horrified.

She also had to admit that these two were too perverted. They broke through to the Immortal before the age of forty, even in her lower-ranking big screen.

You must know that despite her face, she is only in her twenties, but her actual age is more than three hundred years old, and she is still the person with the highest talent and aptitude in her own interface.

The few people sitting next to Xiang Yutang heard his words and turned their attention to the two of them.

"Such a aptitude is worth cultivating." A middle-aged man smiled lightly.

Xiang Yutang looked at Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu with a smile and asked, "The mental powers of the two of you are also excellent. You must be proficient in certain spells when you were in the lower realm."

Before the two could answer, he looked at Lou Muyan and continued, "Your alchemy skills should be good."

"Reporting to the consul, I was really good at alchemy when I was in the lower realm." Lou Muyan replied calmly with a smile on her face.

"How high is your level of alchemy in the lower realm?" Xiang Yutang asked casually.

"Tenth grade." Lou Muyan didn't hide it.

Although she didn't know how the alchemy techniques in the fairy world were divided, she could guess that the tenth-grade alchemy techniques should be nothing.

"It's very good to be able to practice alchemy to the tenth rank in the lower realm." Xiang Yutang's eyes were full of light, and he smiled lightly: "Is there anything else?"

"Several other techniques can also be used, but they are not as good as alchemy." Lou Muyan replied with a half-truth with a smile.

Xiang Yutang smiled and turned to look at Ming Xiu and asked, "You should be proficient in weapon refining or formation techniques."

"Reporting to the consul, I'm really good at formations, but the refining tools are a little bit inferior." Ming Xiu replied calmly.

The woman beside the two had mixed feelings in her heart at this time. She didn't expect that while she was full of superiority, she was actually turned into scum by these two people in seconds.

However, there was not much jealousy, envy and hatred. She entered the Dao with slaughter and was tenacious. Strength was her lifelong pursuit, but it inspired the desire to meet Lou Muyan for a while.

"It's also a tenth grade?" Xiang Yutang asked in a more positive tone.

Ming Xiu smiled lightly and said, "Yeah."

"The two of you are very talented in both cultivation and magic. If you can complete the transformation of immortal power within ten years, this consul will make an exception to let you enter the ancient book and magic library of the outer islands to check." Xiang Yutang pondered. He opened his mouth for a moment.

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