My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 235: Entertainment is not circled


"Once, let's go?"

Bai Yu was in her house with Su Qinglan. She knew that Su Qinglan and Meng Fan met the fan who was beaten on the road. This kind of thing is very touching for girls.

"Well, he said that he wants to go back, I sent the driver directly to send him back to Hangzhou, so as not to be a motor train and meet people."

The MV shooting is over, and it is also the end of a small holiday. Soon after tomorrow, Su Qingyan will have a variety of itinerary. Tonight, she is prepared to go anywhere, and she is in the house.

"White sister, is your pajamas a bit exaggerated? There are also underwear, I can't help but want to!"

"Aunt's pajamas are more, who let you choose this one! Can't hold it? Show off your fart!"

"Show off your fart! But it's a bit empty, you can't compare with you!"

Relaxed state is Su Qingying more playful, smiling at the white buttocks, then twisted and ran to the home theater.

"Is there a movie you said last time?"


Bai Hao was inexplicably reminded of the day at Meng Caiwei's home. She took a shower and threw her underwear in the bathroom. It happened that Meng Fan came into the bathroom and didn't know if he saw it. Any thoughts.


Bai Hao suddenly had a feeling of untimely time. The character of Meng Fan’s personality and the more burly and strong figure are the points she will be fascinated. Unfortunately, she is too young and she is not a brother!

Sighed, followed Su Qinglan to put a movie that was shown some time ago, she said she had not seen it.

Many movies that I want to watch have few opportunities to go to the cinema. Therefore, Bai Hao specially decorated a room into a home theater. The standard is still very high, and even better than the average cinema.

"I have forgotten to record the cost of the MV for him." Bai Yan remembered this matter and asked how much money Su Shiyi gave last time. It was not much better and less, and then turned Meng Fan to 500,000.

"Right, your voice program, have you asked the program group?" Su Qing asked curiously.

Bai Hao shook his head: "These two things have been troubled, I haven't asked. I will first explore a tone. If there is an intention there, I will ask Meng Fan again. I think, the possibility of the mango promised is still The bigger one is that Meng Fan is very unlikely to agree."

Su Qingqi did not doubt this, but he was more and more confused about one thing: "White sister, you said, this guy wants to be a star?"

Bai Hao was asked by this question, thinking for a long time, said: "This, I really don't know. He, if you want to become famous, there are many opportunities, so many programs are invited, even David's director of Las Vegas Si Da Xiu does not go. Like this time, it is also a good opportunity to become a star. As the afternoon said, if you want to debut, you will be the first person to enter the entertainment circle. But, you said that he does not want to become famous, but Things that have been done are all going to fame, especially live broadcasts."

Su Qingyan thought for a moment and said, "Maybe, he wants to become famous. It is just that we have limited the way we become famous. We only want to enter the entertainment circle to become famous."

Bai Hao’s eyes lit up and said, “You said that you went up. If we don’t leave the entertainment circle, things are really simple.” I took a thigh and laughed. I also said that I am not a person in the entertainment industry, let alone a star. I have always said that I am an actor. Estimated, in these understandings, their sisters are the same."

Su Qingyi agreed with this, but he said with emotion: "There is no circle of entertainment, but the entertainment circle really has a circle. The actors can not be entangled, and the stars are all surrounded by stars!"

"Less come, get cheap and sell, watch movies and watch movies!"

"People are all insatiable!"


"so much?"

It is natural that Meng Fan has received a transfer from Bai Yu.

"As much as your own big brother, do you not give me a concert as a guest? In addition, you still owe me a few sand painting performances, and I will not give money in the future!"

"Okay, then I will accept it."

"Look at your embarrassing share, my sister gives you a benefit, you have also received this picture below, hahaha!"

Soon, Meng Fan’s WeChat received a photo, and at first glance, awe-inspiring!

Then he silently collected the photo of Su Qingying, who was photographed in the exaggerated pajamas, and watched the movie. It was put together with the photo sent by his sister Meng Caiwei last time.

Who said it was a fake powder, obviously a leg powder!

At 9 o'clock in the evening, Meng Fan went to the school near the school and asked the driver to have a meal before letting him go.

Meng Fan did not return to school. It is not good to return at this time.

Around Zhang and others have already sent all kinds of WeChat. About Meng Fan’s fight with Han Xing, everyone in the Academy of Fine Arts knows that before the truth of the matter came out, Zhang and others sent WeChat to say that everyone in the school believed. There is a reason for Meng Fan to beat people. To be honest, this is still very touching for Meng Fan.

Later, the truth came out. Zhang sent a reporter to the school to interview, and they went to their dormitory. However, the school quickly responded and drove the reporters out. After all, the school is a place to learn, and it may keep the reporters in and out.

If Meng Fan returns to school at this time, it is certain that he is blocked at the door unless he wears a hat.

Well, even if you go home, you still have to wear a hat. There are people at the door of this community. It shows that the reporter is well informed.

However, this kind of thing, after two days of heat is gone, it will stop.

Go home and pick up the Wutong WeChat just came in.

"Got home?"

Meng Fan squatted, so clever? "How do you know?"

"I guess." Wu Tong's mischievous expression, "How, have you been blocked by reporters?"

"It’s really blocked."

Meng Fan and Wu Tong chatted, went to take a shower and continued to talk, chatted and chatted, naturally began to draw comics, and naturally ended the chat.

Early the next morning, Meng Fan habitually ran out, but fortunately, after all, it was not a big news of the paparazzi. So early, there was no reporter who scolded him.

Out of the community to the Xizi Lake Scenic Area, the number of people coming back will increase.

"You are the one who beats Han Xing?"

"Wow! It’s a tower man, it’s so early to get up and running, no wonder so strong!”

"Can you take a photo with you? I like you very much... beat people!"

Meng Fan can also be seen as the power of this hit event. Before I put it on, I have been on the double eleven live broadcasts. However, in the morning run, in addition to the students who met the Academy of Fine Arts, I can recognize him. Other passers-by don’t know, this time. It was recognized at least dozens of times along the way.

Running back to the community, down to the unit downstairs, Meng Fan saw that Director Charlie was doing stretching exercises in the opposite garden, snoring, and at first glance, he did not exercise much.

As soon as he saw Meng Fan, Charlie came over.

"I know that I can wait for you here, and I really ran so early." Director Charlie is still stretching. This morning, the temperature is very low. If you don't stretch, it will be cold. "Is it going to the studio in the morning?"

After an appointment, Charlie’s director went to Meng Fan to go to the Wenchuang Garden. On the road, Charlie’s director said about the role of the “Nine Days” cartoon to Meng Fanliu, not a small supporting role, but a male owner. !


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