My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 233: Take off the powder and step back


At 12 o'clock on the 24th of November, the topic of #朴在海被打# on the bib appeared on the hot topic.

Click here to see, all about Parka Hai was beaten in the Shanghai stock market, the most forwarded is a video.

Clicking on the video, the first thing I saw was that Park was in the welcome of fans, and there was a beautiful smile on the face. The fans were also all kinds of screaming fans, and the picture was very harmonious.

Then, a tall figure appeared in the picture, flew up, and the two bodyguards were directly knocked down on the ground with the fierce play of American wrestling. The picture was shocking. Then the man walked to the face of a horrified Park in the sea, twisting his neckline, and he gave a crisp and big mouth!

Then there is not a video, but a screenshot, a frightened and angry fan, a bodyguard falling to the ground, a park in the ground sitting on the ground, and a photo of the person who is still in the sea. Of course, there is a photo of the murderer.

This video has a lot of forwarding and comments.

"I wipe, this is too special and cruel!"

"Human-shaped tank!"

"Look at it!"

"A dozen hits are still killing, it’s too fierce!"


"Han Xing? Isn't it limited? How come to China?"

"Not allowed to travel, hahaha!"

"It seems that some Korean stars have come recently."

"Nima is coming to the money!"

"What ages are still powdered Han Xing! Is Liu Hao burning not good enough or the four-character brother is not handsome enough!"

"Yes! There are more domestic quality idols!"


"Han Xing was beaten? Not all Han Xing beat people? How come this is over!"

"The wind and water are turning, and Han Xing is also being beaten!"

"It’s not right to beat people! But I can’t help but laugh out!”

"This Park has been playing fans in the Shanghai stock market five years ago or six years ago. This time it was intended to be alive!"

"When the grass is finally hit, are you sympathetic? Don't you comment on it?"


"This is hitting people! This is breaking the law! We must severely punish the murderer!"

"It’s really chilling to read the comments. It’s such a bad thing, so many people are applauding!”

"Reject violence!"

"It’s just a fair in the sea!"

"Please perpetrators to go to the place to explode!"

“It’s definitely not a good person to start with this!”

"Please give us a copy of Haimi!"


In the comment area and the topic area, it is not as imaginary as one-sided, and I don’t know if the news of Han Xing’s beating fans in the past few years has caused a rebound, and the comment area has shown polarization.

Soon, the identity of the hitter was smashed out, and it was accurately recognized.

Meng Fan has been to a few hot favourites. There is one today. It is definitely not the kind of hot spot that everyone knows. But because of the sense of existence, plus the looks, people who have seen it don’t say it, at least they will feel it. look familiar. Coupled with the fact that the double eleven live broadcasts in the past, many people still remember the dream sand painting and the stunning long shot.

In addition, there are a lot of water friends who watch Meng Fan live every day. There are always some people who can brush this hot spot and recognize it at a glance.

Hey, the hitter is still a small celebrity.

Things and information about Meng Fan soon appeared in this hot topic area.

This time, the hotter is more lively!

"I wipe! Isn't this Meng fat? Actually, I can play!"

"Meng Fan is known as the Iron Man, these two rounds, worthy of the name!"

"You are afraid that I don't know that the Iron Man once sat down with a thief!"

"It is said that I still sat a dead man!"

"Meng fat actually didn't sit down, it's a pity!"

"Meng's anchor is very gentle and laughs every day, it is so cruel!"

"Do you think that Meng’s anchor has fanned this Han Xing a slap? It’s that you don’t understand his speed at all, it looks like one, in fact, there are hundreds!”

"These three are not enough for Meng Bo!"

"You can't stand up directly when you get to the leg!"

"Meng Boss wants to be so bullish, just because the sale of advertising is hot, and immediately because of hitting people on the hot, one day two popular, the rhythm of fire!"

"Do you have any animals that don't worry about Meng Fat?"

"Meng fat, the player who opened the game, worried about a wool! Wait, there is no big news!"


"Net red hit Han Xing? This is the best!"

"This video is obviously clipped, and there is a way to release the cause and effect!"

“Who knows why he beats people?”

"People who posted the video stood up and explained the reason! It’s so confusing!"

"There is no one to go, no one is going to stand up!"

"Really! Net red can be reversed for pregnant women, let alone net red to play Han Xing! Peace of mind to eat melons!"

"I don't stand the team, wait for the follow-up!"


After the team found that Jiang Cheng went back without returning, the team found that something was wrong, quietly returned to the hotel from the studio, and then began various contacts and operations.

