My Eyes Are Mutated

Five hundred and seventeenth chapter engage in a wave

The star was extremely huge, with shadows and shadows on the stars, and there were huge plants all over the place.

It was a giant flower full of ferocious teeth.

If Ye Huan was here, he would have found that the rudimentary form of Daomu's Dharma was very similar to the plants on Daomu Xianwang Xingchen.

It's just that the plants on Daomu Xianwang's stars are more ferocious and larger.

The star turned slowly, faintly coming to this world from another world.

Looking at the ferocious giant flowers, some warriors felt chills all over their bodies, as if they were about to be swallowed by the giant flowers.

The main star realms of all races have taken action to protect their own races, and those non-main star realm warriors can't resist the imposing manner of Daomu Immortal King.

The main star realm powerhouses of the Dragon Clan, Cyclops Clan and Tianhu Clan all complained secretly.

How to explain this.

But they still have to explain, they can't really conflict with Daomu Immortal King!

The White Dragon King looked at the Immortal King Xuanji, and now he could only ask for help.

"Daomu, put this matter aside for now, don't let some people succeed."

Immortal King Xuanji looked at Immortal King Daomu and said.


Since the Daomu Immortal King gave this name to the descendant of Daomu, only a few people dare to call the Daomu Immortal King's name directly.

Immortal King Daomu glanced at Immortal King Xuanji, and the star behind him slowly disappeared.

The White Dragon King could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Did not fight.

The Tang King sighed and looked disappointed.

Looking at the White Dragon King, he could not wait to beat the Tang King violently.

However, the White Dragon King only dared to think about it in his heart, he would not dare to face the Tang King alone.

Look at the place where the human race of the White Dragon Dynasty placed the star lamp of the Star Liquid Realm Martial Artist.

Looking forward to the death of the star liquid human race at this time.

In this way, he can take this opportunity to make a good mockery of the Tang King and take revenge first.

Of course, it would be better if all nine could die at the same time.

At the same time of revenge, get back the shards of stars.

To the disappointment of the White Dragon King, none of the star lights in the Human Star Liquid Realm went out.

The White Dragon King plans to go bankrupt, and he can only hold it in one breath.


Galaxy Abyss Mansion.

in the bronze vessel space.

Ye Huan stared at the starry liquid that was refined.

Eight thousand strands of star mysterious liquid.

After refining the flesh and blood of the four, Ye Huan obtained a total of 8,000 strands of star mysterious liquid.

This is incomparable in the Galaxy Realm area, and it is many times higher.

Ye Huan had been worrying about how to collect Xingchen Profound Liquid, but at this moment, his heart was severely stimulated.

There is still time, maybe we can harvest a wave first.

Ye Huan looked out of the bronze vessel, and Hu Jinhua, who was watching from the side, was taken aback by that look.

Hu Jinhua looked out of the bronze vessel, and couldn't help but feel sorry for the ten thousand races in the Star Liquid Realm area.

After being targeted by Ye Huan, the big devil, he ended up—oh, maybe he didn't end.


Xinghe Abyss Mansion, somewhere in the Star Liquid Realm area.

A huge vitality vortex appeared, and a vague bronze object could be seen in the center of the vitality vortex.

The object floated and sank in the center of the vitality vortex, and was rapidly swallowing the vitality.

in the bronze vessel space.

Yuan Qi liquid poured down like pouring rain.

The water level of the vitality lake is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's just that the attention of the person and the tiger in the bronze vessel space is not on those vitality liquids at all.

One person and one tiger have four eyes all staring at the big screen in the bronze vessel space.

After killing Daomu and others over there, Ye Huan drove the bronze vessel forward for about a hundred miles, and then naturally he repeated the old trick.

Looking at the vortex of vitality that was devoured by the bronze vessel outside, Ye Huan was actually very uneasy in his heart.

Whether it can successfully harvest a wave depends on whether it can be successful this time.

When the diameter of the vitality vortex outside was less than ten miles, five figures appeared on the big screen in the bronze vessel space, and those five figures were quickly flying towards the vitality vortex.

The moment he saw the five figures, Ye Huan's uneasy mood immediately calmed down, and a smile appeared on his face.

The bait of the bronze dish is still very useful.

Soon, the six figures stayed not far from the bronze vessel, and the six figures belonged to the four clans, staring at each other on alert.

Judging from the movement just now, that bronze utensil is clearly a peerless treasure, and such a treasure cannot be cheap to others.

Six figures surrounded the bronze vessel in the center, no one wanted to speak for a while, and it was unusually quiet.

In the bronze vessel space, after watching the scene, Hu Jinhua couldn't help but roll over the huge tiger's eyes, unable to complain.

Those guys are all guarding each other, but they turn a blind eye to the biggest threat beside them.

After a stalemate for a while, those guys finally got impatient.

When the bronze utensil was born, the movement was not small. Who knows if it was noticed by other races, and there are many dreams in the night. It is safer to get the bronze utensil as soon as possible.

The six figures obviously thought of one place, and they fought fiercely in an instant.

In the bronze vessel space, Ye Huan watched this scene and smiled, the galaxy surging, and Xing Yuan poured into the bronze vessel, directly urging the bronze vessel.

An incomparably powerful suction was suddenly released from the bronze vessel.

The six figures who were fighting fiercely were caught off guard, and fell into the bronze vessel like a moth to a flame.

As soon as the six figures entered the bronze vessel space, a pile of fire was waiting.

After controlling the bronze vessel to swallow the six figures, the blue brilliance flashed, and Ye Huan drove the bronze vessel to another place.

The fire was refining the six figures, and Ye Huan controlled the bronze vessel to devour the vitality of the Star Liquid Realm area.

How to go fishing without making a little noise.

Not long after, several more figures flew over quickly.

The previous scene was staged again, and the figures turned into small black dots and disappeared into the bronze vessel.

With a flash of blue light, the bronze vessel disappeared in place.


Ye Huan controlled the bronze vessel to fly around irregularly in the Astral Liquid Realm area, devouring a large amount of vitality every time he went.

There are treasure hunters who sense the movement. After finding them, those people will disappear into the bronze vessel like those vitality.

On the first day of entering the Star Liquid Realm area, Ye Huan spent in this busy state.

Night falls.

However, Ye Huan had no plans to rest. After all, time was running out, and he had to hurry up and finish what he had to do.

With a flash of brilliance, Ye Huan came out of the bronze vessel space, closing his eyes and carefully sensing the change in the concentration of vitality in the space.

After confirming again and again and finding that there was almost no change in the concentration of vitality in the space, Ye Huan breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, with the previous lessons learned, Ye Huan didn't want to make too much noise and be noticed by others.

Since the concentration of vitality has not changed, then he can let go of his hands and feet to make a wave.

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