"What do they mean by

this?!" "Have you taken our Qingfeng Sect seriously? This is playing us like

monkeys!" "For the sake of a Suning Yi, he actually did this? He Suning Yi colluded with Tu Shan!" In

the evening, Qingfengzi was indignant in the room.

During the day he became a clown.

As soon as he remembered the strange gazes of the sect masters at that time, he hated it so much.

Of course, what he hates the most is Suning Yi.

If it weren't for Suning Yi, the Great Demon of Tushan would not have broken through his sect!

Now the reputation of the Qingfeng Sect has been discredited.

When people in Yellow Wind City mention the Qingfeng Sect, they will think of the situation when he was attacked by monsters.

The main culprit is

Suning Yi! And because of Suning Yi, how much did Qing Fengzi lose?

He hated Suning Yi so much that he wanted to go crazy.


!" "Bang!"

Qingfengzi smashed the porcelain, and the porcelain bottle was thrown to the ground and shattered into countless pieces.

He didn't feel relieved yet.

At this moment, the door was pushed open.

"Who?!Didn't this seat say not to come?!" Qingfengzi said coldly.

"Senior brother, it's me.

Simon Blowing Sand waved a feather fan, maintaining a profound personality, and walked in to speak.

Seeing the debris on the ground, as well as the angry blushing and thick-necked Qingfengzi, he shook his head helplessly and smiled.

"Senior brother, you have also seen that those guys are simply too deceitful!"

"It is obvious that it is because of Suning Yi's relationship that our sect will suffer. They didn't say that they would punish Su Ningyi, they even shielded him!

" "Do you think I can not be angry?"

Qingfengzi vomited bitterness.

Simon Blowing Sand shook his head and said, "Senior brother, if you can't fight hard, why don't you outwit it

?" "What do you mean?" Qingfengzi asked.

The corners of Ximen's mouth hooked up a smile, and said lightly:

"Senior brother, have you forgotten how the Xiao family developed?" "Xiao family?" "Senior brother, you won't let us learn from the Xiao family, right?"


Fengzi shook his head with a strange expression.

Ximen Fusha continued: "The Daomeng has acquiesced, but if something goes wrong in He'anfang City..."

"Think about it, senior brother, if we can destroy He'anfang City, then we will reiterate the righteousness of the Dao Alliance and plot against Xionghuangzi and the Xiao family... Maybe it's going to soar into the sky?"

said Simon with a smile.

"!!" Qingfengzi's eyes widened, and he felt incredulous.

If this is revealed.

The Qingfeng Sect has no place in Yellow Wind City.

Ximen Fusha grabbed Qingfengzi's shoulders and said demagoguously: "Many families in the Dao Alliance don't want to reconcile with the demon clan, let's push it and be the leader..."

What can we get?"

"First, the relationship between the shemales broke down again, and Suning Yi fell into the center of the whirlpool again, isn't it easy for us to pinch him?

Second, junior brother and I are also quite well-known in the Dao Alliance, and we can connect them in series, once it is done, it will make our Qingfeng Sect the supervisor here..."

Of course, he still has his own purpose, but he won't explain it to Qingfengzi.

Qingfengzi's eyes flickered.

I know the danger, but when I think of a bright future, I can't help but move.

"Think long, think long..."


Qingyue Sect.

After Suning Yi got the exemption place, he followed Qing Yuezi back to the sect.

Xiao Hong is naturally also a peer.

After returning to the sect, the brothers and sisters almost cried with joy when they learned that Xiao Hong had joined.

There is finally a person of the opposite sex in the sect.

For this reason, under their strong expectations, they also gave Xiao Hong the wind, and Qing Yuezi specially arranged a banquet.

Not only did he let the disciples pick up good wine and food, but he also announced the distribution of elixir spirit beast meatballs.

The entire sect was beaming.

In the main hall, Qing Yuezi was explaining things to Suning Yi and Xiao Hong.

"Xiao Hong, Ning Yi is my closed disciple, and this seat doesn't plan to accept any more disciples. Besides, with your rich family education, you don't need the guidance of this seat.

"Therefore, you are a registered disciple of this seat.

Qing Yuezi stroked her long beard and smiled.

"Yes, Master. Xiao Hong nodded in response.

"Very good, I'll let Ning Yi arrange your room for you. Ning Yi, you have gained a lot this time, even if you don't enter the Dao Alliance to study, the reward you get is enough to support two years of cultivation. Qing Yuezi said happily.

Suning Yi nodded with a smile and said, "In this case, I don't have much interest in Daomeng." "

No, you still have to go to the Dao League to study, where you will get better training, as well as better exercises and spells, and that is also a qualification..."

Qing Yuezi persuaded.

Su Ningyi nodded, of course he knew that Dao Meng's treatment was more generous.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people who broke their heads.

Qing Yuezi took out another bag and gave it to Suning Yi, as well as a small cyan sword.

"This is your reward, and it's up to you to keep it. Also, this magic weapon-level magic sword, the Aomori Sword, was created by the Li family of the Dao Alliance, and it is also yours, so refine it.

Qing Yuezi instructed.

Suning Yi took the Aomori sword and found that it was only the size of a palm, but its weight was not light.

And the sword body is verdant and clear.

The mana is easily infused into it, there is not much sense of blockage, and the grade should be much stronger than the Black Water Sword.

"It's a pity that the highest sword technique mastered by the master is only the raindrop sword technique..."Qing

Yuezi sighed lightly.

Suning Yi was just about to speak, but Xiao Hong took the lead, Xiao Hong suddenly took out a bamboo slip and said

, "Before leaving, the second uncle asked me to give this to the master, saying that this was his thank you."

Qing Yuezi raised her eyebrows.

What a thank-you gift, it's just a name.

The exercises recorded in this bamboo slip, the eight achievements are prepared for Suning Yi.

Qing Yuezi took a look, and sure enough, it was a rare sword formation method, called the Little Thousand Sword Formation.

Qing Yuezi glanced at Su Ningyi, her eyes were weird, and she thought that this baby disciple was amazing.

Then how could Second Master Xiao know what he needed? Obviously,

Xiao Hong begged for it.

"Ning Yi, you study first, and after you become it, you will leave the annotations and give them to the teacher for other brothers and sisters to learn. "

Yes, Master.

Suning Yi lowered his head and responded.

Suning Yi is also embarrassed now, he really wants to be self-reliant, but after showing his talent.

It's hard to ignore.

Now that Xiao Hong has done this part, he feels that he is too reluctant to go, but it is not easy to refuse.

Because Xiao Hong will not admit that he begged for it, refusing will make the other party unhappy.

"This sword formation technique is very difficult, Senior Brother Ning Yi, you will be fifteen years old soon, it's best not to practice it first... Laying a good physical foundation is.

Xiao Hong advised.

When she mentioned the word senior brother, her face was still a little unnatural, because she was seventeen years old and three years older than Suning Yi.

"I'll do what I can.

Suning Yi said with a smile.

Xiao Hong snorted.

Qing Yuezi smiled and said nothing, thinking that Xiao Hong still didn't know what a genius was...

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