My Eyes Are Mutated

The five hundred and thirteenth chapter is like a gap like a ravine

Astral region, somewhere.

A huge scarlet flower swayed slightly, and the flower looked a little illusory.

But the chewing sound was very real. Between the teeth of the scarlet giant flower, there were three ten thousand races with extremely painful expressions.

Tianhu Linyang, Honglong and other three were struggling frantically.

The scarlet petals were torn apart occasionally, but returned to their original shape in the next instant.

In front of the scarlet flower, Daomu was looking over and over with a bronze vessel.

Daomu tried to transport Xianyuanchao into the bronze utensil, but was blocked back.

That bronze utensil is like a stubborn stone, and it does not accept any immortal essence at all.


Daomu took out a dagger from his body, ready to try bloodletting.

Daomu lowered his head, holding a dagger, ready to attack himself.

At this moment, a figure appeared between Daomu and the scarlet flower.

The figure was illusory at first, and then quickly solidified.

The Tianhu Lin Yang, who was fighting back frantically, was stunned when he saw this scene, and then his five eyes were full of expectations.

That figure appeared at this time, obviously with bad intentions.

As long as that figure and Daomu conflict, it is an opportunity for them.

The three counterattacks became more and more crazy. They were covering the figure, so that Daomu could not notice the abnormality, and at the same time, they were paying close attention to everything about the figure.

human race.

is a human race.

That figure is a human race.

The three let go of the last trace of concern in their hearts.

If it is a human race, it is absolutely impossible to get together with Daomu.

In the hearts of the three, this moment is full of unprecedented hope.

Only when I feel the realm of that figure,

The violent movements of the three could not help but stagnate.

The hope in my heart is like being shrouded in endless darkness, and it is instantly silent.

Star Liquid Realm Four Layers.

Just kidding!

This is a human race that came out of nowhere, and only the fourth level of the Star Liquid Realm dared to come to the Star Liquid Realm area of ​​the Xinghe Yuan Mansion.

Isn't he looking for death!

No, courting death is not like courting death.

The three didn't even bother to move, and they didn't bother to help cover up.

It's useless, it's just a food delivery.

"That figure is Ye Huan."

The red dragon looked at the figure in amazement.

"Ye Huan, which Ye Huan?"

The Cyclops was a little puzzled.

"You're talking about the Ye Huan wanted by the three great clans. He's not in the Xinghe region, how could he..."

Tianhu Lin Yang's words stopped abruptly here, the tiger face was full of inconceivable Ye Huan's figure that looked completely solid.

Not only Tianhu Lin Yang, but also the Red Dragon and Cyclops looked at Ye Huan with warm and greedy eyes.

When Ye Huan entered the Xinghe Yuan Mansion, he was only at the Xinghe Realm, but in just two months, his cultivation had risen to the fourth level of the Xinghe Realm.

The speed at which this cultivation base has improved is really too fast.

Ye Huan must have some secrets.

All three looked at Ye Huan extremely greedily, thinking of taking Ye Huan's opportunity as their own, and even forgot their own situation for a while.

At this time, the dagger that Daomu rubbed his fingers stopped, and he also noticed the abnormality.

There was actually an aura of the fourth level of the Star Liquid Realm in the field.

Daomu raised his head and looked towards the location where the breath was, but there was no panic.

It's just a mere four-layer star-liquid warrior.

After seeing Ye Huan's face clearly, Daomu was stunned for a moment, and then a brilliant smile appeared on his face.

"Ye Huan!?"

There was indescribable joy in Daomu's voice.

"It seems that God really treats me well."

Speaking, Daomu first looked at the bronze utensil in his hand, and then looked at Ye Huan.

His eyes were blazing like two little suns.

Ye Huan was not in the Star Liquid Realm when he entered the Xinghe Yuan Mansion, but in just two months, his cultivation level has soared to the fourth level of the Star Liquid Realm.

The speed of this cultivation base can no longer be described as a genius, it is simply a monster.

Ye Huan must have a big secret, and that secret might not be smaller than that bronze utensil.

Moreover, Ye Huan, who was at the fourth level of the Star Liquid Realm, could quietly appear beside him, making him unaware, and Daomu had already noticed something.

Taking Ye Huan down, maybe he can figure out how to use the bronze utensil.

"Ye Huan, tell me how to use this bronze utensil, and I'll give you a treat."

Daomu looked at Ye Huandao.

Ye Huan looked at the Daomu who had decided on him, and shook his head helplessly.

Originally, I wanted to feel the power of the rudimentary form of the law, but it seemed that I had no chance.

In the mouth of the scarlet flower, the three red dragons began to struggle again.

To get out of trouble, the three felt that relying on themselves was much more reliable than Ye Huan.

Ye Huan's figure flashed and he took the initiative to attack Daomu.

Looking at this scene, Tianhu, Lin Yang and Honglong couldn't help but stagnate, opening their mouths and looking at Ye Huan silently.

Is this the fearlessness of the ignorant?

He has never seen such a rush to find death.

They have all fallen into this field, and they are still fighting for their lives.

Daomu's body lit up with a rich green immortal essence, and he looked at Ye Huan with a smile, neither dodging nor fighting back.

He wanted Ye Huan to clearly feel the gap between the two. That huge gap made Ye Huan feel desperate.

In this way, some of his follow-up methods can only be effective when they are applied to Ye Huan.

Looking at Daomu's style, Ye Huan became even more helpless.

Originally, I wanted to experience the power of the rudimentary form of the Fa, but why is it so difficult.

As for showing mercy, Ye Huan said it was impossible.

Since it is an enemy, we must kill it with all our strength.

In the dantian space, the galaxy is surging, and the stars in the acupoints bloom with dazzling rays of light. The power of nearly four million acupoints is surging in the galaxy, ready to launch a thunderous strike at any time.

Not only that, for the sake of safety, the muscles in Ye Huan's body were squirming, and the physical strength of the 1.6 million orifices was also ready to be released, all of which gathered on the right arm, ready to be released through the right fist.

In front of Daomu, Ye Huan smashed his fist towards Daomu.

"Ye Huan, you are very talented, but strength not only requires genius, but also the accumulation of time. Let you experience for yourself the huge gap between you and me."

Facing Ye Huan's punch, Daomu not only did not have any intention of evading, but took the initiative to meet Ye Huan's fist.

He wants Ye Huan to experience what despair is.

In this way, under the initiative of Daomu, Ye Huan's punch fell very easily on Daomu's protective immortal essence.

Daomu still had a smile on his face at this time, looking at Ye Huan who was close at hand with incomparable ease and splendor.

"How is it, now I feel the huge gap between you and me, let's capture it..."

Daomu persuaded Ye Huan.

Right at this moment, Ye Huan's poised attack broke out.

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