My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 234: Maybe it’s a fake powder.


"What are you arranged over there?"

After seeing this collar, Bai Hao and Su Qingying almost simultaneously said the same words to the other party, then shook their heads at the same time, and then looked at Meng Fan together.

Meng Fan took a look at his shoulder: "I don't have this ability."

"That is to say that it is really taking off the powder and stepping back?"

"I think it's normal. We have seen those videos. I like them any more. I will be angry when I see such things. It is a sure thing to take off the powder, but I didn't expect to be so decisive."

"It can be said that it is profound and righteous!"

"In this way, the means we have prepared are not used."

"I think this is better than anything."

"Yes! The boss of Meng is really a good person of the Kyrgyzstan. Even if we are not prepared, it will not be bad."

Meng Fan is also thinking, is it that Lucky +1 works?

Here continues the MV shooting, after a round of discussion on the bib after really wanting to expose - mainly cursing and spitting - it becomes a large-scale powder removal back to the scene.

This video soon appeared on the extranet, and the extranet was a buzz, while the Korean net was in silence.

Domestic bibs and major portals, the embarrassing ambiguity, naturally boast of boasting, this point, do not use the public relations of Bai Yu and Su Qingying, there is a large group of marketing numbers and public numbers to change the law. heat.

Meng Fan's "beating", if it is replaced by a man who plays a normal bullying girl, there must be someone who forwards the comment on the Internet, but at most it is praised by the thumb, but it will not form an argument.

It happens to be a Han Xing, and the topic is immediately available.

Netizens look at it again, wow, there are still many topics in this hitter, and it’s hot!

The facts are also true, and it will take a long time. #铁塔真汉子# This topic has been brushed up. The hot spot is not only the information of Meng Fan’s beating bodyguard and Han Xing, but also Meng Fan’s bus thief and scenic spot. Information.



To be honest, Meng Fan saw these praise words, and they felt a bit too much.

This matter can also be regarded as letting Meng Fan participate in a popular event in the entertainment industry. He has experienced the rapid changes in the entertainment circle and also saw the public relations means of this circle at a close distance. This time I saw it with my own eyes.

"All right?"

"All right!"

At half past two in the afternoon, half an hour earlier than the expected three points, both MVs were completed. The main content of MV is Meng Fan's sand painting. Meng Fan's efficiency is much higher than Bai Yi, Su Qingying and MV directors imagined. His efficiency is high and the speed of MV shooting is naturally fast.

This does not prevent Meng Fan from brushing his collar, and Bai Hao, Su Qingying and the team have dealt with this fight during this period.

MV director is a very good director in the industry. Although I have seen Meng Fan’s performance in the sand painting performance at the double eleventh party, I still have some concerns about Meng Fan’s problems in shooting. I have specially found a sand painting. The artistic director, it turns out that this money is a bit embarrassing.

Meng Fan not only showed superb sand painting skills, but also showed the artistic sense of sand painting, and even the plot framework of MV and songs was counted. If the exaggeration is said, the director only needs to shoot the sand and finish it. The other parts you have to complete are OK.

Two MVs were taken in two days. Under such a large workload, the director did not feel uncomfortable at all, and even felt enjoyable. I really want to ask if Meng Fan has the opportunity to continue cooperation. He likes Meng Fan’s operation of handing the pillow, but when he thinks about the reason why Meng Fan refused the invitation of David Las Vegas, he will forget it. .

Being packed up and preparing to leave, Sun Jie came in from outside and said: "A lot of reporters came outside the studio, all of whom wanted to interview Meng Fan. The people in the studio were temporarily blocked."

Bai Yan smiled and said: "If Xiaofan is debuting now, even if he enters the entertainment circle!"

Meng Fan smiled bitterly: "But don't, I still want to go back and draw comics."

Su Qinglan asked: "Do you accept interviews?"

When Meng Fan nodded, let the assistant arrange the vehicle to go from behind.

The group was divided into two groups. Bai Yu and the director went out from the front door. Su Qing and Meng Fan went out from the back and the car was already waiting.


After driving a short distance, Meng Fan let the driver stop.


Su Qingying was curious and looked out at Meng Fan's gaze. A little distance from the studio door, there was a girl wearing a hat and a mask who had been walking around the road and looked very anxious.

Su Qinglan curiously asked: "Who?"

"It should be the fan who was beaten yesterday." Meng Fan thought about it, let the driver drive over there and stop at the girl's side. Meng Fan opened the door and asked the girl, "Are you looking for me?" ?"

The girl stunned and could even be said to be scared. She did not expect Meng Fan to appear here.

She came here very early, always thinking about going to find Meng Fan, hesitating and hesitating. The reporter came, she even dared not go in, and worried that she would be caught by the reporter.

"We are preparing to find a place to eat something." Meng Fan smiled at the girl. "Or, you are together, what are you talking about? Let's talk while we eat."

Said, has moved to the position and sat some inside.

The girl is still a little embarrassed, and she is sitting in the car. She turned to her I saw Su Qingying’s smile at her, and she didn’t know why it was because of this warm laugh. The accumulated emotions broke out all of a sudden, and tears burst out.

The nanny car was very big. Meng Fan saw Su Qing's gesture and sat down across the street. Su Qingyan reached out and took the girl's arms in her arms, letting her head rest on her shoulder.

The girl cried all the way and wept the shoulders of Su Qingying until she got off the bus.

Getting off, of course, is really going to eat, Meng Fan is not talking about playing.

"Thank you! Sorry!"

Girls have a lot to say, but apart from these two sentences, it seems that nothing can be said.

Meng Fan took the ribs from the waiter and placed them in front of the girl. He smiled and said: "Thank you for accepting it. Sorry, don't say it, you are not sorry."

To be honest, Meng Fan didn't know what to say to this girl. He really didn't comfort the talent in this area. He saw Su Qingying put the pig's intestines in front of him and thought about it. He said to the girl: "Actually, I still That sentence, I think chasing stars is a wonderful thing. Like me, I also chase stars, I am the **** powder of Yamamoto's big brother - well, it should be regarded as the iron powder now - I understand the beauty is to let myself It's also beautiful. Idols definitely have some sparkle points that make you more motivated to get better, fans support idols, and then get energy from idols, I think this is the healthiest and most normal between fans and idols. Relationship."

Su Qinglan curiously inserted a sentence and asked: "What energy do you get from me?"

Meng Fan seriously thought about it and shook his head: "No, maybe I am a fake powder."

The girl broke into laughter, she saw the shining point of Meng Fan, such as the sun to dispel the haze.


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