After discovering that the bib has been reported by many media at this time, the team’s people are somewhat waxy, because the current environment, together with Park’s five years ago in Shanghai, they are unwilling The matter is open.

There is no interest at all!

One question, I know that those fans themselves edited their own hair, but also spent money to buy a hot search, saying that it is to be fair to Park in the sea, really crazy.

Pig teammates!

The person in charge of the call to the fan yelled, and then severely warned that they could not leak any of the captured videos and photos, and even asked them to send them to the unified management.

On the side of Bailu Suqing, it is known from Jiang Cheng that Park’s team will not apologize, and they will see that they have sent themselves to their favorites and immediately started to operate.

When Jiang Cheng went to see the team in front of Park, he was called to see Bai Hao and Su Qingyan. After listening to this incident, there were two female squats standing there, and they were very clear about the urineiness of Park’s sea. Fans, they immediately slandered and then rebelled, and all the information given to the brain was given.

In addition, Sun Sister not only sent people to protect the fans who were beaten, but also sent people to stare at a person who used the rice circle to make money.

Real hammer, how much is there!

"Don't worry, everything is under control. We are waiting to watch the movie while shooting the MV!"

Both Bai Hao and Su Qingyi were very optimistic and confident in the result of this incident. Meng Fan did not worry about it. He also trusted them. After knowing about it, let them arrange it. He is here to shoot MV safely.

Of course, Meng Fan also has a real hammer. I heard that Sun Sister has already found it, and he has not said it.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, there were various reasons for why Meng Fan played Park in the sea. What Meng Fan’s girlfriend liked in Park in the sea, so he hits people, and Pu Zaihai was beaten and retaliated because he blocked Meng Fan’s road. When Du Pu hits the fans in the sea, she is purely unhappy. Park is in a TV series and kills his favorite character. Park Jae-Hang had a dispute with him when he was eating supper last night. Park is in private. Su Qinglan was heard by him...

In short, all kinds of strange and wonderful things are incredible and can not withstand the reasons for scrutiny, more and more people believe that the truth behind has not surfaced.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the news about Park Jae-hwa was appearing on the Internet, and the heat began to brew, and it was in full swing.

These are naturally driven by the human activities of the team of Bai Yu Su Qing, in order to make things big and then hammer them into the sea, whether in China or abroad.

Do you want to apologize if you want to play a fan?


It is said that it is difficult for him to go to China in China, and he will not be able to return to China.

Of course, their focus must be to make Meng Fan not hurt a little. And if you want Meng Fan to be harmless and get out of the body, then only the hammer will die in the sea.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, Meng Fan's two MV sand paintings were initially filmed, and a group of people were happy to eat hot pot.

By noon the next day, the heat of this matter is already very high, both domestic and external.

However, just as the white 芷 Su Qing 岑 准备 准备 MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV MV

A user who claimed to be a witness to the truth sent a collar: "I liked you seven years ago, like your song, like your smile, like your body, like you will catch your hair when you are nervous." Ashamed, I like you to say that eating a piece of cake today must be half an hour of conscious and hard work in the gym... like everything about you!

Because I like I can forgive you for taking off the group, I can forgive you for the scandal, I can forgive you for kicking your legs or even shaving the pot to the woman, I can forgive you to the former brothers of diss...

But I really can't forgive you for playing fans, and I can't forgive you for lying in front of so many of us, and we have to lie for you! Six years ago, the media said that you played fans, I don't believe it, but yesterday, I really saw it!

Last night, I had several people who didn't sleep. We all saw the doubts in each other's eyes. Is doubt still worth continuing? It seems that the answer is also there when the doubt comes out!

When I like you, I will rush to the front of you, aiming at the guns and guarding you. As it turns out, I have been deceived by your masks and lies. You are a personal scum, so I have to hesitate to look back at you without hesitation. I am so close to you, the lethality should be even bigger, Park is in the sea! ”

Below the collar is a video of a seven-minute video.

From the very beginning, the fans welcomed the song, and then clearly recorded a fan who accidentally was pushed and hit him on Park’s body. Then Park’s face was angry and raised her hand and slapped her. Also pushed her to the ground, followed by two bodyguards to punch and kick.

The crowd spread, the bodyguard stopped and turned, and then Meng Fan rushed out, knocked down two bodyguards and then hit Park in the sea a slap...

The whole process was filmed, including Park’s embarrassment, no commitment, and fan lie, including their dialogue, including Meng Fan’s saying, “It’s a wonderful thing to chase stars, you are dirty, dirty.” Including the words that the assault fan was helped by Meng Fan, and the palm print on her face and the shoe print on her body!

A mirror in the end, clearly understand!


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