My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 516 Immortal King Wrath

Daomu is the direct line of Daomu Immortal King, and he was given the name Daomu, which shows the ardent hope of Daomu Immortal King for Daomu.

And Daomu did not disappoint the Daomu Immortal King. He cultivated to the sixth level of the star liquid realm at a young age, and even achieved the prototype of the law.

Although this achievement cannot be compared with those peerless monsters in the Immortal Race, it is quite remarkable.

The Immortal Race has not suffered much loss in the Star Liquid Realm area, which proves that the Immortal Race is in a good situation in the Star Liquid Realm area.

Occasionally it is still possible to die one or two ordinary immortal races, how could a genius like Daomu die as soon as he comes up.

Dao Muhua thought so, blinked his eyes, and then looked at the star lamp on the side of the immortal clan again.

Daomu's originally shining star lamp was dim at this time.

went out.

Dao Muhua took a deep breath and looked again with a calm concentration.

Daomu's star lamp is still extinguished.

Dao Muhua's face suddenly changed.

After watching so many times in a row, the star lamp of Daomu was extinguished.

This is definitely not his mistake, there is only one possibility.

Domu is really dead.

"Immortal King, Daomu Immortal King, something happened to Daomu."

After confirming, Dao Muhua did not dare to neglect, and immediately spoke up.

"What's the matter, so panic."

A majestic voice sounded, and Dao Muhua of the Dao Muxian Dynasty looked dissatisfied.

It was just a look, but Dao Muhua felt like a mountain was oppressing him, and he couldn't even speak for a while.

Dao Muhua raised his right hand with difficulty and pointed to the area where the immortal race placed the star lamp of the star-liquid warrior.

Immortal King Daomu's eyes were like electricity, and he swept over.

With just one glance, Daomu Immortal King saw Daomu's dim starlight.

Daomu's star lamp went out.

Immortal King Daomu disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Daomu's star lamp.

Daomu Immortal King stood in front of Daomu's extinguished star lamp, with no expression on his face, as indifferent as a stone.


A voice sounded.

Dao Muhua shuddered, as if he was being targeted by some beast, and said quickly.

"just now"

After listening to Dao Muhua's words, Daomu Immortal King's eyes like cold electricity quickly looked towards the area where other tribes placed the star lamps of the star-liquid realm warriors.

Daomu Immortal King believes that with Daomu's strength, if other tribes want to kill Daomu, they always have to pay some price.

Therefore, at this time, the race with the star lights out is the most suspicious.

Whoever dares to kill his descendants will pay the price.

What happened on the side of the Immortal Race, other races naturally noticed it.

Everyone was a little speechless, never expecting such a thing to happen at this time.

Some races are paying attention to the changes of their own star lights, secretly praying that it will not be done by their own race.

Daomu Immortal King is not easy to get along with.

In this atmosphere, a star lamp on the Dragon Clan side went out.

Swish, swish, swish...

In an instant, all eyes looked towards the dragon clan.

Under the starry sky, the dragon clan has always been the leader of the immortal clan.

What is the situation now, the next generation of the Immortal and Dragon Clan actually started working in the Xinghe Yuan Mansion?

Some races are puzzled, some are worried, and some are secretly happy to see it happen.

The human race belongs to the obvious.

"The White Dragon King, you did a good job, and the dragon clan is one of the four major clans."

The Tang King suddenly said loudly and looked at the White Dragon King with a look on his face that I understand your expression.

Regardless of whether he did it from the Dragon Clan or not, put it on the Dragon Clan's head first. For the King of Tang Dynasty, the Dragon Clan is not an ally of the Human Clan anyway, so naturally the more chaotic the better.

The White Dragon King's face changed slightly, and he glared at the Datang King fiercely, but the White Dragon King knew that this was not the time to have the same knowledge as the Datang King.

The White Dragon King hurriedly looked at the Daomu Immortal King, just in time to meet the indifferent and emotionless gaze of the Daomu Immortal King.

"Immortal King Daomu, don't listen to the king of Tang Dynasty to provoke discord. My dragon clan is guided by the horse of the immortal clan, and this will never change."

The White Dragon King quickly explained.

His dragon clan can have its current status only by relying on the immortal clan. Once he offends the immortal clan, the fate of the dragon clan will never be good.

Daomu Immortal King did not speak, but looked at the dragon clan indifferently.

"Immortal King Daomu, if it was really made by my dragon clan, with Daomu's strength, my dragon clan would not die only one."

The White Dragon King hurriedly said again.

Immortal King Daomu's indifferent gaze fluctuated a little, and he still agreed with the reason given by the White Dragon King.

If it was really the hand of the dragon race, the dragon race should not have killed only one dragon.

Immortal King Daomu looked at other areas again.

Watching this scene, the White Dragon King breathed a sigh of relief, and finally resolved this crisis.

The King of Tang looked at this scene and felt a little regretful, but didn't say anything more.

Dragons died a little too little.

No one who can become a powerhouse in the main star realm is a fool. At this time, it will be counterproductive to push the dragon clan too hard.

At this moment, two more star lights went out at almost the same time.

One is from the Cyclops family.

The other one is from the Tianhu family.


Another look at the past.

Immortal King Daomu's gaze couldn't help but look towards the two clans.

The Tianhu clan and the Cyclops clan all complained secretly.

How can he not die sooner or later, but rush to die at this time.

The powerhouses of the two clans are thinking about how to deal with Daomu Immortal King.

The star lights of the four went out at almost the same time, which does not prove anything, it may just be a coincidence.

The powerhouses of the two races are ready to explain from this aspect.

This is also the easiest to explain.

clap, clap, clap...

Without waiting for the two strongmen to speak, at this moment, a loud slap sounded.

In an instant, it attracted a lot of attention.

Seeing that it was the King of the Tang Dynasty, the White Dragon King's dragon heart suddenly burst, and there was a bad feeling.

"Wonderful, wonderful, really wonderful, really a big play."

King Datang said while clapping his hands.

"The Immortals, Dragons, Cyclops, and Tianhus teamed up to hunt for treasure, and then found a peerless treasure, so they turned against each other, and after a fight, they all perished together."

The King of Tang Dynasty was full of admiration and amazement, as if all this was his personal experience.

After listening to the words of King Datang, some races moved slightly in their hearts, but there is such a possibility.

When the White Dragon King heard this, a dragon's face immediately turned black.

The King of the Tang Dynasty vowed not to give up until the Dragon Clan was involved.

Immortal King Daomu's indifferent gaze swept past the dragon clan, the one-eyed giant clan, and the Tianhu clan in turn, and the voice without any emotion rang out.

"I need an explanation."

With that said, a star appeared behind Immortal King Daomu, and a terrifying aura quickly spread out.

(520, thank you for your continued support!)

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