My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and twelve go out

"Tianhu Linyang, you're crazy..."

"We join forces..."

As soon as Tianhu Lin Yang's voice fell, before Daomu spoke, the Red Dragon and Cyclops said loudly.

It's just that the two of them were silent before they finished speaking.

They found that Tianhu Linyang was also in the mouth of the giant flower, and even looked a little more miserable than them.

The hearts of the red dragon and the one-eyed giant turned around. Although the bronze utensil was good, their lives were even more precious.

The two also quickly recognized the situation and acquiesced to the words of Tianhu Lin Yang.

Daomu let them go, and they gave up fighting for the bronze utensil.


It was Daomu's contemptuous laughter that responded to them.

Tianhu Linyang's heart sank quickly, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Daomu didn't speak, but the scarlet giant flower was grinding, and his teeth were like saws, and he wanted to saw off the bodies of the three.

All three were under those teeth, and naturally they noticed the abnormality immediately, and their faces changed drastically.

"Daomu, what do you want to do?"

The red dragon yelled loudly, and at the same time, the half of the dragon's body exposed outside the mouth of the giant flower twisted frantically, constantly hitting the petals.

The green immortal essence surged on the petals, and ripples swayed.

"Are you going to violate the tacit agreement and attack us?"

The Cyclops pulled the petals with both hands and struggled violently.

"Don't take chances, Daomu obviously wants to kill us."

Tianhu Lin Yang said solemnly.

"Don't keep it, or we'll all die."

"How dare he."

The red dragon was still a little hesitant.

"Kill us,

Pushed to the human race, who knows that he did it. "

Tianhu Lin Yang said coldly.

A flash of panic flashed in the eyes of the Red Dragon and Cyclops, and only then did they realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Joint attack."

Tianhu Lin Yang said again.

Both the Red Dragon and the Cyclops nodded silently.

A red dragon flame, a khaki beam of light, and the three wings of Tianhu Lin Yang hit the giant flower at the same time.

Boom, boom.

The sound rolls like thunder, and the four-color power rolls like a giant wave.

The giant scarlet flower trembled violently, and then three petals fell off from above.

That's all.

The giant flower's teeth were clenched tightly without loosening in the slightest.

The three looking forward to the eyes could not help but stagnate.

Daomu looked at this scene, and his eyes were full of ridicule.

The three are indeed working together, no doubt about that.

With the blessing of the rudimentary form of martial arts, Daomu is not afraid at all.

Unless the three are willing to work hard, they can still pose some threats to him.

But will the three fight for each other?

Obviously not possible.

Daomu also recognized this point, and had the courage to use the prototype to win the three in one fell swoop.

After all, the prototype of martial arts is extremely important. Once injured, it will affect subsequent cultivation.

After using the prototype of martial arts to win three opponents in one fell swoop, Daomu's attention shifted to the bronze utensil not far away.

That bronze treasure is his now.

Daomu stretched out his hand, and Xianyuan wrapped the bronze utensil over.

Holding the bronze utensil in his hand, Daomu began to study what kind of treasure this bronze utensil was.


in the bronze vessel space.

"So powerful, it is indeed the prototype of the law."

Hu Jinhua sighed with emotion, having witnessed all the whole process, he felt that in front of the rudimentary form of the Dharma, he had no resistance at all.

Ye Huan looked at the huge scarlet flower, but frowned slightly.

Perhaps he sensed it wrong, and the rudimentary form of martial arts was not as powerful as he imagined.

Ye Huan's thoughts moved, and the figure disappeared. He wanted to feel the power of the rudimentary form.

"Boss, the bronze utensil has fallen into the hands of that wood, how should we get out."

Hu Jinhua said worriedly.

Daomu is so powerful, wouldn't they have no time to come forward.

Hu Jinhua finished speaking, but did not hear a response.

"The boss won't be hit hard, right?"

There was no response, Hu Jinhua thought worriedly, and at the same time looked at Ye Huan's location, thinking about how to comfort Ye Huan.

But Hu Jinhua, who turned his head, was suddenly stunned.

Ye Huan's original location was empty.

Ye Huan was gone.

Where has the boss gone?

Hu Jinhua panicked immediately.

After seeing the power of the rudimentary form of Dao Mu's dharma, Ye Huan became the only pillar in Hu Jinhua's heart.

The boss is the owner of the bronze vessel. As long as the boss is still there, even if Daomu gets the bronze vessel, it is useless.

After all, it is not so easy to refine a magic weapon with a master.

But now Ye Huan is gone.

At this moment, Hu Jinhua saw Ye Huan's figure.

But when he saw Ye Huan's familiar figure, Hu Jinhua didn't have the slightest joy.

Some are just horror.

Yes, horror.

Hu Jinhua only felt a biting coolness swept from the tiger's head to the tiger's tail.

The chill made his entire body froze.

Yes, it's so creepy.

So much so that Hu Jinhua was restored to his original body without knowing it.

Hu Jinhua stared at the scene in the bronze vessel space with a pair of tiger eyes.

It was in that scene that Hu Jinhua saw Ye Huan's figure.

Ye Huan went out from the bronze vessel space.

And it appeared opposite Daomu, face to face with Daomu.

Looking at this speechless scene, Hu Jinhua only had one thought in his heart at this moment.

That is dead.

After seeing the power of Daomu, Hu Jinhua did not think that Ye Huan, who was only at the fourth level of Star Liquid Realm, would be Daomu's opponent.

After all, Daomu is number 50 on the Little Fanxing List, and he is a powerful existence with the rudimentary form of Dharma.

Hu Jinhua was at a loss at this moment.


Ye Huan came out of the bronze vessel space, and appeared in front of Daomu abruptly, which would definitely reveal the speciality of the bronze vessel.

Daomu is not a fool.

After Daomu killed Ye Huan, he would definitely study the bronze vessel carefully, and he would definitely be exposed.

Hu Jinhua didn't think he would survive at that time.

certain death.

In this state, Hu Jinhua's eyes suddenly widened.

He looked at the scene in the space of the bronze vessel in disbelief.

Ye Huan took action.

Ye Huan made a move.

Ye Huan actually took the initiative to attack Daomu.

Hu Jinhua's heart that was like still water suddenly re-emerged, and the first time he came up was a rhetorical question.

Looking at such a picture in the bronze vessel space, Hu Jinhua didn't know how to describe his boss.

Is the ignorant fearless?

Still don't know how to live?

Even if you don't know the power of the rudimentary form of the law, you should have seen it just now.

In this case, it was even harder to go up.

It's not a problem with the head iron anymore.

So he clearly has steel in his head.

Hu Jinhua was speechless, how could he recognize such a boss.

He had some doubts about his intelligence.

"fuck me"

Hu Jinhua suddenly exploded, and the tiger's mouth opened wide, and it was about to crack, but he didn't notice it at all.

A pair of tiger eyes stared at the scene in the bronze vessel space, filled with confusion and confusion, as well as the joy of the rest of his life.

How did the boss do it! ?

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