My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and twenty seventh adequate preparation

In the galaxy, the stars twinkled, and the rich and pure stars flowed among the stars.


Looking at the galaxy flowing above his head, Hu Jinhua directly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.


He could clearly feel the power of that galaxy.

If that galaxy falls, it can crush many of him.

What is the boss going to do? Are you going to use the galaxy to attack the immortals outside?

Looking at the galaxy above his head, Hu Jinhua couldn't help but flash such questions in his mind.

Although the Galaxy attack is powerful, is it a bit too risky?

When Hu Jinhua was thinking about whether to persuade Ye Huan, he happened to see Ye Huan's follow-up operation.

He couldn't help but secretly stunned, feeling that he was still too simple.

On the top of the head, the stars in the hole of the Xinghe Acupuncture point flickered, the stars in the hole in the hole in the hole disappeared inexplicably, and the stars in the hole hole became dim.

Seeing this scene, Hu Jinhua couldn't understand where the disappeared Xingyuan went.

From the very beginning, the boss of his family was not prepared to fight with Xinghe, and keeping Xinghe out of his body was probably just to deliver Xingyuan to the bronze vessel faster.

The 3,600 orifice acupoints and stars dimmed almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking at the 3,600 orifice acupuncture stars that dimmed, Hu Jinhua kept swallowing.

This was the first time he had seen the exact number of acupoints and stars possessed by Ye Huan.

With so many acupoints and stars, and with such a terrifying cultivation speed, once Ye Huan grows up...

Thinking of this, Hu Jinhua's breathing became heavier.

No matter what, he must firmly hug Ye Huan's big thick leg.

At this moment, Hu Jinhua watched the dim galaxy in the sky sway and plunged into the huge vitality lake below like a long dragon.

In the dim galaxy, the stars in the apertures twinkle, every time they twinkle,

Acupoints and stars will light up one point.

Xinghe is absorbing the vitality in the vitality lake to restore the star that has just been depleted.

At the other end of the galaxy, the recovered star element is condensing and can be called at any time.

Looking at this scene, Hu Jinhua only felt that the skin on the tiger's head was numb.

The boss of his own family is too goofy.

With the intention to calculate the unintentional, he even prepared a series of backhands.

Fortunately, I was caught by the boss at that time, and I didn't become the boss's enemy, otherwise I would not dare to close my eyes when sleeping.

At this moment, Hu Jinhua's mind was turning over and over again with only this thought, and his happiness.

Then Hu Jinhua saw the fifteen immortals on the huge screen of the bronze vessel.

Once upon a time, when he saw the fifteen immortal races, his heart was still full of anxiety, and he felt that Ye Huan was playing a bit too big, don't capsize.

But at this moment, he no longer has any anxiety, and some are just sympathy for the fifteen immortals.

Encountering such a stubborn enemy as the boss of his own family, he deserves the misfortune of the immortal race.

Hu Jinhua's gaze finally stayed on Xuan Jimu who was surrounded by a group of immortals, and he never moved away for a long time.

Hu Jinhua doesn't feel pity for Xuanjimu anymore, but pity Xuanjimu.

Judging from Xuanjimu's previous series of measures, Xuanjimu has always been on deep guard against bronze vessels.

However, a mountain is still a mountain high. In this silent and invisible confrontation, Xuan Jimu is afraid that this time he will lose a bottom.

It's not that Xuan Jimu doesn't work hard, but the enemy is too terrifying.

Hu Jinhua recalled Ye Huan's previous actions, and couldn't help taking a breath.


All of this is probably in Ye Huan's calculations.

No matter how vigilant Xuanjimu is towards the bronze vessel, as long as Xuanjimu has a trace of greed towards the bronze vessel and doesn't throw away the bronze vessel, then Ye Huan's strategy will be fulfilled.

Hu Jinhua looked at Ye Huan and felt that his previous series of choices were simply too right.


Outside the bronze vessel.

Xuan Jimu and his group continued to move forward, while looking for the same clan, they also continued to search for opportunities in the Xinghe Yuan Mansion.

At this moment, Xuanjimu and his party of immortals walked to a huge lake.

Some immortals frequently turned their eyes to the lake. Immortals were very keen on beautiful things. Some immortals even picked up a photo stone or a photo talisman and left a shadow by the lake.

Xuan Jimu watched this scene, but did not stop it, just let his family relax and move on.

Right at this moment, Xuan Jimu felt uncomfortable for a while, as if something bad was about to happen.


Xuan Jimu said loudly, and at the same time the immortal essence surged in his body, and the gray-green immortal essence enveloped the whole body in an instant.

Xuan Jimu had this feeling several times before, and every time he saved him.

Therefore, Xuan Jimu has no doubts about this feeling of himself.

When the other immortal races heard Xuan Jimu's words, they acted immediately, immortal essence surged, their figures flickered, and an external defensive formation was formed in an instant.

The main object of defense for the immortals is the huge lake in front.

They have detected other directions before, and the most likely danger is the lake in front.

A group of immortals stared at the huge lake in front of them, guarding against possible dangers.

One second, two seconds...

Soon half a minute passed, the lake was still quiet, the scenery was still fascinating, and nothing disharmonious appeared.

Some immortals couldn't help but look at Xuanjimu, with consultation in their eyes.

Where is the danger?

"Continue to be on guard."

Xuan Jimu was unmoved at all, and he still had no doubts about his own feeling.

Soon, another minute and a half passed.

Still nothing happened.

The more and more the immortals looked, they became restless, what is the situation, there is no danger.

"Master, should I go check it out?"

Mu Shan was scolded by other immortals and said.

After all, if there is no danger, they have to remain on alert all the time. Wouldn't it be a waste of time. If you have that time, you might as well take a few more photos by the lake.

"Okay, be careful."

Xuan Jimu opened the mouth and said, his own vigilance was not slack at all.

Mu Shan and another immortal clan came out and began to detect the situation around them.

At the beginning, the two immortals were still cautious, but as time passed, there was no danger. The two immortals also relaxed, and the speed of the detective was getting faster and faster.

Soon the two immortals explored the surrounding area, and even the two immortals of the lake in front flew over to investigate.

There was no danger, and they were not aware of any danger.

"Sir, I didn't notice any danger."

Mu Shan flew back and reported the situation to Xuan Ji Mu.

Looking at Xuan Jimu who was still on full alert, Mu Shan also murmured in his heart.

Since the bronze utensil was obtained, Xuan Jimu has acted a little too cautiously.

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