My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 511: The prototype of the law

Various forces surged in the air, and the mixed forces were like the sea.

Four figures fought like lightning, and one of them was Daomu of the Immortal Race.


Daomu's right fist hit the red dragon's hideous head like a cannonball.

The dragon scales were sunken, the dragon head froze, and then the huge dragon body was thrown out.

The Cyclops took the opportunity to attack Daomu from behind, but was kicked in the stomach by Daomu.

The giant's body suddenly bent like a shrimp, and then flew out.

At this time, the attack that Tianhu Lin Yang had accumulated for a long time arrived.

The demon essence gathered on the three pairs of wings gathered together and shot at Daomu like a white laser.

Daomu raised his foot at this time, and it was too late to dodge.

However, Daomu did not mean to dodge.

The whole body is lit up with rich green immortal essence, especially the right fist, like a small green sun.


Daomu turned around and punched the white laser-like demon essence.

The dazzling light lit up, and then the white demon essence was suppressed, and Daomu's green fist was like a knife, directly cutting the white demon essence from the middle.

Like a shunt, the thick white demon essence flew over from both sides of Daomu's body.

Tianhu Lin Yang's tiger face changed slightly as he watched this scene.

Daomu passed through the white demon essence and appeared beside Tianhu Linyang like a swimming fish.

Tianhu Lin Yang was horrified, he flapped the three pairs of wings and was about to leave.

Although Tianhu Linyang is conceited, he is not conceited enough to think that he can face Daomu alone.

Tianhu Linyang's speed is very fast, but Daomu's speed is even faster.


Daomu put his hands on one of the wings of Tianhu Linyang.

Daomu dealt with the three alone, not only did not fall into the disadvantage, but also had the upper hand.

roar, roar.

Tianhu Lin Yang let out a painful roar, he felt that his wing was about to be torn off by Dao Mu.

that's the truth.

There were bloodstains on the wing where the body was connected, and the bloodstains turned into blood seams in an instant.

Go on like this, and soon, that wing will be uprooted alive.

When the red dragon and the cyclops saw this scene, their expressions changed slightly and they rushed towards Daomu.

Save the Tianhu Linyang.

It's not that the two have a good relationship with Tianhu Lin Yang, but that the two know one thing.

The three of them joined forces to block Daomu's attack. Once Daomu severely injured Tianhu Linyang, then they could only give up the bronze utensil.

So no matter what, they have to save Tianhu Linyang.


Inside the bronze vessel.

"Yes, that's it, rip him off hard, tear his wings off."

Hu Jinhua was very active, watching this scene excitedly.

Ye Huan frequently looked sideways at Hu Jinhua, and muttered in his heart.

The Tianhu clan offended other tiger clans a lot.


The red dragon and the one-eyed giant attacked Daomu, wanting to come to surround Wei to save Zhao.


Daomu directly swung up Tianhu Linyang, used Tianhu Linyang's huge body as a weapon, and smashed directly at the red dragon and the Cyclops.


With a loud noise, all kinds of power dissipated and boiled everywhere.

The huge tiger body of Tianhu Linyang smashed on the red dragon and the Cyclops and rolled into a ball.

The three all tried their best to stabilize their bodies, but they didn't notice the looming giant flowers appearing behind them.

The scarlet giant flower petals bloomed like a giant mouth, quietly attacking the three.


in the bronze vessel space.

Hu Jinhua looked at this scene with horror on his face, as if he had seen something incredible.

"Impossible, impossible..."

Hu Jinhua kept saying these three words in his mouth.

"Is there something wrong, that scarlet flower is very powerful?"

Ye Huan was very keen to capture the reasons for Hu Jinhua's changes.

That illusory scarlet flower.

It was when Hu Jinhua watched it that he became like this.

"The prototype of the law, that is the prototype of the martial arts. It is worthy of being a genius who can be on the list of small stars, and it can condense the prototype of the martial arts in advance."

Hu Jinhua explained to Ye Huan with excitement in his voice.

Martial arts law.

That was his goal.

"This battle is about to come to an end, and the three have no chance."

Hu Jinhua said firmly.

Ye Huan looked at the illusory scarlet giant flower.

Kind of curious.

The prototype of martial arts?

He has seen the martial arts law, and it is the first time he has seen the prototype of the martial arts.

The power is unknown.


Among the three, Tianhu Lin Yang was the first to sense something was wrong. The white demon essence condensed on the three pairs of wings and wanted to escape, but he always felt a little hairy in his heart.

But in the next instant, Tianhu Lin Yang felt an indescribable pressure attacking him.

He originally wanted to inspire his wings to escape, but under the influence of that coercion, his thoughts were stagnant, and his movements naturally slowed down.

A strong sense of lethality invaded every inch of Tianhu Lin Yang's flesh, causing him to "wake up".

What can be seen is the closed scarlet giant flower.

The sharp teeth on the petals are clearly visible.

Tianhu Linyang's body suddenly lit up with a dazzling white light, and a large amount of demon essence was accumulated on Tianhu Linyang's body, layer after layer, like armor, protecting his body.

It's not that Tianhu Linyang didn't want to escape, but after being awakened by the crazy warning from his body, Tianhu Linyang helplessly discovered a fact.

He was too late to escape.

So in desperation, Tianhu Lin Yang had to gather a large amount of demon essence, hoping to block the bite of the giant mouth of the petals.


The giant mouth of the petals closed under the gaze of the Tianhu Lin Yang.

The white teeth on the petals touched the layers of white demon essence, and immortal essence flashed on the teeth.

Under the blessing of that immortal essence, the layers of white demon essence were easily torn apart like biscuits.

The teeth penetrated the body, and the giant mouth of the petals closed like that.

Half of Tianhu Linyang's body disappeared in that huge mouth of petals.

Intense pain attacked Tianhu Lin Yang's nerves, and at the same time he discovered something that shocked him.

The giant mouth of the petals was melting his body.

Although this process was slow due to the obstruction of Yao Yuan.

But the demon essence will always run out.

At that time, was it digested by the giant flower in vain!

It is necessary to get rid of this huge flower mouth as soon as possible, otherwise it will be dangerous.

Tianhu Lin Yang instantly understood his situation.

Boom, boom.

At this moment, Tianhu Lin Yang heard two loud noises nearby, and hurriedly turned his head and looked over there.

At a glance, I saw two very familiar figures.

Red Dragon and Cyclops.

The two were also bitten by the huge petal mouth, and the two loud noises just now were tossed out by the two.

This made Tianhu Lin Yanghu's heart sink, and their current situation is not very good.

Boom, boom, boom...

The Red Dragon and Cyclops are still struggling frantically over there, but the effect is not very good.

"Daomu, let us go, we don't want that bronze treasure."

Tianhu Lin Yang said loudly.

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