Suning is easy to win.

But winning is winning, even if it is a competition, there is no reason to say that you are completely ready.

It's even more impossible to do it all over again.

Seeing his brother provoking Suning Yi, Xiao Hong was already very ashamed, and he lost in seconds...

She couldn't afford to lose this person, so she drew her whip and hit the ground in front of Xiao Feng.


"Why don't I fight with you again?"

Xiao Feng looked indignant, he really felt aggrieved, so he was stunned, and he lost.

If he did it again, he would certainly not waver.

"The fault is not Xiao Daoyou, it is really Suning Yi's strange methods, not as orthodox as the Dao Alliance.

Simon said with a smile as he waved his feather fan.

Shi Tang was beside him, and he also said: "Insidious tricks, quite shameless. It

is not difficult to guess that it was the two of them who instigated Xiao Feng to come to Suning for trouble.

Xiao Feng glared at the two of them, "Get out!"

But I can't mess with this mad lion.

Suning Yi ignored everyone, he heard the summons of the Great Monk, and prepared to go to the lobby.

Call yourself at this time.

There shouldn't be too many problems.

So he wasn't so worried.

Xiao Feng gloated in the back and said, "That guy Qingfengzi recognized you, he must have stirred up trouble again, Suning Yi, you are going to be unlucky."

Xiao Feng followed, wanting to see the excitement.

Xiao Hong's expression changed when she heard this, and she also followed closely with Suning Yi.

There was also a group of young Taoist priests behind, who were all core disciples of various sects, and would not be easily expelled and blamed.

They are very curious about Suningyi's behavior.

After all, this is the legendary Aunt Tu Shan.


in the lobby.

All the sect masters looked at the two people who came in, Su Ningyi and the Xiao family, as well as the disciples on both sides of the door.

They ignored them.

Obviously, it is not a serious matter to let Suning Yi come over this time.

Xionghuangzi said lightly:

"Suning Yi, Qingfengzi still has objections to the relationship between you and Tu Shan, it just so happens that Xiao Daoyou is also here, he was born as a supervision envoy, and he just came..."

"Since it was mentioned by Qingfengzi Daoyou, let Qingfengzi Daoyou come to say hello, and I'll just listen to it on the side.

Xionghuangzi looked at Qingfengzi.

Qing Fengzi was stunned for a moment, and the development of things was a little different from what he imagined.

"Ahem, since you let me come

..."At this time, Xiao Feng in the audience was unwilling to be lonely, and said loudly: "I suspect that Suning Yi has colluded with monsters, and when he was exterminating demons in Huangfengling, he was unwilling to protect me..."

"I, I, I... How could I..."Xiao Feng's face flushed, and he retorted loudly.

All the sect masters were watching the excitement.

Seeing that the two juniors of the Xiao family quarreled, they both showed smiles on their faces.

The disciples outside also poked their heads out.

Look inside.

At this moment, a huge figure suddenly flew over, whirring, and fell directly down the steps, like a rolling gourd.

"!!" The disciples of the various sects were shocked.

After a closer look, it turned out that Xiao Feng was beaten out, very embarrassed.

In the lobby, Xiao Erye's voice sounded again.

"Let everyone laugh. "

Qingfeng Zi Daoyou, please continue.

Second Master Xiao said lightly.

"..."The breeze is numb.


reason why he jumped out was that he felt that the Xiao family's attitude towards Suning Yi had changed, and he might be able to trap the other party.

But as it stands.

Second Master Xiao may not have any intention of recruiting Suning Yi, but at the same time, he did not ruin his thoughts.

Plus the male yellow seed of Aicai.

He, a small head of the Qingfeng Sect, what ability does he have to move Suning Yi?

Qingfengzi turned his head to look at Qingyuezi.

Seeing the banter on his face, he thought that the other party had not lost his temper from beginning to end.

Clearly aware of this situation.

Qing Fengzi

clenched his fists, his body trembled slightly

, and he said coldly: "Suning Yi, do you have anything to do with that Tu Shan Er Miss?" I asked

the disciple who was injured by you, and he said that it was indeed a girl who followed you..." Qing

Fengzi did have a piece of evidence, that is, the disciple who was paralyzed by Tu Shan Yaya.!!

Qing Yuezi hurriedly said:

"Daoyou is really a noble person, how forgetful, that is obviously his magic weapon to covet Ning Yi, and he wanted to harm Ning Yi, so he was beaten by Ning Yi as a killer..."

At this time, Xionghuangzi interjected again: "This matter is not enough as evidence, you two sects did make a gambling contract with this before." What does Xiao Daoyou think?"

Second Master Xiao nodded.


Fengzi's face was gloomy.

This is a hammer!

The punishment will definitely not be allowed, and there is evidence that the two bigwigs don't admit it, and there is no trick at all!

Even if he brings that disciple, I am afraid that people will say that they framed Suning Yi by himself.

If you really want to get entangled, you might end up covering your mouth.

The big families of the Dao Alliance can do it.

It's not okay to look for trouble on the surface.

Qingfengzi stinked face, flicked his sleeves, snorted coldly, and said, "Okay, this seat is no problem."

"Qingyuezi Daoyou, my niece seems to like the scenery of your Yellow Wind City very much, and she gets along very well with Suning Yi. Second Master Xiao said suddenly.

"Hmm...," Kiyozuki replied.

"Xiaohong has been practicing at home, and she hasn't joined any sect yet, I wonder if the Qingyue Sect is willing to accept her?"


Hong glanced at Su Ningyi and lowered his head.

If she objected, then Second Master Xiao would not treat Suning Yi preferentially.

"Our sect is very small, but since Xiao Daoyou said so, it is better to be respectful than to obey his fate. just wronged the noble daughter of the Xiao family.

Qing Yuezi said with a smile.

"It's okay, there's nothing wrong with grievances. By the way, I deliberately asked for an extra quota for the Dao League's further study, so I will give it to Suning, which can be regarded as my apprenticeship to Xiaohong. Second Master Xiao said.


The eyes of the sect masters were almost red.

The disciples of the various sects outside were also stunned, and they watched their opponents and were directly selected without examination.

This kind of sourness, they are all numb.

"Then thank you Xiao Daoyou. Qing Yuezi smiled.

Now this situation is the best outcome.

Although Suning Yi has some relationship with the Xiao family, it is not too deep, and at the same time, it can feed back to the sect.

Qing Yuezi was afraid that Suning Yi would be too upright, and it would not be very beautiful if she refused, so she nodded to Suning Yi.

Su Ningyi immediately thanked him:

"Junior, thank you for your love..."

Su Ningyi actually felt quite sorry in his heart, it was difficult for him to find an opponent now, if he could learn from the elite disciples of various sects, it would be a rare experience.

But now, alas... No chance.

In the competitive arena, it is difficult for others to show their real skills.

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